Re: wicket 6.3.0 WeldDecorator

2013-06-29 Thread Piratenvisier

Thanks martin with jetty version 8.1.3.v20120416 its O.K.
with jetty version 9.0.2.v20130417 same error

Am 24.06.2013 13:48, schrieb Martin Grigorov:

You need to use Jetty 8.x

On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Piratenvisier


Martin error is also in 6.8.0:
I found the following remark:
Wicket 6.8.0 and WeldDecorator**
Am 24.06.2013 09:42, schrieb Martin Grigorov:


Don't use 6.3.0. Even if there is a problem with it we cannot fix it.
If there is a problem in Wicket v.Latest we can fix it in Wicket v.Next.
always check that your problems are valid in v.Latest.

On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Piratenvisier**wrote:

  When I start jetty for wicket-examples 6.3.0 now 6.8.0 I get the

Cannot load class for org.jboss.weld.environment.jetty.WeldDecorator

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Re: wicket and flow

2013-06-29 Thread Piratenvisier

Hello Martin,
a  central class in Webflow is  PageFlowRequestCycleProcessor:

public class PageFlowRequestCycleProcessor extends WebRequestCycleProcessor

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public IRequestTarget_*resolve*_(RequestCycle requestCycle, 
RequestParameters requestParameters)

//If Key in URL use it


String[] flowExecutionKeyParms = 

if(flowExecutionKeyParms.length  0){
requestCycle, requestParameters);


IRequestTarget target = super.resolve(requestCycle, 

// If the target is bookmarkable but mounted it needs to go 
back and check pageflow

if (target instanceof BookmarkablePageRequestTarget)
//BookmarkablePageRequestTarget bookmarkableTarget = 

(PAGE_FLOW_PAGE_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(bookmarkableTarget.getPageClass()) ||

String currentStateFromSession = 
requestCycle, requestParameters);


return target;

/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected IRequestTarget _*resolveHomePageTarget*_(RequestCycle 
requestCycle, RequestParameters requestParameters)


//Grab the target as Wicket would normally calculate it
BookmarkablePageRequestTarget classicTarget 
super.resolveHomePageTarget(requestCycle, requestParameters);
BookmarkablePageRequestTarget newTarget =  

//If the target that PageFlow is returning isn't the real home 
page we need to redirect to it.


//Redirect to the homepage if session is trying to go to 
the end of the flow since we are restarting it
String currentStateFromSession = 


//Reset the whole flow state in preparation for a new flow

// This line is to reset the target because the 
flowstate was just reset so the url needs to be regenerated
classicTarget =(BookmarkablePageRequestTarget) 
super.resolveHomePageTarget(requestCycle, requestParameters);

return classicTarget;

throw new 




/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected IRequestTarget _*resolveBookmarkablePage*_(RequestCycle 
requestCycle, RequestParameters requestParameters)

//Grab the target as Wicket would normally calculate it
BookmarkablePageRequestTarget classicTarget 
=(BookmarkablePageRequestTarget) super.resolveBookmarkablePage( 
requestCycle,  requestParameters);



 * presolvePageFlowTargets./p
 * @param classicTarget a {@link} object.

 * @param requestCycle a {@link org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle} object.
 * @param requestParameters a {@link 
org.apache.wicket.request.RequestParameters} object.
 * @return a {@link} object.

protected BookmarkablePageRequestTarget 
_resolvePageFlowTargets_(BookmarkablePageRequestTarget classicTarget, 
RequestCycle requestCycle, RequestParameters requestParameters)

BookmarkablePageRequestTarget target = null;

String currentStateFromSession = 
//If the target still hasn't been set, target from the user's 
session data

if(currentStateFromSession != null)
target = 
requestCycle, requestParameters);


//TODO if the target is null, redirect back to the last 
rendered page, or the homepage

if(target == null)
target = 

Re: DI Through Constructors w/Wicket

2013-06-29 Thread William Speirs
I'm just getting to this now... weekend coder.

