RE: Tomcat 5.5.28 on 64 bit windows server 2008.

2011-08-23 Thread eurotrans-Verlag

> -Original Message-
> From: Jeffrey Janner []
> Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 5:35 PM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.5.28 on 64 bit windows server 2008.
> Allow me to clear that up:
> 1) If no "address=" parameter is given in the  when running
> under Windows 2008/Vista/7, then the APR will only bind to the IPv6
> "any" address of [::] for the specified port.
> 2) If you need IPv4 support under APR, you will need to either specify
> the "address=" parameter to get the IPv4 "any" address, or
> specify the actual IP address to listen on.
> 3) If you need to support both IPv4 & IPv6, you will need to set up two
> connectors, one for each protocol.
> 4) This only applies if you are using the APR/native libraries.
> This was originally discussed on this list in May of 2010, and I think
> this was determined to be due to Microsoft deciding to implement two
> protocol stacks, but no one was exactly sure.
> Also, this only applies to APR/native version 1.1.12 and later, but I
> doubt anyone really wants to use the earlier versions any more.

This seems to only apply to Tomcat 5.5.x, however. When Tomcat 7.0.20 and
Tomcat 6.0.33 are run on a Windows 2008 machine without editing the config
and using the (default) HTTP-APR / AJP-APR connectors, they only bind to the
IPv4 "any" address. Only Tomcat 5.5.x binds to the IPv6 address, by default.
Maybe 7.0.x and 6.0.x have been changed to use the IPv4 any address by
default with the APR connectors, but not 5.5.x.

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RE: Tomcat 5.5.28 on 64 bit windows server 2008.

2011-08-21 Thread eurotrans-Verlag

> -Original Message-
> From: Venkata Surapaneni []
> Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 12:26 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.5.28 on 64 bit windows server 2008.
> And on top of this all the log look clean. Nothing looks suspicious.
> ===
> =
> As suggested I have installed the latest version(5.5.33) of Tomcat
> 5.5.x. After installing I have typed in the browser 'http://localhost'
> to check if the tomcat is installed properly. The home page is
> displayed indicating that the installation is fine. Then I typed in ip
> address of the machine '' and page not found page is
> displayed. This is exactly the same problem why we have downgraded the
> version. There are no changes or customizations made  to the
> installation. It was default installation and the only change is to use
> port 80 instead of 8080.
> (...)

I see the same behavior when installing Tomcat 5.5.33 (Core) on Windows 7 32
bit. Without changing anything in the config nor other Tomcat files, after
starting Tomcat, http://localhost:8080/ works, whereas (the LAN IP) does not (Connecting to that port
fails). Note that also does not work.

>From looking at netstat, it looks like Tomcat is only binding to the IPv6
addresses, but not to IPv4 addresses, so can't work.
Netstat's output for the Tomcat process ("ABHÖREN" means "LISTENING"):
  TCP[::]:8009  [::]:0 ABHÖREN 3028
  TCP[::]:8080  [::]:0 ABHÖREN 3028

The default installation of Tomcat 5.5.33 uses Tomcat Native 1.1.20. After I
remove/rename the tcnative-1.dll in Tomcat's bin directory and restarting
Tomcat, now Tomcat binds also to IPv4 addresses and
(and the variant with the LAN IP) works.
  TCP0.0.0.0:8009  ABH™REN 3596
  TCP0.0.0.0:8080  ABH™REN 3596
  TCP[::]:8009  [::]:0 ABH™REN 3596
  TCP[::]:8080  [::]:0 ABH™REN 3596

With Tomcat 7.0.20 (using TC Native) and without changing anything in the
config, it seems to only bind to the IPv4 addresses, but no IPv6.
  TCP0.0.0.0:8009  ABH™REN 2864
  TCP0.0.0.0:8080  ABH™REN 2864

When using Tomcat 7.0.20 (without Native), it binds to IPv4 as well as IPv6
(like Tomcat 5.5.33 without Native).

However I could get TC 5.5.33 to bind on the IPv4 address, by adding the
"address" attribute to the  element in server.xml. Maybe you
could try this and see if it solves the problem?

However it seems a bit strange that TC 5.5.33 is only binding to the IPv6
addresses by default/using Native.


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: AJP-APR failures on Tomcat 7.0.16 with ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32

2011-08-03 Thread eurotrans-Verlag

> -Original Message-
> From: Christopher Schultz []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 6:15 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: AJP-APR failures on Tomcat 7.0.16 with ISAPI Redirector
> 1.2.32
> You should also null-out the reference to Tomcat's output stream.
> This would allow you to "leak" your own decorator objects but not
> interfere with Tomcat's ability to do it's own object management.
> Such a class would definitely be useful to post on the Wiki.

Hi Christopher,

thanks for your reply (and sorry for the delay).

What would be the best place to post such a class (plus the information about 
the ImageIO) on the Tomcat Wiki / is there any guide how to write articles 


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: AJP-APR failures on Tomcat 7.0.16 with ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32

2011-07-25 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi all,

> An alternative that I could imagine, would be to create a class (that has
> boolean flag) which extends OutputStream, and decorates another
> that is given to the class in the constructor (that would be the
> OutputStream from the servlet's response). This class would pass all calls
> to it to the other OutputStream (as long as the flag is true), and as soon
> as close() or another special method is called, it sets the flag to false,
> which causes all other methods to do nothing (or throw an IOException).
> way, Tomcat's OutputStream would also be protected from future calls
> from the ImageIO.

