Let's say that I want to use embedded Tomcat to serve static content using `org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet`. But rather than determining each resource's MIME type from the server's fixed list of MIME types, I want to determine each resource's MIME type dynamically based upon some resource metadata, not the resource filename extension.

Just as an example, for the resource `foobar`, I might have a `foobar.sidecar.properties` sidecar file that contains a `contentType` property of `text/html` for that resource, even though `foobar` has no extension at all.

(If you really want to know /why/: I'm experimenting having "clean" URLs, not by URL rewriting via Apache which I know how to do, but by uploading resources without extensions to AWS S3 buckets and setting the content type metadata for the resource there so they will be served as HTML files. But I still want to test locally with a server, which is where Tomcat comes in.)

So to pull this off, it looks like I would have to:

1. Extend `FileResource` so that it reads the metadata from wherever
   (e.g. a sidecar) and returns it via `getMimeType()`.
2. Extend `FileResourceSet` so that it creates `MyFileResource` instead
   of `FileResource`. (There doesn't seem to be a way to plug in a
3. Extend `StandardRoot` so that it creates `MyFileResourceSet` rather
   than `FileResourceSet`. (There doesn't seem to be a way to plug in a
   factory here, either.)
4. When I create my embedded context, call `myContext.setResources()`
   passing it `MyStandardRoot`.

Is that pretty much the gist of it?

This is probably going to be even more difficult than it sounds because some of the classes I have to extend don't nicely modularize their factory functionality. For example when I override `FileResourceSet.getResource()` to create a `MyFileResource`, I'll have to copy basically all the code in that method just to get at the single `return new FileResource(root, path, f, isReadOnly(), null)` line that I want to override. :(

Is this more trouble than it's worth? Is there an easier approach? Or is this another case where I should look into alternative embedded servers?


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