I am a rookie to Wicket and need help here. The problem may be easy for you
but the detailed introduction is tedious.
In one shortest sentence, the URL shown in the subject should be
instead (i.e., parent folder sign .. eliminated), in my opinion.

The underneath is about details:

    Tomcat 6.0.18
    Wicket 1.3.6
    JRE 1.6 update 13

Web app:
    WB maintained by Tomcat and the url is http://dliu-pc:8080/WB.
(Actually, on local machine.)

    The involved url is http://dliu-pc:8080/WB/brainSideBar.
    WebPage brainSideBar contains a Wicket Panel Comments.
    In one case, Comments throws one RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException
to let the users log in. The address bar shows
http://dliu-pc:8080/WB/?wicket:interface=:2:::: thereafter. Login page shows
    After the user log in, we cannot go back to
http://dliu-pc:8080/WB/brainSideBar since the url is wrong as shown in the
subject, which was revealed by a HTTP sniffer tool. This url is interpreted
by FireFox 3.5 and Chrome as
There is nothing in page source.
    If now we ask the browser to go to the correct url
brainSideBar will be correctly shown while the url shown in the address bar
becomes http://dliu-pc:8080/WB/?wicket:interface=:1:1:::.

One fact that may matter:
    Previously, WicketFilter was used for url-pattern /app/*; the url
returned under the same scenario was (only important segments shown here:)
...WB/app/../app/brainSideBar?...., so that the correct url
...WB/app/brainSideBar?...was finally composed.

This problem is beyond my Wicket ability and I cannot move forward in two
Thanks in advance for your help!


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