@MartinGrigorov - this looks exactly like what I want, or parts of it
at least... I'll certainly check it out. And you're right, I shouldn't
be so skeptical, you Wicket folks seem to always come through with
some library when I ask a question :-)

@DanielWatrous - your blog is helpful, except that you instantiate a
Guice instance in your unit test. I'm still wrestling with what I
consider best practices with respect to Guice/DI and Unit Tests, but
I'm strongly leaning towards the best practice of: If you're having to
create an injector in your unit test, then you're doing it wrong.

Dependencies should come in through the constructor and constructor
only. In the unit test, mocked instances of those dependencies should
be passed in through the constructor after you've called new to create
the object itself. This ensures you're ONLY testing the object, and
none of its dependencies in that unit test. If you cannot pass your
dependencies through the constructor, it's most likely because you're
not letting the framework create the instance for you, and this
exposes a deficiency in your implementation. This is the problem with
Wicket, it creates the pages for you (unless you implement your own
IPageFactory like in the library Martin linked), which forces you to
use field injection like you did in your blog example.

Draconian best practice? Maybe, but when working with a number of
developers on a project, I find it best to keep strict but simple
rules; even better when they can be enforced with things like

Am I totally wrong here? Am I missing something? I'd love people's
feedback on this!


On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 10:38 PM, Daniel Watrous wrote:
 I worked out this process:

 It enables unittests and may help you toward your goal.


 On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 7:14 PM, William Speirs wrote:

 I think I know the answer before I ask, but is there any way to do
 constructor injection with Wicket? Say I have a web page and an email
 service. I need the email service in the web page. Now everyone is
 going to say, Simply use field injection. That will work, but makes
 unit testing a real pain because now I have to setup injection for my
 unit test (or add additional methods to all of my pages so I can
 manually set these field, or additional constructors that set these
 fields). I should be able to unit test a class without needing
 injection, but instead passing mocks through the constructor.

 I feel like this is impossible in Wicket currently because the
 DefaultPageFactory is using reflection to create the page instances
 instead of the injector (Guice in my case). It would be easy enough to
 get the injector and call getInstance() to obtain a page instance. The
 problem is when you need to pass in parameters. There is no concept of
 parameters for a page other than what is passed via the constructor,
 so you cannot call something like setPageParameters because it doesn't
 exist. If using Guice, you could create an @Assisted injection, and
 have a factory.

 Has anyone tried creating this type of IPageFactory -- a
 GuicePageFactory? What kind of pitfalls would exist if I attempted
 such a thing? Am I being stupid and missing something? Thoughts?



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Re: clustering and failover

2013-06-29 Thread William Speirs
Another consideration is if you're using any authentication that
relies upon the tomcat session, then bouncing to another box (if
you're doing round-robin load balanced) would mean your users will
have to reauthenticate.

Been there, still have the bite marks from that :-)


On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 4:50 PM, uwe schaefer wrote:
 On 06/28/2013 09:19 AM, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Hi Martin,

 i already saw and consider your memcached-based session management, thanks.
 the reason i ask the wicket mailing list is, that i assume that wicket only
 needs part of the pagemap (namely the current page) to serve a request, so
 that - hopefully - the data needed to serve a single request can be smaller
 if the pagemap is kept seperate from the session.

 is this assumption correct?

 cu uwe

 I think you should ask this question in Tomcat mailing list.
 Also check

 On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 8:46 AM, Uwe Schäfer wrote:


 quick question about clustering: am i right to believe that putting
 session/pagemap data in a memcached-like storage has advantages over the
 tomcat session clustering in terms of latency and robust failover
 i mean, the latter obviously has the data nearby (when assuming sticky
 sessions) whereas the first needs to grab it from (and push it to)
 storage every time even though it is far more selective about what it

 i was wondering if tomcat session clustering can effectivly update only
 the dirty parts of the session data?

 i'd love any kind of feedback on that topic INCLUDING 'depends'-answers

 cu uwe

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