Re: upgraded fedora and mod_jk will not work

2012-03-24 Thread Ray Holme
PS - the answer to my original question about which linux ports had to be 
enabled is: 80
  (if you want another machine to get at the port) - the other four ports are 
internal and do not need firewall access
  (8005, 8009, 8080, 8443)

over and out on this one.

Re: upgraded fedora and mod_jk will not work

2012-03-24 Thread Ray Holme
Andre and all - problem fixed.

Since the only thing that REALLY changed was Fedora 14 -> Fedora 16, I should 
have guessed it was not in httpd or tomcat.

The problem was fedora's over fastidious security policies. It was fedora that 
was stopping the shared memory writes and fedora that was stopping read access 
to this and that.

I cleared about 20 "troubleshooter" problems and all web applications work fine 
with no more complaints about shared memory writing 

Thanks to you all (and thanks to my sub-conscious which woke me up at 2am to 
say - LOOK AT FEDORA fool).


PS - I hate these new hidden security policies. It is really hard to see what 
is happening and figure what to fix (even with the help you get from the 

 From: André Warnier 
To: Tomcat Users List  
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: upgraded fedora and mod_jk will not work
Ray Holme wrote:
> I have recently upgraded from Fedora 14 to Fedora 16. I am testing 4 tomcat 
> applications on the local web (and one plain apache app.) on one box (no 
> other tricks like multiple servers ...). The below should pretty well 
> describe everything I think matters.
> I was running Tomcat 6.0.29 and then 6.0.35 on Fedora 14 and am now trying 
> the latter on 16 - there were no changes in the apache-tomcat directory for 
> the new release (NONE _ just restored it and tomcat comes up with it's normal 
> chatter). Nut my release is pretty vanilla - after unpacking the gzip'd 
> tomcat tar file I added the 4 webapps; the .xml files for each under 
> conf/Catalina ... and added the DB driver .jar to the lib directory (symbolic 
> linked) - then it worked fine (under fedora 14)
> I downloaded and built the newest (tomcat-connectors-1.2.33) from 
> src (had to strip final binary to make it work at all - not mentioned). I 
> still have the old one if need be and yes I tried it too.
> I installed the in /usr/lib64/httpd/modules with the rest of them 
> (the Apache mod_jk online docs seems a little old here but were helpful).
> I modified the (removed cache stuff which apache 
> complained of as dead). Here is what I have left:
> ---
> # - ajp13
> workers.tomcat_home=/opt/apache  <-- obsolete, delete line
> workers.java_home=/usr/java/jdk  <-- obsolete, delete line
> ps=/  <- maybe obsolete too, don't remember
> #
> # List workers
> worker.list=wrkr
> #
> # Define wrkr
> worker.wrkr.port=8009
> worker.wrkr.type=ajp13
> worker.wrkr.socket_timeout=300   <-- I wouldn't do that, unless you have a 
> specific reason to specify this.

> ---
> I have an /etc/rc.d/rc.local file which should bring up httpd, THEN tomcat. 
> Tomcat comes up fine (the logs look fine), but httpd never comes up till I 
> manually run the same script after login. I know the script ran from boot 
> time but it leaves NO complaints as I added an echo line to it and a "clean" 
> script for /etc/httpd/logs which did definitely run (until I am up, I want 
> fresh error files, maybe even after that).
Not sure I understand all of that, but it doesn't seem to be a Tomcat problem.
You should try to find out why httpd doesn't start when run from the boot 
script during boot.  Maybe you are trying to access something that the boot 
environment doesn't have yet, but that is available later when you run it by 
hand ? (like some filesystem which only gets mounted later on ?)

> Question 1: is the order right? (httpd then tomcat)
>             or should I bring up tomcat before httpd??

Probably better tomcat first.  Otherwise, if a request comes in, Apache+mod_jk 
will try to connect to tomcat, tomcat won't be there yet, and you'll get errors.

>             pause between?

Depends how long Tomcat and your applications need to start up and be ready to 
answer requests.

>          1.1 - is the java home right or should it be /usr/java?
>              - these were both dead wrong under fedora 14 (and it worked)
>                as it pointed to /usr/java/jdk1.6.something and I have 
>                and the tomcat_home was wrong too. They are correct now (both 
>are symbolic links
>                 to the real place so I don't do that again).

Not surprising that it worked while being wrong, because these parameters are 
obsolete and just ignored.