I now use a OutputStream decorator like this when calling ImageIO.write():

public class ImageIOBetterOutputStream extends OutputStream {
private OutputStream out; // the actual stream
private volatile boolean isActive = true;

public ImageIOBetterOutputStream (OutputStream out) {
this.out = out;

public void close() throws IOException {
if (isActive) {
isActive = false; // deactivate
try {
} finally {
out = null;

public void flush() throws IOException {
// do nothing

public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (isActive) {
out.write(b, off, len);

[...] (overwrite the other methods the same way)

That way, I don't have to use a ByteArrayOutputStream to buffer the contents
in memory, and Tomcat's OutputStream is also protected from future calls to
flush() from the ImageIO (I just have to make sure that the call to close()
is inside a finally-block). (If flush() is the only method that the ImageIO
calls after an IOException, it probably would be enough to overwrite flush()
only). Since I'm using this class as OutputStream for the ImageIO, there
also haven't been any more errors.

> I agree that this behavior of the ImageIO is very strange (flushing the
> OutputStream when the ImageWriter gets garbage-collected, if an
> was thrown when the IIO previously tried to write to the stream).
> However, it seems also a bit strange to me that Tomcat is recycling
> because in my understanding, once an OutputStream is closed, it should
> be impossible to do any further write() calls to it.
> May I ask, what is the particular reason for Tomcat to recycle
> OutputStreams?

Does anyone have a clue about this? I can understand recycling objects like
the Request/Response objects (e.g. if they contain lots of fields), but at
the moment I don't have an idea why it would be useful to recycle
OutputStream objects.

> Also, is there any hint to this on the Tomcat documentation/wiki? Because
> don't think it would be unusual to dynamically generate images and
> serve them to clients using the ImageIO, and I think it could be a bit
> frustrating to find the actual problem if one doesn't know this.

I couldn't find any hints about this in the Tomcat documentation/wiki, but I
think it should be mentioned somewhere. Of course, the behavior of the
ImageIO is strange, but Tomcat's recycling of OutputStreams enable the
errors when using the ImageIO.
If it is desired, maybe I could contribute something to this topic for


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: How to send binary data in a form field via Java

2011-07-15 Thread eurotrans-Verlag

> -Original Message-
> From: Paritosh Patel []
> Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 5:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: How to send binary data in a form field via Java
> I apologize in advance if this is not the correct mail list for such a
> question, but this is the closest one I could find.
> (I am using Tomcat 6.0.26 but my question is generic in nature)
> I have a Java client that talks to a servlet using several text fields.
> I now wanted to add a field that includes binary data (in this case a
> protocol buffer byte array). The data gets to the servlet, but the
> bytes are changed. Specifically, it appears that the encoding/decoding
> of bytes > 127 are not the same as the original bytes.

That's expected, because ASCII is only defined to byte 127. From byte 128,
the related characters differ by the used Encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1,...)

> The client specified content-type to be "application/x-www-form-
> urlencoded" right now, but I have tried several others. Then, for
> encoding, I have tried encoding the bytes using URLEncoder
>   ByteArrayOutputStream osBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
>   byte[] val = "..."  // My binary data
>   String valStr = new String((byte[]) val);
>   osBytes.write(URLEncoder.encode(valStr, "UTF-8").getBytes());

That is unreliable, because the bytes are converted to chars using the
platform's default charset. If that differs from the server's one, the bytes
will be decoded to other characters.

Have you tried to just Hex-encode the bytes when sending it to the server,
and decoding it on the server side? For example, if your byte[] array is {1,
99, 0, 255}, you could encode it to the hex string "016300FF", and then on
the server side, decode it to bytes.

However, a more efficient form would be to encode the bytes via Base64,
which will mean a increase in size of only 33% instead 100% (when
hex-encoding it).

Konstantin Preißer

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RE: AJP-APR failures on Tomcat 7.0.16 with ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32

2011-07-14 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi André,

> -Original Message-
> From: André Warnier []
> Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 1:00 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: AJP-APR failures on Tomcat 7.0.16 with ISAPI Redirector
> 1.2.32
> As a comment purely from a general programming point of view, not a
> Java/Tomcat
> programming point of view :
> I am not familiar with the ByteArrayOutputStream, but from your usage
> of it above it seems
> to be a buffer in memory to which one can write, and with a special
> "writeTo" method which
> must be an efficient way to copy its contents to another stream.
> If so, whether it is good practice or not would depend entirely on your
> particular
> circumstances : the size of the images you are handling this way, the
> number of
> simultaneous requests which you are handling, how much memory you have
> to play with, and
> how fast your CPU is.
> It is sometimes surprising to make the calculation.
> (...)
> So, compared to using the Response output stream directly, you would
> now use an additional
> (375 KB X 400) = 150,000 KB = about 150 MB additional Heap space
> That seems reasonable to me.
> But of course it would be a problem if you are currently running Tomcat
> with a 128 MB heap.
> Or if your images, instead of being 250 KB on average, would be 250 MB.
> Or if filling up - and reading back - the ByteArrayOutputStream was
> very inefficient and
> used up all your CPU time.
> On the other hand, the alternative is to have broken responses, so it
> may be better to add
> some RAM to the system.

