
I am using wicket 1.3 with latest dev build of wicketstuff-scriptaculous. I am trying to use highlight effect on table row when user clicks a link. It doesn't work and ajax debug shows "*ERROR: *Exception evaluating javascript: TypeError: Effect has no properties". And sometimes it starts to work if I simply redeploy EAR file. It's very strange.


*INFO: *
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ajax-response><component id="resultDetailsPanel11" ><![CDATA[<div id="resultDetailsPanel11" class="contentDiv">
<table border="0" id="detailsTable">
</div>]]></component><evaluate><![CDATA[new Effect.Highlight('id524',
*INFO: *Response parsed. Now invoking steps...
*ERROR: *Exception evaluating javascript: TypeError: Effect has no properties

public class ColumnLinkPanel extends Panel
public ColumnLinkPanel(String id, final IModel model)

Image icon = new Image("detailsIcon",new ResourceReference(ColumnLinkPanel.class,"doc.png"));
AjaxLink ajaxLink = new AjaxLink("detailsLink")
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target)
ResultDetailsPanel newPanel = new ResultDetailsPanel("resultDetailsPanel",model); findParent(MainPage.class).get("resultDetailsPanel").replaceWith(newPanel.setOutputMarkupId(true));
*target.appendJavascript(new Effect.Highlight(findParent(OddEvenItem.class)).toJavascript()); *


public class MainPage extends BasePage
public MainPage()
add(new FeedbackPanel("feedbackPanel").setOutputMarkupId(true));
* add(ScriptaculousAjaxBehavior.newJavascriptBindingBehavior());*

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