> I have carefully modified the http.conf file to be identical to what I had 
> before with identical lines about worker properties. For the sake of 
> completeness - here are the mods to the orginal httpd.conf (minus the comment 
> lines

Re: upgraded fedora and mod_jk will not work

2012-03-23 Thread Ray Holme
Andre - good information. Thanks but still in the weeds here.

> Depends how long Tomcat and your applications need to start up and be ready 
> to answer requests.

makes sense. since httpd is NOT coming up on boot as it should, I will make it 
  with a preceding sleep and background the whole thing - maybe that will fix 
    (sleep 10; S96httpd start) &

  THAT WORKS fine. httpd is now up correctly after a boot. YEA!

Not surprising that it worked while being wrong, because these parameters are 
obsolete and just ignored.

:=[ (thanks)

>You don't seem to be using load balancing workers, so basically you don't care.
>But the error message may indicate that Apache httpd is not able to write that 
>file, in that location.
>Does that directory even exist ?  (logfiles usually go to somewhere like 
>/var/log/*.  /etc/hhtpd/logs is somewhat unusual.)

Thanks again. It turns out that /etc/httpd/logs is a symbolic link to 
/var/httpd/log (feel better?).
However as I did mention later in the original mail message- two files are 
created and are of size 0.
So it can write, but is not happy.
Without the new line about the shared memory in httpd.conf - httpd complained 
even more that it did not like it but would default.
Will correct the line to point directly and not use the link. (no effect, but 
makes better sense to me)

ls -l /var/log/httpd
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    0 Mar 23 09:27 jk-runtime-status.3686
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root    0 Mar 23 09:27 jk-runtime-status.3690

I did pull the release suggested 1.2.32. It also needed to be 
stripped after the install.
But it did not help - see below.

>> [info] ajp_connect_to_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c (992): Failed opening socket 
>> to ( (errno=13)
>> [error] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1621): (wrkr) connecting to 
>> backend failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong 
>> port (errno=13)
>> [info] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2614): (wrkr) sending request to tomcat 
>> failed (recoverable), because of error during request sending (attempt=1)
>> [info] jk_open_socket::jk_connect.c (627): connect to failed 
>> (errno=13)

>That's probably because you start httpd before tomcat, as explained earlier.  
>Tomcat has not opened its AJP socket 8009 yet, so httpd+mod_jk cannot connect 
>to it.

You could be right, but
  a) these MESSAGES do not happen until both tomcat and httpd are up and I try 
to get to the application in a browser
  b) under prior releases of fedora (14, 12, 8) I was able to start httpd 
hugely later and it worked - no complaints
 (sometimes it came up by itself, sometimes not - I like this rc.local way 

NOPE, in this case you did not hit the ball out of the park. I remain stuck 
with httpd thinking tomcat is NOT talking.
Since I have done almost nothing to configure tomcat as you noticed with ssl, I 
am baffled.

But thanks, you did solve one or two issues and explained a couple more.

Re: upgraded fedora and mod_jk will not work

2012-03-23 Thread Ray Holme

> (had to strip final binary to make it work at all - not mentioned)

What do you mean?

I mean that the built binary was NOT stripped and would not work (apache 
complained about loading it - sorry I forgot the message).

I simply did "strip" and the size went down by a factor of 4 and then 
it worked.

WORKED being a kind of funny word in this case. It loaded but did not work.

Re: upgraded fedora and mod_jk will not work

2012-03-23 Thread André Warnier

Note : you /do/ get bonus points for providing the versions of what you're 
Not everyone does that.

And you also got an immediate reward, in the form of Chuck's and Konstantin's warnings 
about your mod_jk version (which could have caused you severe problems later, had you not 
mentioned it).

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Re: upgraded fedora and mod_jk will not work

2012-03-23 Thread André Warnier

Ray Holme wrote:

I have recently upgraded from Fedora 14 to Fedora 16. I am testing 4 tomcat 
applications on the local web (and one plain apache app.) on one box (no other 
tricks like multiple servers ...). The below should pretty well describe 
everything I think matters.

I was running Tomcat 6.0.29 and then 6.0.35 on Fedora 14 and am now trying the 
latter on 16 - there were no changes in the apache-tomcat directory for the new 
release (NONE _ just restored it and tomcat comes up with it's normal chatter). 
Nut my release is pretty vanilla - after unpacking the gzip'd tomcat tar file I 
added the 4 webapps; the .xml files for each under conf/Catalina ... and added 
the DB driver .jar to the lib directory (symbolic linked) - then it worked fine 
(under fedora 14)

I downloaded and built the newest (tomcat-connectors-1.2.33) from src 
(had to strip final binary to make it work at all - not mentioned). I still 
have the old one if need be and yes I tried it too.