Thanks for your long response.

Your assumption about ByteArrayOutputStream is correct: It buffers the
contents written to it in a byte array, which automatically grows if its
capacity is exceeded, by factor 2.

However I think the memory is not a big issue here, because the data that is
written to the ByteArrayOutputStream is the compressed version of an image
that is already in RAM, and that is usually much bigger than the compressed
form. For example, when I have a BufferedImage of 800x600 pixel and 24 bit
per pixel (TYPE_INT_RGB), it consumes 800*600*3 bytes = 1,37 MiB in memory.
The size of the compressed form varies from file type (JPEG, PNG, ...) and
the contents of the image, but if I would save it as JPEG for example, it
will only take about 200 KiB, which is much less than the uncompressed form
in the memory.

An alternative that I could imagine, would be to create a class (that has a
boolean flag) which extends OutputStream, and decorates another OutputStream
that is given to the class in the constructor (that would be the
OutputStream from the servlet's response). This class would pass all calls
to it to the other OutputStream (as long as the flag is true), and as soon
as close() or another special method is called, it sets the flag to false,
which causes all other methods to do nothing (or throw an IOException). That
way, Tomcat's OutputStream would also be protected from future calls from
the ImageIO.

I agree that this behavior of the ImageIO is very strange (flushing the
OutputStream when the ImageWriter gets garbage-collected, if an IOException
was thrown when the IIO previously tried to write to the stream). However,
it seems also a bit strange to me that Tomcat is recycling OutputStreams,
because in my understanding, once an OutputStream is closed, it should be
impossible to do any further write() calls to it.

May I ask, what is the particular reason for Tomcat to recycle


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: AJP-APR failures on Tomcat 7.0.16 with ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32

2011-07-13 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi Rainer,

> -Original Message-
> From: Rainer Jung []
> Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 12:17 AM
> At least there was trouble about Java2D for several users in the past.
> One such issue:
> but you might find more.
> Regards,
> Rainer

Thanks. In the meantime, I also came to that conclusion and replaced all
instances of

ImageIO.write(img, "PNG", response.getOutputStream())

in my servlets/webapps with something like

ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(img, "PNG", bout);

so that the ImageIO never sees the real OutputStream, and it seems to work
fine (no more IllegalStateExceptions or "wrong message format" errors in the
isapi log when using AJP-APR).

Is that a good practice (using ByteArrayOutputStream, then copy it to the
response) to dynamically generate Images and serve them to the clients?
Also, is there any hint to this on the Tomcat documentation/wiki? Because I
don't think it would be unusual to dynamically generate images and serve
them to clients using the ImageIO, and I think it could be a bit frustrating
to find the actual problem if one doesn't know this.


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: AJP-APR failures on Tomcat 7.0.16 with ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32

2011-07-12 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi André,

> -Original Message-
> From: André Warnier []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 9:25 PM
> Can you take a part of this setup out of the equation ?
> For example, at the moment you have
> browser <-> IIS <-> isapi_redir. <-> AJP Connector:8019 <->
> Tomcat+webapp
> Could you eliminate the IIS + Isapi_redir part, having Tomcat listen on
> port 80/HTTP, like
> this :
> browser <-> HTTP Connector:80 <-> Tomcat+webapp
> ?
> or like this, by using Apache httpd instead of IIS :
> browser <-> Apache <-> mod_jk <-> AJP Connector:8019 <-> Tomcat+webapp
> This may help pinpointing where the problem is, since you mentioned
> earlier that you can
> reproduce the problem by pressing F5 in Firefox.

Unfortunately, I can't replace IIS with Apache or direct Tomcat HTTP
connector, as that webapp is on a public server where also other websites
are hosted, using IIS.
But perhaps I can see if I can reproduce the problem in a virtual machine.

Please note that I could only reproduce the problems that occurred before
switching from AJP-APR to AJP-BIO. There I could reproduce them by pressing
and holding F5 in Firefox for some seconds, but after I switched to AJP-BIO,
that didn't worked. The error message I wrote in the last mail did I see
when I read the isapi logs today.

Today I also got another strange exception in Tomcat (I don't know if it has
anything to do with the AJP errors):

13.07.2011 00:13:51 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
SCHWERWIEGEND: Servlet.service() for servlet [hauptSeite.HauptServlet] in
context with path [] threw exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot create a session after the response
has been committed
at common.Common2.getSession(
at hauptSeite.HauptServlet.doThings(
at hauptSeite.HauptServlet.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpProcessor.process(

This appeared some minutes ago. I also have seen this Exception some times
on JSP pages, but not on a normal Servlet (for JSP pages, the stack trace
contained "at
65)" and that was before any custom JSP code).

This above error is from a WebApp that I use for hosting images. The stack
trace seems to indicate that a response has been committed before a session
is created, however I absolutely never send any response before creating a
session in that Servlet (I call response.getWriter() or
response.getOutputStream several lines after I call request.getSession(true)

Hmm, could it be that the Java ImageIO is re-using OutputStreams after
calling ImageIO.write(img, "PNG", out), so that I'm getting such a
IllegalStateException? (I think I read somewhere that Tomcat is recycling
OutputStream objects)
Maybe that could also explain the AJP errors I got.


