Re: [wicketstuff-push] How to disconnect cleanly?

2011-10-12 Thread Harald Wellmann
I'm currently doing timer.stop() in my application code before calling
uninstallNode(), but that requires copying code from the private
method TimerPushService._findPushBehavior(). So it seems the API could
do with a couple of extensions for this case...

Best regards,

2011/10/11 vineet semwal :
> i think its better to do timerpushbehavior.stop() instead of
> component.remove(behavior)
> inside uninstallNode(component,node) but it might require other changes too ..

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[wicketstuff-push] How to disconnect cleanly?

2011-10-11 Thread Harald Wellmann
I'm experimenting with wicketstuff-push-timer, and I wonder if there's
a way to cleanly uninstall a node.

Use case: The server pushes a number of progress events during a long
running action. When the action is finished, no more events will be
sent, so there is no point for the browser to continue polling the

I've tried pushService.uninstallNode(), but I always end up with an
exception of the following kind:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Behavior must be added to
component before its id can be generated. Behavior:
org.wicketstuff.push.timer.TimerPushBehavior@3522971b, Component:
at org.apache.wicket.Behaviors.getBehaviorId(
at org.apache.wicket.Component.getBehaviorId(
at org.apache.wicket.Component.urlFor(

It seems that uninstallNode() only removes the behaviour but does not
stop the timer.

Any hints welcome...

Best regards,


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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-07-04 Thread Harald Wellmann

Hi Andreas,

thanks for providing the pointers and the brand new intro in the Pax 
Wicket wiki.

This is now at least something to get started, and I'm beginning to see 
that there is some overlap with wicket-osgi or even the chance of 
wicket-osgi becoming obsolete in the near future as Pax Wicket matures 
or just shifts its priorities a little from hacking to documenting all 
its goodies ;-)

Some points after a very quick first look and comparison:

- Pax Wicket head does not compile 

- Pax Wicket is based on Wicket 1.4.17, wicket-osgi on 1.5-SNAPSHOT

- Wicket 1.4.17 uses DynamicImport-Package: * - are you sure Pax Wicket 
would work without that?

- The official Wicket 1.5 artifacts are not OSGi friendly, so if you 
upgrade Pax Wicket to 1.5, you'd have to use wicket-bundle from 
Wicketstuff, just like wicket-osgi. (Of course, I'd much prefer the 
Wicket core project to provide properly osgified artifacts without split 
packages and dynamic imports so we could scrap wicket-bundle...)


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Re: Wicket/Spring/Junit/Maven - Don't understand what's going on.

2011-07-03 Thread Harald Wellmann
Without a stacktrace or more details about your setup, I can only 
guess... Most likely it's not a Wicket problem.

I'd say your applicationContext.xml is in the wrong place where Maven 
can't see it, and Eclipse just happens to see it because m2eclipse 
cannot map Maven classpaths 1:1 to Eclipse.

In the blog you cited, this line looks suspicious to me:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = 

If you have a default Maven project structure, then WEB-INF is under 
src/main/webapp, and this is not on the test classpath for Surefire.



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Re: WicketFilter.init() called twice with Glassfish

2011-07-01 Thread Harald Wellmann

Am 01.07.2011 18:30, schrieb Bertrand Guay-Paquet:


I am deploying a Wicket 1.5 application inside an EAR on Glassfish 3.1.

I noticed that the debug bar was "doubled" at the top of the browser
window (2 full debug bars). After investigation, the problem is that
WicketFIlter.init() is being called twice each time I start the server.
This causes the debug bar contributors to register twice.

My web.xml contains only Wicket and only once. Roughly the same code did
not behave like this when I used an embedded jetty server and no EJBs or
EAR (single WAR).

I'm trying to set up an environment to step inside Glassfish and see why
the filter is initialized twice. In the meantime, I ask has anybody seen
this double-init behavior before?

Yes, I've seen this on Glassfish 3.0, and the problem was reported as fixed:

Maybe there's a regression?


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Re: WicketStuff artifacts naming strategy

2011-06-29 Thread Harald Wellmann
For Maven OSGi bundle artifacts, there is a quasi-convention to have 
artifactId = Bundle-Symbolic name, so you would have

groupId: org.wicketstuff
version: 1.5

JAR name:

Apache Servicemix and Apache Aries use this convention, while Apache 
Commons sticks with the old names.

