
Thanks for the explanation... so - does Wicket not store, and therefore not 
handle, versions of pages with different renderCounts?

>> But above you listed only non-Ajax components.

Doh! That is obvious now you mention it - thanks for the info :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Grigorov []
Sent: Monday, 13 October 2014 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: DataView, OrderByBorder, CheckGroup


On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 2:59 AM, Colin Rogers <> wrote:

> Wicketeers,
> I don't know if this is a bug, bad coding on my behalf or incompatible
> components or what not. It's only a minor thing, but I thought it
> worth raising (as usually, I end up learning something).
> I've created a quickstart, here;
> The basic thing is that I have a DataView, with columns organised with
> an OrderByBorder component. Wrapping those, I have a CheckGroup. It's
> the CheckGroup that seems to trigger a weird behaviour in that the
> pageId doesn't increment when the OrderByBorder link is clicked. This
> has the knock on that StalePageException are raised (and handled) when
> going back through history or more often, when opening links in new
> window (click 'open in new window' and then click the link again the original 
> window).
> The affects are minor - the page refreshing and the click being
> ignored, so nothing majorly important.

When you copy the url from the address bar from one tab/window to another the 
page id stays the same but another special counter changes - Page#renderCount.
When you load the page in the second tab/window the renderCount increments with 
1. If you use non-Ajax components/behaviors to interact with the page it may 
increment even more.
Later when you go back to the first tab/window and try to use any component 
(Ajax or not) Wicket will check whether the the renderCount in the request url 
(e.g. in '3-1-ILinkListener~some~component' '3' is the pageId and '1'
is the renderCount) matches with the renderCount of the page with id 3 in the 
pages' store. If it doesn't then a special PageStaleException is being thrown 
and Wicket just renders the page with its latest state and respectively 
This is needed to prevent using stale/obsolete version of the page. E.g. if in 
the second tab/window you remove a panel for some entity and this panel 
contains a child component a link to edit this entity then trying to click on 
this link in the first tab/window will end with ComponentNotFoundException if 
there was no such check.

> Also, as an aside, the Wicket Debug box seems to have disappeared.

I haven't checked what is the reason for this to disappear. But above you 
listed only non-Ajax components. The Ajax debug window appears only if there is 
an Ajax behavior in the rendered page.
Lately I don't see any usefulness in Ajax Debug Window. All the information is 
available in the browser's Dev tools.

> Anyway, has anyone got advice on this? Is it a bug?
> Cheers,
> Col.
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