Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-18 Thread André Warnier

Ankur Gupta wrote:

Thank you for your help... server through which iam using ie is not accessed to public
website.This might be the problem.

I want to ask a noob question that is there any method , as 81 server is
not accessed to public websites but Linux server has access , so any
method,way so that request can be sent to public website through Linux
server . Linux server can be accessed through 81 server only.
I have to use 81 server ie to request public website SMS sender vendor
through Linux server.

Yes, there exist ways to do that.  But they are not simple to set up, and it would make 
the diagnostic of future problems much more complicated.

It can also introduce security issues.
In other words, this is not really "noob level".

For information only, here is information about how it's done :
But read the content of the red warning box, and do not do this unless you *really* know 
what you are doing.

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Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-18 Thread Ankur Gupta
Thank you for your help... server through which iam using ie is not accessed to public
website.This might be the problem.

I want to ask a noob question that is there any method , as 81 server is
not accessed to public websites but Linux server has access , so any
method,way so that request can be sent to public website through Linux
server . Linux server can be accessed through 81 server only.
I have to use 81 server ie to request public website SMS sender vendor
through Linux server.

Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-18 Thread André Warnier


I will try to give you some more tips below, but really you should try and work this out 
by yourself.  From what little information is available below, I still believe that there 
is no problem with your application under Tomcat, but that the problem is that *the 
browser* cannot access that SMS site you were talking about, or that the request that the 
browser is sending to that site is invalid.

Ankur Gupta wrote:

*Fiddler Error:*


3   302
text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1  iexplore:6656

Above exchange #3 seems to be the original request which the browser sends to the Tomcat 
application.  What you do not show, is the *content* of the response sent back by Tomcat, 
except the status code, which is 302 (re-direct).

What would be interesting to see here, is the *response header* "Location:".
(you can see that also in Fiddler)

When the browser gets this 302 response from the server, it takes the content of the 
Location response header, and then immediately makes a new HTTP request to that URL.

That is the exchange #4 below.

4   502 HTTP180.179.218.150
512 no-cache, must-revalidatetext/html; charset=UTF-8

The above exchange #4, seems to be the new request that the browser makes to the SMS 
server at, and that server responds with a "502" status (a server error).

This is not Tomcat anymore, and thus out of scope for this forum.
You have to figure out why that SMS server sends this response to the browser.

Something tells me that you are not really familiar with the HTTP protocol.  Maybe you 
should get some local help in that respect.

Each interaction between browser and server consists of one request from the browser, and 
one response from the server.  Fiddler shows this as one line, but you can click on that 
line and then ask to see different things (maybe you should ask for the "raw" content). 
Above you show the browser request, but not the server response content.


*IE giving error:*

[Fiddler] The connection to '' failed.
Error: TimedOut (0x274c).
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException A connection attempt failed because the
connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

This is a bit confusing, because it seems to say that the server at is not 
Maybe the browser that you are using cannot access that IP address ? Or it can connect to 
it, but something is blocking the server response to the browser.

(Firewalls or so)

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Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-17 Thread Ankur Gupta
*Fiddler Error:*

#   Result  Protocol   HostURL BodyCaching
Content-Type   Process CommentsCustom

2   302 191
privatetext/html  iexplore:6656

3   302
text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1  iexplore:6656

4   502 HTTP180.179.218.150
512 no-cache, must-revalidatetext/html; charset=UTF-8

Request Count:   1

Bytes Sent:  630  (headers:630; body:0)

Bytes Received:  719  (headers:207; body:512)



ClientConnected:   11:07:26.500


GotRequestHeaders: 11:07:26.765

ClientDoneRequest: 11:07:26.765

Determine Gateway: 0ms

DNS Lookup:0ms

TCP/IP Connect:21025ms

HTTPS Handshake:   0ms

ServerConnected:   11:07:47.781

FiddlerBeginRequest:   00:00:00.000

ServerGotRequest:  00:00:00.000

ServerBeginResponse:   00:00:00.000



ClientBeginResponse:   11:07:47.812


Overall Elapsed:   00:00:21.0781250

RESPONSE BYTES (by Content-Type)


text/html: 512

~headers~: 207



The following are VERY rough estimates of download times when hitting
servers based in Seattle.

US West Coast (Modem - 6KB/sec)

RTT:   0.10s

Elapsed:   0.10s

Japan / Northern Europe (Modem)

RTT:   0.15s

Elapsed:   0.15s

China (Modem)

RTT:   0.45s

Elapsed:   0.45s

US West Coast (DSL - 30KB/sec)

RTT:   0.10s

Elapsed:   0.10s

Japan / Northern Europe (DSL)

RTT:   0.15s

Elapsed:   0.15s

China (DSL)

RTT:   0.45s

Elapsed:   0.45s

*IE giving error:*

[Fiddler] The connection to '' failed.
Error: TimedOut (0x274c).
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException A connection attempt failed because the
connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-17 Thread André Warnier

Ankur Gupta wrote:

I had installed fiddler and deactivated ie stupid feature . how can I share
the result of fiddler to you if the system dosent allow attachments?