Having this naming scheme and the one Bruno suggested in parallel would 
help to distinguish OSGi bundles from plain old JARs.

Then again, that would mean you'd have to rename artifacts, once you 
osgify them.


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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-28 Thread Harald Wellmann

Am 28.06.2011 10:08, schrieb Daniël van 't Ooster:

- This implementation assumes the web bundle knows about all bundles
providing services;

wicket-osgi currently assumes that the web application bundle (WAB) 
explicitly imports all packages or bundles which contribute Wicket 
components used by the application.

Otherwise, for the injection stuff, the WAB only needs to import the 
service interface packages, but not the implementation packages or bundles.

in our case (the case attached to WICKET-3737 is a
stripped down version), we have one 'web bundle', which hosts the Wicket
application; individual bundles provide pages and their mount points (in the
example case, bundles provide some panels).

Yes, I had a look at that example - it's a rather advanced scenario and 
far more than what I'm currently aiming at with wicket-osgi.

The first major goal I would like to achieve is support for the 
following scenario:

- OSGi Web Container and Web Application Bundles according to OSGi 
Enterprise Spec 4.2.

- Wicket is deployed as a plain old OSGi bundle.

- One or more WABs are deployed as separate bundles. Each WAB provides a 
Web Application according to the Servlet Spec. The WABs are completely 
isolated from each other, just like plain old WARs.

I don't think that your scenario with other bundles contributing new 
pages or resources to a running web application is currently covered by 
the OSGi Enterprise Spec. A WAB is always a single bundle, which may of 
course import packages and use services from other bundles, but for 
anything related to the Web Context Path, there is a one-to-one relation 
between context paths and bundles. At least that's my understanding, but 
I'm not in any of the Java EE or OSGi expert groups...

Of course you can attach OSGi fragments to your WAB as bundle host, but 
an independent bundle registering services that contribute to a web 
context owned by some other bundle is currently out of scope, I'd say.

Mind you, I'm not saying that your scenario doesn't make sense or cannot 
be done, but it sounds like the second or third step to me.

Do you have examples of any OSGi Web containers supports your flavour of 
multi-bundle WABs? So far, I've looked at Pax Web, Eclipse Gemini Web 
and Glassfish, and my impression is they all follow the rule "one web 
context, one bundle".

In cases like that, there is no
single class loader which knows all classes, so you need one bundle with a
DynamicImport-Package: *.

I'd say your assumption is right, but your conclusion is not... Let's 
say your WAB retrieves WebPages from the service registry and mounts 
them. To do so, it only needs to load the WebPage base class from 
Wicket, but not the implementation class from some other bundle.

In this situation, page deserialization will fail, because neither the 
Wicket bundle class loader nor your WAB nor the ThreadContextClassLoader 
can load the class from the contributor bundle.

But even then, there are other and better solutions than 
DynamicImport-Package, which I think is something like an emergency 
amputation when you have to save your application's life and need to use 
some third-party lib that simply doesn't play by OSGi rules.

> To reduce the number of bundle refreshes we

delegate this job to a tiny 'class resolver bundle', which exposes an
IClassResolver instance as OSGi service.

And this class resolver bundle still uses dynamic imports, right?

I'd suggest one of the following options:

1) Your contributor bundles provide an IContributor service for an 
interface exported by your WAB. Your WAB tracks all implementations, 
builds a composite ClassResolver from all their classloaders and 
registers the ClassResolver with Wicket.

2) Extender Pattern: You define a special manifest header that all your 
contributors need to include, then your WAB tracks bundle events, 
identifies its contributors from the manifest header and builds a 
composite ClassResolver as in 1).

In any case, I would leave wicket-bundle and wicket-osgi out of the 
game. There may be more than one WAB, each with a number of contributor 
bundles, and the Wicket bundle cannot decide how to match them up.

While generating JDK / CGLib proxies, you need a class loader which can
access all proxied classes, one way to solve this is a minor change to the
IClassResolver interface to get access to the almightly class loader. I have
added a method getClassLoader(), which is used in the DefaultClassResolver
to load classes. This simple change will save some code duplication in OSGi
compatible classResolvers.