I installed the in /usr/lib64/httpd/modules with the rest of them 
(the Apache mod_jk online docs seems a little old here but were helpful).

I modified the (removed cache stuff which apache complained 
of as dead). Here is what I have left:

# - ajp13
workers.tomcat_home=/opt/apache  <-- obsolete, delete line
workers.java_home=/usr/java/jdk  <-- obsolete, delete line
ps=/  <- maybe obsolete too, don't remember
# List workers
# Define wrkr
worker.wrkr.socket_timeout=300   <-- I wouldn't do that, unless you have a 
specific reason to specify this.


I have an /etc/rc.d/rc.local file which should bring up httpd, THEN tomcat. Tomcat comes 
up fine (the logs look fine), but httpd never comes up till I manually run the same 
script after login. I know the script ran from boot time but it leaves NO complaints as I 
added an echo line to it and a "clean" script for /etc/httpd/logs which did 
definitely run (until I am up, I want fresh error files, maybe even after that).

Not sure I understand all of that, but it doesn't seem to be a Tomcat problem.
You should try to find out why httpd doesn't start when run from the boot script during 
boot.  Maybe you are trying to access something that the boot environment doesn't have 
yet, but that is available later when you run it by hand ? (like some filesystem which 
only gets mounted later on ?)

Question 1: is the order right? (httpd then tomcat)
or should I bring up tomcat before httpd??

Probably better tomcat first.  Otherwise, if a request comes in, Apache+mod_jk will try to 
connect to tomcat, tomcat won't be there yet, and you'll get errors.

pause between?

Depends how long Tomcat and your applications need to start up and be ready to answer 

 1.1 - is the java home right or should it be /usr/java?
 - these were both dead wrong under fedora 14 (and it worked)
   as it pointed to /usr/java/jdk1.6.something and I have 
   and the tomcat_home was wrong too. They are correct now (both 
are symbolic links
to the real place so I don't do that again).

Not surprising that it worked while being wrong, because these parameters are obsolete and 
just ignored.

I have carefully modified the http.conf file to be identical to what I had 
before with identical lines about worker properties. For the sake of 
completeness - here are the mods to the orginal httpd.conf (minus the comment 
lines) - I had to add a JkShmFile line to my old conf file to remove one 
startup complaint from the newer httpd mod_jk.

LoadModule jk_module modules/

le /etc/httpd/conf/

JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel info
JkShmFile   /etc/httpd/logs/jk.shm
JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] 
JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories

JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"
JkMount /ledger wrkr
JkMount /ledger/* wrkr
### 3 other app line sets like the above 2 lines are cut for brevity

So I start httpd manually now and it says "OK", but the log files do not say 
this. Here are the log messages (without the leading dates) and cutting duplicates

error_log ->
[notice] mod_python: Creating 4 session mutexes based on 256 max processes and 
0 max threads.

Question 2: I suspect this might be OK (in earlier fedora too), why "0" max?
- zero is small, is this a problem at all?

Don't know.  That's something you should ask the "mod_python" guys.

[warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `localhost.localdomain' does NOT 
match server name!?

Question 3: Also seen in earlier ssl_error_logs, but I am 

Re: upgraded fedora and mod_jk will not work

2012-03-23 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2012/3/23 Ray Holme :
> I downloaded and built the newest (tomcat-connectors-1.2.33) from 
> src (had to strip final binary to make it work at all - not mentioned). I 
> still have the old one if need be and yes I tried it too.

1.2.33 is known to be broken and causes core in httpd in certain configurations.

The voting for 1.2.35 is currently in progress - you can find download
link in the VOTE thread on the dev@ list if you wanna give it a try.

> (had to strip final binary to make it work at all - not mentioned)

What do you mean?

> Question 1: is the order right? (httpd then tomcat)
>     or should I bring up tomcat before httpd??
>     pause between?

