I am sure I am doing something very silly here but ....

When I add the following AttributeModifier in my onBeforeRender() method,
the solution works as expected (so I load an image that indicates that this
page is selected)

icon.add(new AttributeModifier("this.src='", null, true, new

However, when I abstract that same code into a private class, the solution
still works and the correct image loads that indicates which page I am on,
but the browser, never completes the request (so the spinning wheel on the
tab keeps on spinning).

icon.add(new ActivateImage("onload", active));
 private class ActivateImage extends AttributeModifier {

        private ActivateImage(String id, final ResourceReference ref) {
            super(id, null, true, new Model("this.src='" + urlFor(ref) +

Any ideas?


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