Well, on this list here we try to help, and we provide tips.
But we do not do all the work for you, and you are expected to do some of it 
(You can of course always ask for a private consultant, there are pointers for that on the 
Tomcat website.)

You have already gotten now to the point where you know that your webapp under Tomcat, is 
sending the (presumably) correct 302 response to the browser.
With Fiddler, you can now examine this server response more in detail, to see if it is 
really what it should be.
And you have disabled the friendly error pages, so you can see what the error really is, 
from the browser point of view.

Does that help to diagnose your problem ?

And if you need to send more information to the list about what you see in Fiddler, I 
believe that you just need to do a right-click on that specific response, and it will 
propose a choice of things to do, among which there must be a copy-to-clipboard option.

You can then paste that specific line into your next message to the list, if 

But try to do some thinking by yourself first.  It helps in the long run.

One request : if you find the solution yourself, please post it to the list 
It will help someone else in the future, if they are smart enough to search the list 
archives first.

See :

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Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-17 Thread chris derham
> ... how can I share
> the result of fiddler to you if the system dosent allow attachments?


Copy/paste the text of the raw response into an email should do it


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Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-17 Thread Ankur Gupta
I had installed fiddler and deactivated ie stupid feature . how can I share
the result of fiddler to you if the system dosent allow attachments?

Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-17 Thread André Warnier

Ankur Gupta wrote:

Log says this: - - [17/Jun/2015:12:51:47 -0400] "GET
/examples/smstrial.jsp?mobileNumber=0123456789 HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:52:16 -0400] "GET
/examples/smstrial.jsp?mobileNumber=0123456789 HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:53:05 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:53:17 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:53:32 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:54:39 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 139 - - [17/Jun/2015:12:55:16 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 139

Browser is Internet Explorer and it gives error

 [image: Inline image 1]

Ankur Gupta wrote:
> [image: Inline image 1]
Yes, that is the stupid built-in Internet Explorer "friendly error page", which doesn't 
tell you anything worth knowing.

Go to Tools -> Internet Options -> advanced
and disable the "friendly error pages" option.

Better : get Fiddler (
install it, activate it, repeat your session and look at what is really sent and received 
by the browser. Look in particular at the content of the "Location" header received by the 
browser in the 302 responses, if it is what you expect.

(Note : the content of that header should be a full absolute URL to the desired 

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Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-17 Thread André Warnier


Ankur Gupta wrote:

Log says this: - - [17/Jun/2015:12:51:47 -0400] "GET
/examples/smstrial.jsp?mobileNumber=0123456789 HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:52:16 -0400] "GET
/examples/smstrial.jsp?mobileNumber=0123456789 HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:53:05 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:53:17 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:53:32 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:54:39 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 139 - - [17/Jun/2015:12:55:16 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 139

That log seems fine to me. It shows that your application is indeed returning the 302 
responses to the browser.
Unfortunately, this does not really show us *to what* the re-direction is, from the point 
of view of the browser.

Browser is Internet Explorer and it gives error

 [image: Inline image 1]

Unfortunately, the list software strips embedded images, and most attachments.
Do you have any way to post that image somewhere (or describe it), so that we know what 
error this is exactly ?

Note : if you are using IE, you may need to change a setting, in order to see the real 
error page sent by the server, rather than the "friendly" page that IE itself is showing.
Go to preferences, in "advanced", and disable the "send friendly error messages" box, then 
try again.

I also suggest that you add a plugin to the browser, such as Fiddler2 for IE.
This will allow you to see "exactly" what the server sends as a response, including the 
"Location:" header, which is essential here to determine what the problem is.

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Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-17 Thread Ankur Gupta
Log says this: - - [17/Jun/2015:12:51:47 -0400] "GET
/examples/smstrial.jsp?mobileNumber=0123456789 HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:52:16 -0400] "GET
/examples/smstrial.jsp?mobileNumber=0123456789 HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:53:05 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:53:17 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:53:32 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Jun/2015:12:54:39 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 139 - - [17/Jun/2015:12:55:16 -0400] "GET /examples/smstrial.jsp
HTTP/1.1" 302 139

Browser is Internet Explorer and it gives error

 [image: Inline image 1]

Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-17 Thread André Warnier

Ankur Gupta wrote:

xx.xx.xx.81 has classic asp page sms.asp having code:

<%@ language=vbscript%>



   Response.redirect(""&; mobileNumber)


Linux server( with apache tomcat and linux v6.1
Enterprise has jsp page named smstrial.jsp having jsp code:

<%@ page import="*,java.util.*"%>

 New Document 

Page Redirection


   String mobile=request.getParameter("mobileNumber");

   String site="



Now from xx.xx.xx.81 iam  calling sms.asp page from internet explorer and
 getting error.

Ahaaa ! you are getting an error !

Do you care to share what error you are getting, and where ?

And have you looked into any relevant server log, to find out what that error 
may be due to ?

