I have found the cause of issue 4829 and provided a patch for this issue
in the JIRA comments here:
Common component resolvers created by the app during init ignore
namespace settings in the current markup and so some of the resolvers
return 'wicket' as the namespace instead of the namespace specified by
the user as <html xmlns:mynamespace>
Yours sincerely,
Chris Colman
Pagebloom Team Leader,
Step Ahead Software

pagebloom - your business & your website growing together
Sydney: (+61 2) 9656 1278     Canberra: (+61 2) 6100 2120     
Email: chr...@stepahead.com.au <mailto://chr...@stepahead.com.au> 
http://www.pagebloom.com <blocked::http://www.pagebloom.com/> 

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