Found one hack solutions: create a soft link from other folder to ROOT

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> 在 2015年9月7日,09:51,Mike Guo <> 写道:
> Hi,  folks. 
> I really need your guys help. I got so confuse about the tomcat 8.0.26 
> virtual host configuration .
> per tomcat document. it is really easy to configuration.
> so, I did what need to as document. 
> let me have a example here.
> I got two hosting : localhostting and
> I add those configuration into con/server.xml
>       <Host name=""  appBase=“demo"
>             unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
>         <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" 
> directory="logs"
>                prefix=“demo_access_log" suffix=".txt"
>                pattern="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b" />
>       </Host>
> and then startup the tomcat directly.  and I know there are some directory 
> that need to create, but I found tomcat will do it automatic.  like tomcat 
> already created the directory for host the app base directly.  
> demo. 
> so, let me count them:
> %tomcat_install%/demo (which is the hosting app base folder)
> %tomcat_install%/conf/Catalina/ (which is the hosting 
> configuration folder)
> %tomcat_install%/work/Catalina/ (which is the hosting work 
> folder).
> what’s I mean is all folder already were created.  no missed.  
> then,  I shutdown the virtual hosting, I did not do anything testing yet. I 
> just want to put a application into my virtual hosting.  also, I want to my 
> application will be deploy the ROOT application.
> so, per the document.  I have two choice.  copy the whole application to 
> %tomcat_install%/demo/ROOT fold (or make a war package named ROOT).  I know 
> this will be work. but I am in development phrase. I don’t want to I need 
> deploy my application always when I debug or development. because every time 
> re-deploy, the session will be gone,  it will make me trouble when I do the 
> debugging on page. so, I checked the “context” document,  I found we can use 
> docbase put the application into somewhere. right now, let us assume my app 
> which I development  is here: /home/ghw/demo which is a web content too.
> so, per tomcat 8 document.
> I put a ROOT.xml here:  %tomcat_install%/conf/Catalina/ and same 
> time, I delete the ROOT folder in %tomcat_install%/demo/ which is the place 
> we need deploy application here. 
> so, I suppose the virtual host should be work like this.
> one thing,  the ROOT.xml content like this:
> <Context docBase="/home/ghw/demo" reloadable="true"/>
> and then, I restart the tomcat.
> and access: (which is a very simple jsp file, just say 
> “hello world”)
> but I got 404 error.
> I tried to make the the appBase to “” empty (someone said like this, but I 
> didn’t get any official document on tomcat) in con/server.xml,  it doesn’t 
> work.  I tried many times. many ways.  and no logs, no any error tips. just 
> give me a blank page or 404.
> it almost kill me. is there any one can give me a tips?
> look like the docBase never work for tomcat 8. why?
> any thing I did wrong?
> thanks so much
> Mike.G

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