What's your use case for these proxies? Do you create them at 
application level, or is this something that Spring DM does at framework 

- Another difference is how OSGi services are used; we are using Spring DM,
which creates one applicationContext per bundle. Fields annotated with
@SpringBean will be injected with beans (imported OSGi reference is also a
bean) from the applic

Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-27 Thread Harald Wellmann

Am 27.06.2011 22:13, schrieb Martin Grigorov:

I also reviewed the code - good job!

Thanks :-)

I saw that you basically copy/pasted DefaultClassResolver to
OsgiClassResolver with minor modifications.
I think it will be better if we make DCR easier to extend so there is
no need to copy/paste its code.

Actually, I'm no longer sure it is needed at all... The 
OsgiClassResolver uses the bundle class loader of the WAB, accessed via 
the current Application class.

The DefaultClassResolver uses the ThreadContextClassLoader, or its own 
classloader as a fallback.

I'd noticed before that my sample works on Jetty even without the 
OsgiClassResolver, and the same is true on GlassFish 3.1.

Sahoo from the GlassFish team pointed out to me that any Servlet 
container is required to set the TCCL to the application classloader 
(see Servlet Spec 3.0, section 10.7.2) for loading resources and for any 
application callbacks.

If everyone agrees that this covers all use cases where Wicket needs to 
load stuff from user bundles, then I think it's safe to scrap the 
OsgiClassResolver and let the unmodified DefaultClassResolver do the job.

Could you also document the new module on wicketstuff wiki?

Sure - that's the next thing on my list...

I'm also planning to add some Surefire tests based on Pax Exam.


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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-27 Thread Harald Wellmann
There is now a new module wicket-osgi in wicketstuff/core at Github with 
some glue code to adapt Wicket to OSGi house rules.


- wicket-osgi supports bootstrapping a WicketApplication from the OSGi 
service registry, matching a property value specified as a WicketFilter 
init parameter in web.xml.

- OsgiClassResolver supports Wicket page deserialization.

- OsgiComponentInjector lets you inject OSGi services into WIcket 
components by annotating fields with JSR-330 @Inject.

- wicket-bundle, the all-in-one OSGi-compliant packaging of Wicket, now 
has a revised manifest without dynamic imports.

- wicket-ioc-bundle (sibling of wicket-bundle) does the same for 
wicket-ioc, which is required by wicket-osgi.

- wicket-osgi-test-web and wicket-osgi-test-service are two simple test 
bundles for testing the glue code in an OSGi web container (Pax Web). 
The sample uses Aries Blueprint to interact with the service registry, 
but of course you can also use Declarative Services or a BundleActivator.

- To run the sample webapp:

cd wicketstuff-core/jdk-1.5-parent/wicket-osgi-parent
cd wicket-osgi-test-web
mvn install pax:run
Open http://localhost:8080/library in your browser.

- To use wicket-osgi in your own projects, have a look at web.xml and in wicket-osgi-test-web, and at the Javadoc in 

All of this is anything but final... Have a look at the code, give it a 
try and let me know that you think.


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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-26 Thread Harald Wellmann

Hi Mike,

Am 26.06.2011 05:06, schrieb Michael O'Cleirigh:

Hi Harald,

Thanks for taking the time to implement your solution to the OSGi problem.

If you could create a patch (or fork and then pull request; or commit
directly) into the
module that would be ideal. I can't tell if it should be integrated into
the existing wicket-bundle or beside it as a new module (You can decide).

Thanks for inviting me to commit. I think a new module wicket-osgi is 
required at least for the dependency injection stuff, because that 
depends on wicket-ioc. Only the configuration for the manifest minus 
DynamicImport-Package should go into wicket-bundle.

If you need commit access just post to the dev list with your github
username and we can add you.

Will do so. My username is hwellmann.

Once your changes are committed into wicketstuff the jenkins server (it
polls github @hourly) will build them into wicketstuff-core 1.5-SNAPSHOT
jars and other osgi users could run it and their feedback could be
captured as project issues.

Would it be possible to have a wicket-bundle-example project that is
configured to launch itself using osgi to exercise the capabilities of
the module? Maybe the maven-pax-plugin be used to accomplish this?

I think since most wicket users don't seem to use osgi (me included) if
an example could be created that anyone could run the amount of feedback
would be greater.

