
Unfortunately for me just after releasing the and 1.5-RC2.1 wicketstuff-core releases last week the vote occurred for the next set of wicket stable versions.

Since they have been released I have just redone the release process for wicketstuff-core to create both a 1.4.17 and 1.5-RC3 release.

Development on the next 1.4.x release takes place on the core-1.4.x branch: https://github.com/wicketstuff/core/tree/core-1.4.x Development on the next 1.5.x release takes place on the master branch: https://github.com/wicketstuff/core

Issues can be reported here: https://github.com/wicketstuff/core/issues

The Project Wiki is available here: https://github.com/wicketstuff/core/wiki

Both have been released through the oss.sonatype.org infrastructure and should sync to maven central within 1-2 hours (1.4.17 first and then 1.5-RC3).

1.4.17 Details:

The release tag is here: https://github.com/wicketstuff/core/tree/wicketstuff-core-1.4.17

The main addition is the new wicket-eidogo project with is a web SGF editor for go/baduk/igo game.

The full changeset can be see using: git log wicketstuff-core-

1.5-RC3 Details:

The release tag is here: https://github.com/wicketstuff/core/tree/wicketstuff-core-1.5-RC3

Nick Wiedenbrueck (10 commits): changes related to the console project

akiraly (9 commits): code cleanup and wicket-html5 changes.

Inaiat Henrique (2 commits): [mootools-meiomask] related

Isammoc (2 commits):  wicket-eidogo related

The full change set can be see using: git log wicketstuff-core-1.4-RC2.1..wicketstuff-core-1.5-RC3

I will plan on doing the next release within one month from today. Let me know if you commit something and/or need a point release sooner.



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