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: AJP-APR failures on Tomcat 7.0.16 with ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32

2011-07-12 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
> However, when I switch to AJP BIO, it seems that the errors go away.

Although I now switched to AJP-BIO (by deleting/renaming tcnative-1.dll),
today morning I got an error again in the ISAPI log:

[Tue Jul 12 06:04:49.812 2011] [4124:2444] [error]
ajp_connection_tcp_get_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1296): wrong message format
0xdaed from
[Tue Jul 12 06:04:49.825 2011] [4124:2444] [error]
ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (2148): (worker1) Tomcat is down or network
problems. Part of the response has already been sent to the client

This is how the AJP connector is configured in Tomcat:

Any idea what could cause this errors?

I don't know it that matters, but with one webapp, I'm using COM4J to access
COM objects on the Windows system (but I want to get rid of it in the


Konstantin Preißer

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AJP-APR failures on Tomcat 7.0.16 with ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32

2011-07-10 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi all,

I have a system with Windows Server 2008 (32 bit), Sun/Oracle JDK 1.6.0_26
and I’m using Tomcat 7.0.16 with Tomcat Native 1.1.20, and IIS 7.0 with
ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32. For AJP, I use the AJP-APR connector.

Sometimes, when many requests are sent to a webapp in short time, some
requests fail, and the ISAPI log (log_level=error) says:

[Sun Jul 10 21:35:55.061 2011] [580:5032] [error]
ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (2187): (worker1) Tomcat already send headers
[Sun Jul 10 21:35:55.071 2011] [580:5032] [error]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2600): (worker1) sending request to tomcat
failed (unrecoverable),  (attempt=1)
[Sun Jul 10 21:35:55.080 2011] [580:5032] [error]
HttpExtensionProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (2261): service() failed with http
error 502
[Sun Jul 10 21:35:55.087 2011] [580:4776] [error]
ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (2187): (worker1) Tomcat already send headers
[Sun Jul 10 21:35:55.097 2011] [580:4776] [error]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2600): (worker1) sending request to tomcat
failed (unrecoverable),  (attempt=1)
[Sun Jul 10 21:35:55.104 2011] [580:4776] [error]
HttpExtensionProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (2261): service() failed with http
error 502
[Sun Jul 10 21:37:20.662 2011] [5696:3220] [error]
ajp_connection_tcp_get_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1296): wrong message format
0x3000 from
[Sun Jul 10 21:37:20.679 2011] [5696:3220] [error]
ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (2118): (worker1) Tomcat is down or refused
connection. No response has been sent to the client (yet)
[Sun Jul 10 21:42:56.105 2011] [580:5032] [error]
ajp_connection_tcp_get_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1296): wrong message format
0x3000 from
[Sun Jul 10 21:42:56.135 2011] [580:5032] [error]
ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (2118): (worker1) Tomcat is down or refused
connection. No response has been sent to the client (yet)
[Sun Jul 10 21:42:56.149 2011] [580:3100] [error]
ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (2187): (worker1) Tomcat already send headers
[Sun Jul 10 21:42:56.160 2011] [580:3100] [error]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2600): (worker1) sending request to tomcat
failed (unrecoverable),  (attempt=1)
[Sun Jul 10 21:42:56.168 2011] [580:3100] [error]
HttpExtensionProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (2261): service() failed with http
error 502
[Sun Jul 10 21:45:49.849 2011] [580:4532] [error]
ajp_connection_tcp_get_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1296): wrong message format
0x3000 from
[Sun Jul 10 21:45:49.867 2011] [580:4532] [error]
ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (2118): (worker1) Tomcat is down or refused
connection. No response has been sent to the client (yet)

However I didn't see any errors in the Tomcat logs.

I could reproduce the errors by pressing F5 in Firefox several seconds, so
that FF makes a lot of requests in a short time.

However, when I switch to AJP BIO, it seems that the errors go away.

Please note that I'm also using the Java ImageIO to produce and serve images
with some servlets. I think somewhere I read that using the ImageIO with APR
connectors could cause problems. Is this correct? If yes, does that mean
that I have to stick with the AJP BIO (or NIO?) connector, instead of AJP
APR; or does anybody know why there are these errors?


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: NPE at StandardWrapperValve.invoke() in Tomcat 7.0.16

2011-07-08 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi Christopher,

> The compiler must have gotten smarter than the last time I checked.

I'm sorry: I compiled that code with the Eclipse compiler. When compiling it 
with the Oracle Java compiler (javac), it prints out the line number of the 
Maybe if Tomcat was compiled with the standard Java compiler, it could be that 
on the NPE at StandardWrapperValve.invoke(), also "context" was null, like in 
the NPE at StandardContextValve.invoke().

> You could modify the source and add another dump of the original
> exception (say, to stdout). That way, if it does happen again, you'll
> at
> least see the root cause.
OK, I may try that. But I have never seen that NPE in StandardWrapperValve 
before I started this thread, so I don't think it is worth it (Tomcat 7 
releases are every month, and I don't want to modify the code in each version). 

> No, it sounds like that might be a rarely-seen bug in Tomcat since it
> happens only during context reload while a long-running request is in
> progress. If you can build a simple test case, attach it to a new BZ
> entry and we'll see about getting it fixed.