Yeah, I know - dealing with all the environment setup is really the 
hardest part and will probably take longer than writing the glue code 
itself, so my intention was just to publish some ideas and work in 
progress to get some early feedback and make sure I'm not on the wrong 

Maven and Pax are great for batch builds and integration tests for OSGi 
projects, but IMHO Eclipse PDE is much easier for developing and 
debugging. Unfortunately, the two approaches don't integrate very well.

Anyway, I'm going to set up another example project which should be as 
self-contained as possible, leaving out all the JPA/JTA stuff which is 
not really relevant for the Wicket-OSGi integration (but then again, the 
larger goal is of course to create some kind of lightweight OSGi 
Enterprise software stack with persistence, transactions and Wicket on top.)


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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-25 Thread Harald Wellmann

Am 23.06.2011 19:11, schrieb Harald Wellmann:

I'll take a look at the patches, play around with the code and find out
if I'm one the wrong track or not... If I end up with anything
interesting enough, I'll get back or attach another patch.

Ok, here is my first shot at a solution. The IClassResolver using the 
client bundle class loader works as expected. OSGi service injection 
into Wicket components along the lines of wicket-spring is also working, 
as long as the required services are unique.

All the details are explained in a Wiki page [1], and the glue code can 
be browsed online [2], or you can clone my sample repository from Google 

Any feedback welcome!



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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-23 Thread Harald Wellmann

Am 23.06.2011 18:48, schrieb Igor Vaynberg:

there is a jira issue with a patch.

That's probably the one that Martin mentioned:

unfortunately someone has to build
the "classloader" that can see all bundles.

what is really needed here is someone taking the time to build a
generic serialization mechanism for osgi. wicket's serialization is
pluggable so it can be hooked into that.

I'll take a look at the patches, play around with the code and find out 
if I'm one the wrong track or not... If I end up with anything 
interesting enough, I'll get back or attach another patch.


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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-23 Thread Harald Wellmann

Am 22.06.2011 22:00, schrieb Igor Vaynberg:

If the page class in bundle A directly references the component class C from
bundle B (and not just an interface or base class of B from another bundle
X), then the bundle class loader of A can load class C by delegation.

not sure if that is true.

given Wicket lives in bundle W
we have a component bundle C which provides component CommentPanel and imports W
we have an application bundle P which provides page PostPage and imports W and C

someone does

class PostPage extends page { PostPage() { add(new CommentPanel("c")); }}

so PostPage has a reference to class CommentPanel from C
wicket serializes PostPage.
now wicket deserializes PostPage from disk. W classloader now needs to
load PostPage and CommentPanel, but it sees neither of those because
it doesnt import them.

You're right, W's classloader cannot see the class from P or C. But the 
thing is, when Wicket deserializes the page, it could use a derived 
ObjectInputStream and override resolveClass() to use the class resolver 
registered by the application.

This resolver wraps the bundle class loader P of the application, which 
is able to load both PostPage and CommentPanel.


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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-22 Thread Harald Wellmann

Am 22.06.2011 20:18, schrieb Martin Grigorov:

1) Why does the official Wicket artifact include a Dynamic-Import: *
header? This should only be used as a last resort...

Thanks, there's a lot of useful information in that ticket.

2) I'd like to @Inject OSGi services into Wicket components using an
IComponentInstantiationListener - is there a ready-to-go extension I
could use?

Yes. See how wicket-spring and wicket-guice use wicket-ioc
There is also wicket-javaee at

Yeah I know, but Spring is not OSGi.

what do you mean ? you re-wrote wicket-spting ? why ?

No of course I didn't. I adapted wicket-spring to use the standard 
@Inject annotation instead of @SpringBean. I never use @Autowired or 
other non-standard annotations when I can avoid it.

also there is wicket-seam at github which integrates with CDI

Seam is not CDI. wicket-seam has too many transitive dependencies on 
stuff I don't need. I'm using a modified version of org.wamblee.cdi - 


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Re: Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-22 Thread Harald Wellmann

Am 22.06.2011 20:23, schrieb Igor Vaynberg:

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Harald Wellmann

I'm currently trying to build an OSGi Enterprise stack using Wicket and
Apache Aries, and I have a couple of questions and suggestions:

1) Why does the official Wicket artifact include a Dynamic-Import: *
header? This should only be used as a last resort...

because the OSGI spec does not handle serialization.

wicket serializes a page that has a reference to component from bundle B
later, wicket deserializes the page, it needs to deserialize component
that came from bundle B so it needs access to the classloader from
bundle B.

