Mark Struberg wrote:
> I think what the download page fails to communicate is which EE level
> it addresses. 
> TomEE-1.7.x adresses the JavaEE 6 specifications, with minimum requirement
> Java7 (up to Java8)
> TomEE-7.0.x adresses JavaEE 7, with minimum Java7, soon up to Java11
> (7.0.5 in preparation right now)
> TomEE-7.1.x (wip) will address JavaEE7 + MicroProfile 1.3 with minimum Java8
> TomEE-8.0.x (wip) will address JavaEE8 + MicroProfile 1.0 with minimum Java8

Thanks for that clarification. It may seem obvious to people in the know, but
it is interesting to see a statement on the upper bound of supported JDK/JRE
version, as well as the lower bound. In addition to the supported Java EE
version range, for the major Tomee versions.

Now, just to be explicit here: Apart from EE certification, does the Tomee
community consider OpenJDK on equal footing to OracleJDK when it comes to Tomee
deployment? Is there any important reason not to recommend OpenJDK over, or at
least on par with, OracleJDK?

I'm asking because I still encounter a bit of hesitation towards migrating from
OracleJDK to OpenJDK. It would be helpful if open source projects such as Tomee
made a clear stance on OpenJDK.

BTW, I also run Tomee 7.x on OpenJDK 8, and have not found any issues compared
to OracleJDK. So, now we know there are more than one application deployed on
Tomee and OpenJDK. :)

Fredrik Jonson

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