RE: SingleSignOn valve enabled by default?

2013-07-23 Thread Martin Gainty


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Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 20:16:32 +0800
Subject: SingleSignOn valve enabled by default?

Hi all,
I have an issue with SSO configuration in tomcat 7.0.42.
According to the doc [1],  it requires to enable SSO valve inside
server.xml. However, without making such modification, I deployed two
web-app test.war and test2.war (see attached file). Then, try to login
from /test, after successful login, I don't need to login a second time
for /test2 and can see the secured welcome page directly . That's
strange for me, is the SingleSignOn valve enabled by default in tomcat?
FYI, I add following configuration in tomcat-user.xml

If it's not a real issue, please point me how that works, and I'd like
to know how could I set the reauthenticate parameter for SSO.
Thanks & Regards,

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Re: SingleSignOn valve enabled by default?

2013-07-19 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2013/7/19 Chao Wang :
> Hi all,
> I have an issue with SSO configuration in tomcat 7.0.42.
> According to the doc [1],  it requires to enable SSO valve inside
> server.xml. However, without making such modification, I deployed two
> web-app test.war and test2.war (see attached file). Then, try to login
> from /test, after successful login, I don't need to login a second time
> for /test2 and can see the secured welcome page directly . That's
> strange for me, is the SingleSignOn valve enabled by default in tomcat?
> FYI, I add following configuration in tomcat-user.xml
> If it's not a real issue, please point me how that works, and I'd like
> to know how could I set the reauthenticate parameter for SSO.
> [1]
> Thanks & Regards,

1. Attachments are not allowed here
-> "7."

2. If you are using BASIC authentication,
then the browser caches the password for this "server+realm name(*)"
combination unless you close the browser window.

(*) realm name = the name as displayed in the authentication prompt.

The browser does not know the structure of your server and where lies
a boundary between different resources on the same server. It is all
the same site and the same realm name, so it reuses the cached

Read more about BASIC authentication.
(Better a RFC document, but a Wikipedia article also should explain the basics).

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