If the page class in bundle A directly references the component class C 
from bundle B (and not just an interface or base class of B from another 
bundle X), then the bundle class loader of A can load class C by delegation.

If C is not a component class but the type of a field in a component 
injected from the service layer (just like an EJB, but in this case it's 
an OSGi service obtained from the service registry), then you can 
replace the object by a reference, e.g. a service filter, on 
serialization and reinject the object on deserialization - isn't that 
just what wicket-ioc is doing?


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Wicket and OSGi

2011-06-22 Thread Harald Wellmann

I'm currently trying to build an OSGi Enterprise stack using Wicket and
Apache Aries, and I have a couple of questions and suggestions:

1) Why does the official Wicket artifact include a Dynamic-Import: *
header? This should only be used as a last resort...

2) I'd like to @Inject OSGi services into Wicket components using an
IComponentInstantiationListener - is there a ready-to-go extension I
could use?

3) If not, would it be a good idea to create a wicket-osgi extension as
part of Wicket or Wicketstuff?

Regarding 1), I would assume that wrapping the bundle class loader
of the user's application in an IClassResolver and registering it in
Application.init() would do the trick, or doesn't it?

As for 2) and 3), I wrote similar bridges both for CDI and Spring, 
building on wicket-ioc, so I do have an idea of what it takes, but of 
course I don't want to reinvent the wheel.

Best regards,

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Page Navigation in WicketTester

2010-09-10 Thread Harald Wellmann
Using WicketTester, is it required to initialize each page under Test with 

I'm currently starting at a LoginPage and submit a form on that page to go to 
an IndexPage. Now the component tree of that page does not have the expected 
structure. After calling startPage() for the same page class, the component 
tree is correct:


FormTester formTester = tester.newFormTester("loginPanel:logInForm");
formTester.setValue("username", LOGIN);
formTester.setValue("password", PASSWORD);

tester.debugComponentTrees(); // some components are missing
tester.debugComponentTrees(); // this is now the expected tree

In particular, the difference between the two component trees is that a list 
view in the first tree is missing all list items.

I don't really understand what's going on here, so any hints would be very 
helpful. (I'm using Wicket 1.4.10.)

Best regards,


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Is WicketFilter.checkCharacterEncoding() safe?

2010-08-15 Thread Harald Wellmann
I'm not sure if this is severe or not, but I think there's a gap in the 
implicit assumptions underlying WicketFilter.checkCharacterEncoding():

It seems the author's intention was to guarantee a postcondition of

servletRequest.getCharacterEncoding() != null,

but this postcondition does not hold in all cases.

I ran into this issue after upgrading my Glassfish app server from 3.0.1 to 
3.1-b12, containing a newer release of Weld which causes the problem to appear. 
After this upgrade, my log was full of warnings of the following type:

WARN  o.apache.catalina.connector.Request - PWC4011: Unable to set request 
character encoding to UTF-8 from context /xxx, because request parameters have 
already been read, or ServletRequest.getReader() has already been called

Setting a couple of breakpoints revealed that Weld registers a 
ServletRequestListener and calls request.getParameter() in that listener. By 
specification, this listener gets called before all servlet filters, including 
WicketFilter, and again by specification, the invocation of 
servlet.request.setCharacterEncoding() from WicketFilter has no effect, since a 
request parameter has already been read by the WeldListener.

So it there are other parts of Wicket relying on the request character encoding 
to be non-null, then this looks like a bug to me. Otherwise, if Wicket handles 
a null character encoding gracefully, then checkCharacterEncoding() is 
redundant, because it cannot be guaranteed to have any effect.



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Browser Back Button and WicketTester

2010-07-16 Thread Harald Wellmann
Does WicketTester emulate the browser back button? E.g.

   // assert correct solution of double submit problem

The Javadoc comment for WicketTester.NonPageCachingDummyWebApplication mentions 
the back button and seems to imply the WicketTester does support it by default, 
but I don't see how...

Best regards,


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AW: Editable localized messages

2010-07-14 Thread Harald Wellmann
Hmm, yes, but then I'd have to add lots of tiny components to my pages. One of 
the main points of  is to avoid just that, isn't it?