OK, Thanks.


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: NPE at StandardWrapperValve.invoke() in Tomcat 7.0.16

2011-07-08 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi Christopher,

> My experience with the Sun/Oracle compiler is that lines 288 and 289
> will never be indicated in a stack trace: the line number of the start
> of the statement is considered the line number for the entire
> statement.

Well, I made a small test program with this code:

String str = null;
"blah" +

(note that the str.toLowerCase() which will throw a NPE is two lines below the 
System.out.println() call).
After compiling and running it with the Oracle Java 1.6.0_26, the line number 
printed was the line with the "str.toLowerCase()", not the 
"System.out.println". So I assume the same is true for the compiled Tomcat, 
thus I supposed that only container or the logger could be null).

> Problem solved?

Well, I don't know what the original problem was, so I don't know if it is 
solved. ;)
My concern at the moment is not the original exception that occurred, but the 
NPE that suppressed that exception, because if it happens again, I will not 
able to see what was the original exception.

As Pid said, it could have something to do with the old context which was still 
waiting for a request to finish, and as I stated in the other message, I could 
reproduce a NPE, but in StandardContextValve.invoke() (there "context" was 
null). But NPEs thrown are never good, are they?


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: NPE at StandardWrapperValve.invoke() in Tomcat 7.0.16

2011-07-07 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
> Maybe I can reproduce the
> NPE if I make a servlet that takes a long time to finish the request,
> to see what was the original exception that has been suppressed by the
> NPE.

OK, I was able to reproduce a NPE in TC 7.0.16 with a Servlet that calls 
"Thread.sleep(2)", then make a request to that servlet and immediately 
redeploy that webapp. However, this time the NPE was not in 
StandardWrapperValve.invoke(), but in StandardContextValve.invoke():

08.07.2011 00:26:40 org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter service
SCHWERWIEGEND: An exception or error occurred in the container during the 
request processing
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown 
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)

The lines around 172 in StandardContextValve are these:

166 // If the request was async at the start and an error occurred then
167 // the async error handling will kick-in and that will fire the
168 // request destroyed event *after* the error handling has taken
169 // place
170 if (!(request.isAsync() || (asyncAtStart && request.getAttribute(
171 RequestDispatcher.ERROR_EXCEPTION) != null))) {
172 context.fireRequestDestroyEvent(request);
173 }

The problem here is that "context" is null (I debugged TC in Eclipse). However, 
this time it seems that it is not another Exception that has been suppressed by 
a NPE.

I checked that the NPE in StandardContextValve.invoke() also occurs in Tomcat 

Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the NPE in 


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: NPE at StandardWrapperValve.invoke() in Tomcat 7.0.16

2011-07-07 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi Pid,

> -Original Message-
> From: Pid []
> Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 10:24 PM
> Are you using parallel deployment or are you replacing the existing
> application when it's redeployed.
> Maybe the old context is the one throwing the error.
> p

I don't use parallel deployment.
To redeploy a webapp, I just replace the old war file with a new one and wait 
for Tomcat to redeploy it.

The logs on redeploy were this:

07.07.2011 00:24:09 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig checkResources
INFO: Undeploying context []
07.07.2011 00:24:09 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper unload
INFO: Waiting for 1 instance(s) to be deallocated
07.07.2011 00:24:10 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper unload
INFO: Waiting for 1 instance(s) to be deallocated
07.07.2011 00:24:11 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper unload
INFO: Waiting for 1 instance(s) to be deallocated
07.07.2011 00:24:12 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader 
SCHWERWIEGEND: The web application [] is still processing a request that has 
yet to finish. This is very likely to create a memory leak. You can control the 
time allowed for requests to finish by using the unloadDelay attribute of the 
standard Context implementation.
07.07.2011 00:24:12 org.apache.catalina.startup.ExpandWar deleteDir
SCHWERWIEGEND: [D:\tomcat7\work\Catalina\\_] could 
not be completely deleted. The presence of the remaining files may cause 
07.07.2011 00:24:12 org.apache.catalina.startup.ExpandWar delete
SCHWERWIEGEND: [D:\tomcat7\work\Catalina\\_] could 
not be completely deleted. The presence of the remaining files may cause 
07.07.2011 00:24:12 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
INFO: Deploying web application archive ROOT.war
07.07.2011 00:24:17 org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter service
SCHWERWIEGEND: An exception or error occurred in the container during the 
request processing

("SCHWERWIEGEND" should read like "SEVERE")

You're right, it could have something to do with the old context since it was 
still waiting for a request to finish. Maybe I can reproduce the NPE if I make 
a servlet that takes a long time to finish the request, to see what was the 
original exception that has been suppressed by the NPE.


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: NPE at StandardWrapperValve.invoke() in Tomcat 7.0.16

2011-07-07 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi Christopher,

> -Original Message-
> From: Christopher Schultz []
> Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 9:13 PM
> Looks like it. I would be very interested to know which of those
> objects
> is null: the container, the logger, the wrapper, or the context.
> - -chris

I thought the same (I suppose only container or the logger can be null, 
according to the stacktrace, because if the wrapper or the context were null, 
it should have printed a different line number). Unfortunately, I don't see 
this NPE anymore so I can't use a modified Tomcat to debug it.


