Hi everyone,
my first mail to the list, i hope this wasn`t answered million times before, but the wicket users faq is empty so i couldn`t find it there ;)

I'm using wicket1.3 to create a generic panel with the option to hide everything inside when clicking an ajax-button. While the actual hiding&showing works fine I'm having trouble with inheritance.
This example should show what I mean:

This is my generic super panel (no ajax stuff in it here to show the essential problem). The idea is, that the childContainer is set to Visible:false when the button is clicked. All of this should happen in the super class, so i don't have to care about it in the child class:

public class testSuperPanel extends Panel {
   public testSuperPanel(String id) {
       add(new WebMarkupContainer("childContainer"));

The markup for testSuperPanel:
   <div wicket:id="childContainer">

This is a sample child panel:

public class testChildPanel extends testSuperPanel {
   public testChildPanel(String id) {
       add(new Label("childLabel","Test!"));

and the Markup:
   <span wicket:id="childLabel"></span>

As you see, it should simply display "Test" inside a MarkupContainer (which could be hidden from the superClass). When i try to display this Panel however I get an Exception stating that no code is added for the Label "childLabel"! This can be solved by adding the childLabel to the container in the superClass, but thats obviously not the way it is meant to be:

public class testSuperPanel extends Panel {
   public testSuperPanel(String id) {
       WebMarkupContainer wmc = new WebMarkupContainer("childContainer");
       wmc.add(new Label("childLabel","Test!"));

So, is this a wicket bug with inheritance inside containers or am I just doing things the wrong way?

Thanks for your help!
best regards, Oli

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