Von: Igor Vaynberg []

or rather create a component and use that instead of wicket:message


On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 5:21 AM, Martin Grigorov  wrote:
> Check org.apache.wicket.markup.resolver.WicketMessageResolver
> This is the default handler for  and it is registered in
> org.apache.wicket.Application.internalInit()
> See whether you can extend it.
> The idea is to generate  super.onComponentTagBody() 
> On Wed, 2010-07-14 at 13:54 +0200, Harald Wellmann wrote:
>> The combination of  and custom IStringResourceLoader is 
>> really cool for building internationalized applications. We currently use a 
>> combination of static strings from property files and dynamic strings stored 
>> in a database table loaded via an IStringResourceLoader.
>> To edit a dynamic string, you need to know its key. Now it would be even 
>> cooler if you could simply click on a rendered string to open an edit form 
>> for the correct key.
>> E.g. when a page is in edit mode (as indicated by a request parameter or an 
>> authentication role),  is rendered not just as text but as a 
>> link. Clicking the link generates a request including the message key so you 
>> can open an edit form for the key.
>> I'm not sure where to hook into Wicket's default behaviour to implement this 
>> kind of logic or if there are better approaches - any suggestions welcome.

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Editable localized messages

2010-07-14 Thread Harald Wellmann
The combination of  and custom IStringResourceLoader is really 
cool for building internationalized applications. We currently use a 
combination of static strings from property files and dynamic strings stored in 
a database table loaded via an IStringResourceLoader.

To edit a dynamic string, you need to know its key. Now it would be even cooler 
if you could simply click on a rendered string to open an edit form for the 
correct key.

E.g. when a page is in edit mode (as indicated by a request parameter or an 
authentication role),  is rendered not just as text but as a 
link. Clicking the link generates a request including the message key so you 
can open an edit form for the key.

I'm not sure where to hook into Wicket's default behaviour to implement this 
kind of logic or if there are better approaches - any suggestions welcome.

Best regards,


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AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

2010-07-10 Thread Harald Wellmann
Thanks, I'd seen that before.

This code handles CDI injection in Wicket components (which was not the problem 
as such) and the conversation scope (which I haven't used so far) but as far as 
I can see it does not address any serialization issues with the injected 


Von: [] im Auftrag von 
James Carman []
Gesendet: Samstag, 10. Juli 2010 12:35
Betreff: Re: Serialization of injected EJBs

Here's some work I did.  See if it works for you:

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AW: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

2010-07-10 Thread Harald Wellmann
Ok, just wanted to make sure before duplicating any work.

Anyway, using wicket-ioc and looking at wicket-guice, I implemented a small lib 
(two classes, actually) performing CDI injection on Wicket components, wrapping 
the reference returned from the CDI BeanManager in a proxy that is serializable 
and re-injects all injection points using the BeanManager on deserialization.

This was indeed just a few hours' work ;-)

BUT I currently only handle the most frequent case

private Foo foo;

Only field injection, no method, constructor or parameter injection, no 
qualifiers or stereotypes. Getting all that right, including test cases, would 
easily take a week or two, and the hardest part would not be the implementation 
itself but understanding all the details of the CDI spec and fighting with 
problems in the app server. (And I still think this serialization issue is 
really a bug in Glassfish.)

At any rate, I'd be happy to share my code - would it make sense to create a 
small subproject wicket-cdi, either in wicket or in wicketstuff? I think this 
topic is of suffciently general interest, or at least will be, when more 
projects move to Java EE 6.


Von: Igor Vaynberg []
Gesendet: Freitag, 9. Juli 2010 20:03
Betreff: Re: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

no, the module is for seam 2.1 which does not use weld.


On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Harald Wellmann
> And Seam uses CDI/Weld, right? So your module might solve my problems... Is 
> it public?
> Regards,
> Harald
> Von: Igor Vaynberg []
> Gesendet: Freitag, 9. Juli 2010 18:06
> An:
> Betreff: Re: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs
> well, i recently wrote a wicket-ioc module for seam and it took me a
> couple of hours :)
> -igor

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AW: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

2010-07-09 Thread Harald Wellmann
And Seam uses CDI/Weld, right? So your module might solve my problems... Is it 


Von: Igor Vaynberg []
Gesendet: Freitag, 9. Juli 2010 18:06
Betreff: Re: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

well, i recently wrote a wicket-ioc module for seam and it took me a
couple of hours :)


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AW: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

2010-07-09 Thread Harald Wellmann
Thanks for pointing this out, however, I think it's a related but different 
issue. I did not notice any classloader problems in my case, and anyway, we 
deploy our entire application (web pages, EJBs and entity classes) in a single 



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: kbs [] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 9. Juli 2010 09:17
Betreff: Re: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

I am not sure if this is related but AFAIR we faced a similar problem with
GlassFish V2.1 and determined the root cause of this to

The exception stack trace may be different in V3 so I am not sure if it is
same issue.