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: NPE at StandardWrapperValve.invoke() in Tomcat 7.0.16

2011-07-07 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi Pid,

> -Original Message-
> From: Pid []
> Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 6:19 PM
> What is the request for and is the config of your Tomcat instance
> modified from the original download - if so, what has changed (config
> etc)?
> p

I don't know which request triggered that NPE. I guess it was on the first
request after deploying the webapp, all following requests worked fine. I
got that NPE 2 times, both times it appeared ca. 3 seconds after deploying
the webapp.
After I restarted Tomcat, the NPE didn't appear anymore.

My Tomcat config has the following changes compared to the original:
- Ports of the HTTP and AJP connector are changed
- I use the "URIEncoding" attribute on both the HTTP and AJP connector, like
- I declared the CrawlerSessionManagerValve at Engine level in server.xml:
- I have several virual hosts declared in server.xml like this:
  (the web application on which the error occurred was deployed to one of
the virtual hosts).
- I don't have any AccessLogValve declared.
- I disabled session persistence by adding  in

I am using the ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32 with IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008
(32 bit), with Sun Java 1.6.0_26, and I'm using the Tomcat Native library
1.2.20. All requests to the webapps go through the ISAPI redirector.

It seems to me that originally another Exception occurred, but has been
suppressed by that NPE when Tomcat tried to log it.

Thanks for your answers.

Konstantin Preißer

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NPE at StandardWrapperValve.invoke() in Tomcat 7.0.16

2011-07-06 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi all,

I’m using Tomcat 7.0.16 on a system with Java 1.6.0_26 on Windows Serer 2008
and wondered about a strange NPE I got shortly after deploying a webapp to

SCHWERWIEGEND: An exception or error occurred in the container during the
request processing

>From looking at Tomcat 7.0.16's source, I can see that line 287 in
StandardWrapperValve is inside a catch block:

285 } catch (Throwable e) {
286 ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(e);
287 container.getLogger().error(sm.getString(
288 "standardWrapper.serviceException", wrapper.getName(),
289 context.getName()), e);
290 throwable = e;
291 exception(request, response, e);
292 }

So does that mean that another Exception/Error occurred, but was suppressed
by that NPE and therefore couldn't be logged?


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: Multiple errors (regressions) on Tomcat 7.0.17

2011-07-03 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi Mark,

> If you explicitly set crawlerUserAgents, that will be resolved.

> > 2) When using the ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32 and Tomcat Native 1.1.20
> which is
> > included in the windows distribution, I get these errors when a
> client makes
> > a request to IIS which is redirected to Tomcat, resulting in 100% CPU
> usage
> > by tomcat's process:
> Under what circumstances? Some requests, all requests? The APR/native
> AJP connector works with mod_jk and mod_proxy_ajp on linux so it looks
> like either the ISAPI redirector is sending something unexpected that
> isn't handled well or the windows specific code in the APR/native
> connector isn't handling something.

For this test, I downloaded the Tomcat 7.0.17 (windows 64 bit) and extracted
it to a directory. I didn't changed anything in the Tomcat directory (also
not the config files). I set the ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32 to redirect all
requests to Tomcat on port 8009, using ajp13.

I made this exact request multiple times to IIS:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Connection: keep-alive

This should be handled by the default Tomcat root webapp (which displays the
Tomcat welcome page).
The first 2-4 requests work (the number is not always the same), but then on
the next request, Tomcat CPU usage goes up to 100% and the client never
receives a response (then Tomcat displays the error "Critical poller
failure" some multiple times).

03.07.2011 16:03:49$Poller run
SCHWERWIEGEND: Critical poller failure (restarting poller): [610038] APR
does not understand this error code

In the isapi log, following lines appear (log_level=info):

[Sun Jul 03 15:54:44.530 2011] [2908:2664] [info] init_jk::jk_isapi_plugin.c
(2602): Starting Jakarta/ISAPI/isapi_redirector/1.2.32 ()
[Sun Jul 03 15:54:44.546 2011] [2908:2664] [info] init_jk::jk_isapi_plugin.c
(2781): Jakarta/ISAPI/isapi_redirector/1.2.32 () initialized
[Sun Jul 03 15:54:46.327 2011] [2908:1968] [error]
ajp_connection_tcp_get_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1296): wrong message format
0x from
[Sun Jul 03 15:54:46.452 2011] [2908:1968] [error]
ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (2118): (worker1) Tomcat is down or refused
connection. No response has been sent to the client (yet)
[Sun Jul 03 15:54:46.452 2011] [2908:1968] [info]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2607): (worker1) sending request to tomcat
failed (recoverable), because of protocol error (attempt=1)

After this occurs, Tomcat doesn't respond to subsequent requests (sent via

Then, on shutdown, Tomcat prints:

03.07.2011 16:07:27 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer await
INFO: A valid shutdown command was received via the shutdown port. Stopping
the Server instance.
03.07.2011 16:07:27 org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol pause
INFO: Pausing ProtocolHandler [http-apr-8080]
03.07.2011 16:07:28 org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol pause
INFO: Pausing ProtocolHandler [ajp-apr-8009]
03.07.2011 16:07:29 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService stopInternal
INFO: Stopping service Catalina
03.07.2011 16:07:29 org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol stop
INFO: Stopping ProtocolHandler [http-apr-8080]

