Re: Wicket MarkupContainer error, the component failed to render

2013-05-05 Thread Sven Meier
I'm not fluent in Scala but it seems you're adding additional components without reason: private class TextDesc(id: String, workSheet: WorkSheet) extends TextField[String](id) { add(new TextField(textField, new Model[String]() { TextDesc *is* a textfield, why are you adding another

Change signature of AbstractTree or Model.ofSet

2013-05-05 Thread Илья Нарыжный
Hello, I have following problem in wicket 6 with trees: Constructor of class org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.repeater.tree.AbstractTree have following signature: protected AbstractTree(String id, ITreeProviderT provider, IModelSetT state) The problem is in IModelSetT state argument and

Popup window ( user notification window) after Form submission.

2013-05-05 Thread mayanksahai
Hi all ,i am new to wicket and taking panel based approach to build out Pages. in my application there is main page that contains multiple panel one i have a user registration form. once user submits this form i want to launch a window/popup (confirming to user that he is registered

Get the selected item in the DropDownChoice using Scala

2013-05-05 Thread Bruno Moura
How can I get the selected item form a DropDownChoice inside an ListView? I implemented the chunky code bellow: val listCustomer: java.util.List[Customer] = customerDAO.listCustomers item.add(new DropDownChoice(customerSelection, listCustomer, new ChoiceRenderer[Customer](name))) In

Wicket - get the value of a textbox using scala

2013-05-05 Thread Bruno Moura
I'm trying to retrieve a value of a TextField as is showed bellow: item.add(new TextField(description, new Model[String]() { override def getObject(): String = { customer.description = ??? // I don't know how I can get the value here return ... }

Keep the state or value of a DropDownChoice and TextField both inside a ListView

2013-05-05 Thread Bruno Moura
I have implemented a listView and every time that a new item is added in this ListView the values inserted in the textField and selected in a DropDownChoice are lost. The following pictures show what's happen before and after add a new ListView item: [image: Imagem inline 1] And after Add a new

Re: Keep the state or value of a DropDownChoice and TextField both inside a ListView

2013-05-05 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
From javadoc of ListView * p * strongWARNING:/strong though you can nest ListViews within Forms, you HAVE to set the * setReuseItems property to true in order to have validation work properly. By default, * setReuseItems is false, which has the effect that ListView replaces all child