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AW: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

2010-07-09 Thread Harald Wellmann
Ok, I see what you mean and I think that would work. Only I'm not so sure about 
the "couple of hours" (have you looked at CDI BeanManager...?) and with that 
approach, I would end up having 3 proxies between my Wicket component and my 

Anyway, this is probably faster to implement than waiting for a solution from 

Best regards,

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Igor Vaynberg [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010 21:45
Betreff: Re: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

hrm, if thats the case you can always use wicket-ioc module to build
the proxy yourself just like we do for spring and guice, it should
only be a couple of hours effort.


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Harald Wellmann
> In theory, yes...
> The proxies returned by Weld 1.0.1.SP3 (the version used in Glassfish 3.0.1) 
> are serializable, but after serializing and deserializing the proxy, the 
> method handler is broken and you get a null pointer exception when invoking 
> any method of the proxy. i verified this in a simple test case, independent 
> of Wicket. This looks like the problem fixed in 
>, though I'm not fully sure that this 
> is exactly the same issue.
> Anyway, I patched my Glassfish version with the most recent release of 
> Javassist containing the bugfix. With this fix, I already get a 
> NotSerializableException from Wicket when the current page is about to be 
> moved to the page store:
>   protected java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler java.lang.reflect.Proxy.h 
> [class=com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBLocalObjectInvocationHandlerDelegate] <- 
> field that is not serializable
> It seems that the stateless session bean implementation is wrapped in at 
> least two proxies, one generated by Glassfish (for getting the session bean 
> into the CDI context, equivalent to @EJB injection) and another one, 
> generated by Weld using Javassist, filling the @Inject injection point in my 
> Wicket component. The outer proxy is ok with the newer Javassist version, but 
> the inner proxy simply is not serializable because of 
> EJBLocalObjectInvocationHandlerDelegate.
> Using @EJB instead of @Inject, I just get the inner proxy, with the same 
> problem caused by EJBLocalObjectInvocationHandlerDelegate.
> So my impression is that Glassfish simply breaks the contract of my 
> serializable session bean interface. On the other hand, I wouldn't be 
> surprised if there was a paragraph somewhere in the Java EE specs stating 
> that EJBs shall not be serialized by the application (i.e. Wicket) because 
> the container takes care of passivation anyway...
> Has anybody tried Wicket+CDI+EJB on other app servers? (There aren't so many 
> supporting Java EE 6)
> Regards,
> Harald
> Von: Igor Vaynberg []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010 17:54
> An:
> Betreff: Re: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs
> im not sure if this is in a CDI spec or not, but afaik Weld will
> return serializable proxies when you manually inject objects. so that
> should work out of the box.
> -igor
> -
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AW: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

2010-07-08 Thread Harald Wellmann
In theory, yes...

The proxies returned by Weld 1.0.1.SP3 (the version used in Glassfish 3.0.1) 
are serializable, but after serializing and deserializing the proxy, the method 
handler is broken and you get a null pointer exception when invoking any method 
of the proxy. i verified this in a simple test case, independent of Wicket. 
This looks like the problem fixed in, 
though I'm not fully sure that this is exactly the same issue.

Anyway, I patched my Glassfish version with the most recent release of 
Javassist containing the bugfix. With this fix, I already get a 
NotSerializableException from Wicket when the current page is about to be moved 
to the page store:

   protected java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler java.lang.reflect.Proxy.h 
[class=com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBLocalObjectInvocationHandlerDelegate] <- 
field that is not serializable

It seems that the stateless session bean implementation is wrapped in at least 
two proxies, one generated by Glassfish (for getting the session bean into the 
CDI context, equivalent to @EJB injection) and another one, generated by Weld 
using Javassist, filling the @Inject injection point in my Wicket component. 
The outer proxy is ok with the newer Javassist version, but the inner proxy 
simply is not serializable because of EJBLocalObjectInvocationHandlerDelegate.