If i change redirect webpage called in jsp code to some intranet server,e.g
xx.xx.xx.54 (which is not use for public website. It is used internally in
the organization and xx.xx.xx.81  server is connected to xx.xx.xx.54  )
then  xx.xx.xx.81 browser successfully redirects to it without any issue.

Linux server is connected to internet.

When we use wget command like

derid=xyz&mobileno="+mobile+"&msgtext=Hello&smstype=0  then it successfully
executes it.

I hope this helps . Thank you for giving you time.

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Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-17 Thread Ankur Gupta
xx.xx.xx.81 has classic asp page sms.asp having code:

<%@ language=vbscript%>



   Response.redirect(""&; mobileNumber)


Linux server( with apache tomcat and linux v6.1
Enterprise has jsp page named smstrial.jsp having jsp code:

<%@ page import="*,java.util.*"%>

 New Document 

Page Redirection


   String mobile=request.getParameter("mobileNumber");

   String site="



Now from xx.xx.xx.81 iam  calling sms.asp page from internet explorer and
 getting error.

If i change redirect webpage called in jsp code to some intranet server,e.g
xx.xx.xx.54 (which is not use for public website. It is used internally in
the organization and xx.xx.xx.81  server is connected to xx.xx.xx.54  )
then  xx.xx.xx.81 browser successfully redirects to it without any issue.

Linux server is connected to internet.

When we use wget command like

derid=xyz&mobileno="+mobile+"&msgtext=Hello&smstype=0  then it successfully
executes it.

I hope this helps . Thank you for giving you time.

Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-17 Thread André Warnier

Ankur Gupta wrote:

Sorry if I was unable to make you understand .
At my workplace we have one production server which have iis and classic
asp pages are deployed.

Ok, that I understand.
Server-A = IIS + whatever

 Now as per the requirement
(of which we do not have a copy, so we know nothing about it)

 , we have to send SMS to

the customers,

Who is "we" ?

 so , a request from production server say A(having asp page)

ok, Server-A above sends HTTP request directly to ..

is sent to Linux server having tomcat say B(having jsp page).

So Server-B is your Tomcat server with your application..

 B server has
jsp page which is called and a simple code 

(of which we do not have a copy either, so we know nothing about it)

is written to redirect to public

"redirect", in HTTP terms, has a very precise meaning.  It means that your application is 
sending a response *to the browser*, and this response is a "redirect" response

with a status code 301 or 302.
See :
or :

and when your application sends such a response to the browser, and the browser receives 
it, *the browser* immediately and automatically sends another request to the indicated 

(And this does not involve Tomcat at all anymore).

Is that what happens ?

which is responsible for sending SMS.

(so that also has nothing to do with Tomcat)

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Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-17 Thread Ankur Gupta
Sorry if I was unable to make you understand .
At my workplace we have one production server which have iis and classic
asp pages are deployed. Now as per the requirement , we have to send SMS to
the customers, so , a request from production server say A(having asp page)
is sent to Linux server having tomcat say B(having jsp page). B server has
jsp page which is called and a simple code is written to redirect to public
website which is responsible for sending SMS.

Re: redirect to website not working

2015-06-17 Thread André Warnier

Ankur Gupta wrote:

I have apache tomacat 7.0.61 and linux server 6.1 enterprise.
There is a requirment of sending sms to the customers, but the request to
send sms to the vendor is throught this sftp linux server.
Now, when i redirect to the page it does not respond.But when i access the
same website through command line wget ""; linux does execute
that and i can get sms.
one more information before wget i set http_proxy in command line like
$export http_proxy=xx.xx.xx.xx:yy/
so there is a need to set proxy in apache tomcat too in order to redirect
to public page?
Thank you

On this list, we have quite a lot of experience at decyphering user requests 
for help.
We even have some good SSL specialists available to answer questions.
But your question above is hopelessly confusing.
Could you try to rephrase this, so that we could have a hope to understand what your 
question is really about ? (maybe a little schema may help)

In the meantime, I'll answer this :

Q : > so there is a need to set proxy in apache tomcat too in order to redirect
> to public page?

A: no.
In simplified terms : the browser makes the connection to Tomcat to send its request; and 
Tomcat sends responses to the browser on that same connection. So it does not need a proxy 
for that.
If your application is sending a redirect response to the browser, that is a response, so 
it goes through that same connection.

If your webapp itself needs to access another webserver, then it would be another matter, 
and it might need a proxy for doing that.

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redirect to website not working

2015-06-16 Thread Ankur Gupta
I have apache tomacat 7.0.61 and linux server 6.1 enterprise.
There is a requirment of sending sms to the customers, but the request to
send sms to the vendor is throught this sftp linux server.
Now, when i redirect to the page it does not respond.But when i access the
same website through command line wget ""; linux does execute
that and i can get sms.
one more information before wget i set http_proxy in command line like
$export http_proxy=xx.xx.xx.xx:yy/
so there is a need to set proxy in apache tomcat too in order to redirect
to public page?
Thank you