After those lines are printed, it takes some time, then these lines are
printed (a new line is printed every second until I kill the tomcat

WARNUNG: Acceptor thread [http-apr-8080-Acceptor-0] failed to unlock.
Forcing hard socket shutdown.
03.07.2011 16:08:30 stopInternal
WARNUNG: Acceptor thread [http-apr-8080-Acceptor-0] failed to unlock.
Forcing hard socket shutdown.
03.07.2011 16:08:31 stopInternal
WARNUNG: Acceptor thread [http-apr-8080-Acceptor-0] failed to unlock.
Forcing hard socket shutdown.
03.07.2011 16:08:32 stopInternal
WARNUNG: Acceptor thread [http-apr-8080-Acceptor-0] failed to unlock.
Forcing hard socket shutdown.

When I delete the Tomcat 7.0.17 and download the regular 7.0.16 (and extract
it to the same directory, and don't change any of the Tomcat files), it
works fine.


Konstantin Preißer

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Multiple errors (regressions) on Tomcat 7.0.17

2011-07-03 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi all,

today I downloaded the not yet released Tomcat 7.0.17 (downloaded it from ) to test it on a
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit) system with Sun Java 1.6.0_26 (64 bit),
using IIS 7.5 and the ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32 (from ). I
used the 64 bit versions of Tomcat and the ISAPI redirector.

I noticed some regressions which do not occur when using Tomcat 7.0.16

1) When declaring the CrawlerSessionManagerValve at Engine level in

then I get a NPE when a client makes a request to Tomcat (or to IIS, which
is redirected to Tomcat by the ISAPI redirector):

03.07.2011 01:24:08 org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter service
SCHWERWIEGEND: An exception or error occurred in the container during the
request processing

This is because the uaPattern field in CrawlerSessionManagerValve is null.
With Tomcat 7.0.16, it works fine.

2) When using the ISAPI Redirector 1.2.32 and Tomcat Native 1.1.20 which is
included in the windows distribution, I get these errors when a client makes
a request to IIS which is redirected to Tomcat, resulting in 100% CPU usage
by tomcat's process:

03.07.2011 01:26:29$Poller run
SCHWERWIEGEND: Critical poller failure (restarting poller): [610038] APR
does not understand this error code

Sometimes, the entire Tomcat process crashes with an

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc005) at pc=0x1001f43a,
pid=2260, tid=232
# JRE version: 6.0_26-b03
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.1-b02 mixed mode
windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C  [tcnative-1.dll+0x1f43a]

Also, this works fine with Tomcat 7.0.16 (also when using the included
Tomcat Native 1.1.20 and the ISAPI redirector 1.2.32): no crashes or
"critical poller failure" messages. Please note that the errors also occur
on a 32 bit Windows Server 2008 system.
These do not seem to occur with the HTTP APR connector. Also, when using the
AJP BIO instead of AJP APR, they don't occur.

I didn't see any reports for this on the dev list, so I thought I post them


Konstantin Preißer

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RE: Canceling Download on IIS7 with ISAPI Redirector 1.2.31 causes 100% CPU usage

2011-05-14 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi André, thanks for your reply.

> To figure out if this is what's happening, you could do some logging at
> the servlet end,
> to see if it keeps sending data even when the client has canceled, or
> if it itself gets
> some stop indication from the isapi_redirector (also a closed socket
> e.g.).
> Or else Mladen or Rainer could tell us if I'm totally off-base here.

I added some logging to the Servlet to see what it is actually doing
(logging the start and end of the doGet() method and every time 2 MB are
written, and I also put the write loop in a try-catch clause to catch

You are right: When I start the download, the servlet writes the bytes
slowly (due to the speed of the Connection) to the output. However, when I
then cancel the download, it writes the remaining bytes very fast, probably
causing the high CPU usage of the ISAPI redirector.

But in some cases, the result is another: After I canceled the download, the
write() method throws an IOException:
ClientAbortException: Failed to send AJP message

and the remaining bytes are not written, so the CPU usage does not go up to
100% (That's probably the other case I mentioned before, that sometimes the
CPU usage doesn't go up).

However I would expect write() to always throw an IOException when the
connection to the client is aborted, but it seems that in most cases, the
IOException is not thrown, thus causing the servlet to write the remaining
bytes very fast to the ISAPI redirector and probably causing the high CPU
Do you or anybody have an idea why sometimes the IOException is not thrown
when the Client aborts the Connection?

Konstantin Preißer

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Canceling Download on IIS7 with ISAPI Redirector 1.2.31 causes 100% CPU usage

2011-05-14 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hello everybody,

I stumbled upon a strange problem with the ISAPI Redirector 1.2.31 on
Windows Server 2008 SP2 (32 bit) with IIS 7.0. The problem is, that when a
Servlet is generating lots of data (e.g. 200 MB) and a user downloads it
over the Isapi Redirector/IIS7, and cancels the download, the IIS Worker
process (w3wp.exe) will have 100% CPU usage for about 30 seconds. However if
the download is completed normally (not canceled), everything is fine and
the CPU usage will not go up that far.

