Hi All,

Have been breaking my head on this one for more than a week now and just
can't get it to work.  Even with the most simple files below.
Have spent many hours on the internet searching for answers and know that
this issue has been posted many times before.  Though all posts that I
found dealt with this exception getting thrown out of man made servlets
and not out of jsp-pages.

Tomcat 5.5.15 on Windows XP (jdk 1.5.0_04)

Would like to redirect 404 - "Page Not Found" errors to my own 404.jsp
page, but is not working.
On the client I get to see the standard Tomcat 404 screen and in the log
I'm getting the dreadful "java.lang.IllegalStateException:
getOutputStream() has already been called for this response"
The exception is thrown out of the Tomcat generated _404_jsp.java file on
its last line:
if(_jspxFactory!=null) _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(_jspx_page_context);

I read over and over again that this has to do with the
response.getOutputStream() getting called multiple times and what more
about response.getWriter().
The thing is that I don't have any java code yet in my jsp-file so am not
calling any of that.  Everything is auto generated by Tomcat.
When I replace my 404.jps with a simple 404.html file and make the change
in web.xml, then the 404.html is displayed on the client as expected.

I have a few other jsp-pages that do have java code and if an exception is
thrown out of those pages, then UnhandledExceptions.jsp is called and
displayed on the client as expected.

The strange thing from reading the logs, is that it looks like the 404.jsp
is getting called multiple times in case of an actual 404 error:
1. during the first pass, the 404.jsp is processed as expected (as far as
I can tell);
2. during a second pass, I see the getOutputStream() already been called
on org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher invoke
3. during a third pass, I see the getOutputStream() already been called on
org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve custom

And after that the standard Tomcat 404 appears on the client.

Anyone any ideas?


  <tr><td>Page not found!</td></tr>

<%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>
<jsp:include page='/somepage.jsp' />
  <tr><td>BooBoo occurred!</td></tr>
  <tr><td><%= exception.getMessage() %></td></tr>

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