Hi, Every few minutes on our site, we get the following error.

08/12/2013 07:13:53 [?] ERROR ? ---- Error detaching RequestHandler

We're running wicket 6.5.0 (as we were on previous release without the
issue). The errors seem to be correspond to bots accessing the site (e.g
googlebot) trying to access links such as


I cannot seem to reproduce the issue locally, We don't have sessions for
bots as we Override Application#newWebResponse as follows.

protected WebResponse newWebResponse(final WebRequest webRequest, final
HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse)
return new ServletWebResponse((ServletWebRequest) webRequest,

public String encodeURL(CharSequence url)
 final String agent = webRequest.getHeader("User-Agent");
logger.debug("User Agent:" + agent);
 if (isAgent(agent))
 return url.toString();

return super.encodeURL(url).toString();


What could be causing the ERRORs?
Fergal Keating
IT Senior Engineer
e. fergal.keat...@directski.com
p. NA
w. www.directski.com

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