The exact Components used are:
Windows Server 2008 SP2 (32 bit) with IIS 7.0,
Sun JDK 1.6.0_25,
Tomcat 7.0.14,
ISAPI Redirector 1.2.31.

I could reproduce the problem with a clean install of these components.

To reproduce:
1. Install Tomcat and the ISAPI Redirector on a Windows Server 2008 SP2 IIS
7.0 system, as described in the Tomcat Connectors Documentation
(The problem occurs with both settings of "enable_chunked_encoding", "true"
and "false").

2. Create a Servlet or JSP that produces some huge amount of random data,
for example:

public class DownloadServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
response) throws ServletException, IOException {
OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
Random r = new Random();
byte[] content = new byte[1024];
for (int i = 0; i < content.length; i++)
content[i] = (byte) (r.nextFloat() * 256);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)

3. Request the Servlet or JSP through the IIS port with a browser. After
some seconds, cancel the download.

4. One thread of the IIS Worker Process (w3wp.exe) will have 100% CPU usage
for some time (about 30 seconds), before it normalizes to 0%.
Note that is does not happen every time. Sometimes you will have to repeat
starting and canceling the download until the problem occurs.

5. In the ISAPI log, following lines are logged ("log_level"="info"):
[Sat May 14 14:48:55.654 2011] [3508:3560] [error]
isapi_write_client::jk_isapi_plugin.c (1210): WriteClient failed with 995
[Sat May 14 14:48:55.654 2011] [3508:3560] [info]
ajp_process_callback::jk_ajp_common.c (1885): Writing to client aborted or
client network problems
[Sat May 14 14:48:55.654 2011] [3508:3560] [info]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2543): (worker1) sending request to tomcat
failed (unrecoverable), because of client write error (attempt=1)
[Sat May 14 14:48:55.669 2011] [3508:3560] [info]
HttpExtensionProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (2217): service() failed because client
aborted connection

These lines are logged immediately after the client cancels the connection
(not after the CPU usage of w3wp.exe goes down).

The worker process continues normally after the CPU usage went down.

However, if one would do this repeatedly, it could enable DoS attacks,
couldn't it?
What would cause these excessive CPU usages of the IIS worker process when
the user cancels the download?

Thanks for your help.

Konstantin Preißer

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NPE instead of '400 Bad Request' response when sending invalid request on Tomcat 7.0.7

2011-02-03 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi all,

I noticed that when sending an invalid request to Tomcat 7.0.7 (e.g. without
a HTTP method), Tomcat throws a NullPointerException, instead of responding
with a "400 Bad Request".

If you do a request like this for example:

/invalidRequest HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Then Tomcat prints:

04.02.2011 02:16:44 org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter service
SCHWERWIEGEND: An exception or error occurred in the container during the
request processing
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at Source)

and closes the connection without sending a response.

Shouldn't Tomcat respond with "400 Bad Request" instead of throwing a NPE?
(I don't think this is a big issue, just wanted to note that behavior.)

Konstantin Preißer

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RE: No response buffering in Tomcat 7.0.6?

2011-01-14 Thread eurotrans-Verlag
Hi everybody,

thanks for your replies.

> -Original Message-
> From: Mark Thomas []
> Chunked encoding does not mean that the output is unbuffered. If a
> client declares support for HTTP/1.1 then web servers are free to use
> chunked encoding for the response if they choose.

Hi Mark,

you're right: It seems Tomcat actually uses a buffer for the response. But it 
seems a bit strange to me that it uses chunked encoding, although the content 
length should be known when sending the headers as the response fits into the 
I agree that Tomcat itself is not violating the spec. However what is not 
compliant to the spec, are that 304 responses that I get from IIS when using 
the ISAPI redirector 1.2.31 (with chunked encoding enabled) with Tomcat 7.0.6 
(and this time for normal 304 responses, not the ones from bug #50413 ;) ), 
because they contain a "Transfer-encoding: chunked" header and a body (as 
described in bug #50363).
This worked fine with Tomcat 7.0.5. I will have to disable the chunked encoding 
support in the ISAPI redirector in order to get spec-compliant 304 responses 
(because then they will have a "Connection: close" header without a body) until 
the 1.2.32 connectors are released.

> -Original Message-
> From: André Warnier []
> There have a been another couple of threads recently related to the
> chunked transfer-encoding.
> If I remember correctly, in one of them the OP complained about Tomcat
> using this encoding
> for small responses, on the grounds of the added overhead or bandwidth
> introduced by the
> chunk headers.
> I am not sure that I agree with the basic principle (as the transfer-
> encoding is really
> the server's or intermediate agent's decision), but say in the interest
> of keeping the peace :

Hello André,

Well I do not want to disable chunked encoding. I clearly prefer a 
"Transfer-encoding: chunked" header over a "Connection: close" header when the 
content length is not known in advance, because with chunked encoding the 
connection can stay open, whereas with a "Connection: close" the connection has 
to be closed after the response is finished.
That's why I want to use the ISAPI redirector with chunked encoding enabled; 
however this regression is preventing me from doing this, as it would cause 
invalid 304 responses (and I can't compile the trunk version of the Connectors 
by myself, so I have to wait until 1.2.32 gets released or the regression in 
Tomcat is fixed).

Again, thanks for your replies.

Konstantin Preißer

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