It should work either way.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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RE: upgraded fedora and mod_jk will not work

2012-03-23 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Ray Holme [] 
> Subject: upgraded fedora and mod_jk will not work

> I downloaded and built the newest (tomcat-connectors-1.2.33)

Oops - please read the headline in the docs:

"The Apache Tomcat team wishes to draw your attention to stability issues that 
have been identified with the recent mod_jk 1.2.33 release. If you have not yet 
upgraded to mod_jk 1.2.33 we recommend that you wait for the mod_jk 1.2.34 
release which is currently in progress. If you have upgraded and are 
experienced issues we recommend that you downgrade to mod_jk 1.2.32 until 
mod_jk 1.2.34 is available.

"We apologise for any inconvenience."

 - Chuck

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upgraded fedora and mod_jk will not work

2012-03-23 Thread Ray Holme
I have recently upgraded from Fedora 14 to Fedora 16. I am testing 4 tomcat 
applications on the local web (and one plain apache app.) on one box (no other 
tricks like multiple servers ...). The below should pretty well describe 
everything I think matters.

I was running Tomcat 6.0.29 and then 6.0.35 on Fedora 14 and am now trying the 
latter on 16 - there were no changes in the apache-tomcat directory for the new 
release (NONE _ just restored it and tomcat comes up with it's normal chatter). 
Nut my release is pretty vanilla - after unpacking the gzip'd tomcat tar file I 
added the 4 webapps; the .xml files for each under conf/Catalina ... and added 
the DB driver .jar to the lib directory (symbolic linked) - then it worked fine 
(under fedora 14)

I downloaded and built the newest (tomcat-connectors-1.2.33) from src 
(had to strip final binary to make it work at all - not mentioned). I still 
have the old one if need be and yes I tried it too.

I installed the in /usr/lib64/httpd/modules with the rest of them 
(the Apache mod_jk online docs seems a little old here but were helpful).

I modified the (removed cache stuff which apache complained 
of as dead). Here is what I have left:

# - ajp13
# List workers
# Define wrkr

I have an /etc/rc.d/rc.local file which should bring up httpd, THEN tomcat. 
Tomcat comes up fine (the logs look fine), but httpd never comes up till I 
manually run the same script after login. I know the script ran from boot time 
but it leaves NO complaints as I added an echo line to it and a "clean" script 
for /etc/httpd/logs which did definitely run (until I am up, I want fresh error 
files, maybe even after that).

Question 1: is the order right? (httpd then tomcat)
    or should I bring up tomcat before httpd??
    pause between?
 1.1 - is the java home right or should it be /usr/java?
 - these were both dead wrong under fedora 14 (and it worked)
   as it pointed to /usr/java/jdk1.6.something and I have 
   and the tomcat_home was wrong too. They are correct now (both 
are symbolic links
    to the real place so I don't do that again).

I have carefully modified the http.conf file to be identical to what I had 
before with identical lines about worker properties. For the sake of 
completeness - here are the mods to the orginal httpd.conf (minus the comment 
lines) - I had to add a JkShmFile line to my old conf file to remove one 
startup complaint from the newer httpd mod_jk.

LoadModule jk_module modules/
JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/
JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel info
JkShmFile   /etc/httpd/logs/jk.shm
JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] 
JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"
JkMount /ledger wrkr
JkMount /ledger/* wrkr
### 3 other app line sets like the above 2 lines are cut for brevity

So I start httpd manually now and it says "OK", but the log files do not say 
this. Here are the log messages (without the leading dates) and cutting 

error_log ->
[notice] mod_python: Creating 4 session mutexes based on 256 max processes and 
0 max threads.

Question 2: I suspect this might be OK (in earlier fedora too), why "0" max?
    - zero is small, is this a problem at all?

[warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `localhost.localdomain' does NOT 
match server name!?

Question 3: Also seen in earlier ssl_error_logs, but I am not using SSL at all 
YET and I don't like errors. I cannot find where it is picking up 
localhost.localdomain at all. I would correct that if I knew. I have tried 
adding this alias on the line with my real hostname in /etc/hosts but that does 
no good. SO, is this a problem? Whether or not it is, can I fix it?

mod_jk.log -> THESE ARE ALL NEW TO FEDORA 16 and the real problem I think
[error] init_jk::mod_jk.c (3348): Initializing shm:/etc/httpd/logs/jk.shm.2384 
errno=13. Load balancing workers will not function properly.
[info] ajp_connect_to_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c (992): Failed opening socket to 
( (errno=13)
[error] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1621): (wrkr) connecting to backend 
failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port 
[info] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2614): (wrkr) sending request to tomcat 
failed (recoverable), because of error during request sending (attempt=1)
[info] jk_open_socket::jk_connect.c (627): connect to