Using @EJB instead of @Inject, I just get the inner proxy, with the same 
problem caused by EJBLocalObjectInvocationHandlerDelegate.

So my impression is that Glassfish simply breaks the contract of my 
serializable session bean interface. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised 
if there was a paragraph somewhere in the Java EE specs stating that EJBs shall 
not be serialized by the application (i.e. Wicket) because the container takes 
care of passivation anyway...

Has anybody tried Wicket+CDI+EJB on other app servers? (There aren't so many 
supporting Java EE 6)


Von: Igor Vaynberg []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010 17:54
Betreff: Re: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

im not sure if this is in a CDI spec or not, but afaik Weld will
return serializable proxies when you manually inject objects. so that
should work out of the box.


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AW: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

2010-07-08 Thread Harald Wellmann
Yes, @EJB is still available, and it is still required in some cases. But the 
general approach to injection has changed with CDI. See for a discussion.

My original question is about how to use Wicket with CDI (injecting EJBs and 
other beans), and your suggestion is not to use CDI, which does not really 
solve the problem...

By the way, the nice thing about @Inject is that you no longer have to use JNDI 
lookups or bean names in @EJB annotations.

And the specific problem is NOT that @Inject does not not work for EJBs, but 
the injected proxies fail to serialize properly.

If I understand the javaee-inject implementation correctly, it takes care not 
to serialize proxies but replaces them by references on serialization, looking 
up the same reference again on deserialization.

I suppose my problem would be solved if the CDI InjectionTarget were using this 
approach, but this is a CDI implementation detail and out of my control.

Anybody else out there using Wicket+CDI+EJB? Have you come across similar 

Best regards,


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Major Péter [] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010 19:43
Betreff: Re: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

Nope, it does not support CDI. AFAIK @EJB is not deprecated or
old-style, and it's still available in Java EE 6. The thread was about
injecting EJB's and JavaEE Inject does exactly that.
You can always use lookups for your beans/CDI stuff...


2010-07-07 19:34 keltezéssel, Harald Wellmann írta:
> Does javaee-inject support CDI at all? I cannot find any @Inject annotations 
> in the examples you mentioned, they all seem to be in Java EE 5 style, not 
> Java EE 6.
> Regards,
> Harald

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AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

2010-07-07 Thread Harald Wellmann
Does javaee-inject support CDI at all? I cannot find any @Inject annotations in 
the examples you mentioned, they all seem to be in Java EE 5 style, not Java EE 



Von: Major Péter []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010 18:37
Betreff: Re: Serialization of injected EJBs

I'm using the lib in production with GlassFish v3 and for developing
with GlassFish 3.0.1, and haven't seen this exception so far for my
EJB's. Something is weird with your EJB... Could you check the
javaee-inject-examples (1.4.10-SNAPSHOT) project with the same container?


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AW: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

2010-07-07 Thread Harald Wellmann
Hmmm, has anybody tried this on Glassfish? The exception I currently get is:$WicketNotSerializableException: 
Unable to serialize class: 

protected java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler java.lang.reflect.Proxy.h 
[class=com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBLocalObjectInvocationHandlerDelegate] <- 
field that is not serializable

So it seems it's not the proxy itself that cannot be serialized but some 
delegate generated by Glassfish which is not serializable (even though my 
implementation class is).



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Major Péter [] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010 17:12
Betreff: Re: AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

JavaEE Inject generates a serializable proxy, so the injected references
could be stored into session without problem.


2010-07-07 17:07 keltezéssel, Harald Wellmann írta:
> Is there any evidence that javaee-inject would solve the problem? The 
> question is not how to inject the EJBs (this works fine with the wicket-cdi 
> lib), but how to serialize the injected proxies.
> Regards,
> Harald
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Major Péter [] 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010 16:51
> An:
> Betreff: Re: Serialization of injected EJBs
> Hi,
> you could try to use:
> Regards,
> Peter
> 2010-07-07 16:42 keltezéssel, Harald Wellmann írta:
>> I'm using Wicket on Glassfish v3, injecting stateless session beans (using 
>> the no-interface view) into my Wicket components.
>> For a component member
>>  @Inject
>>  private Foo foo;
>> Glassfish generates a proxy which is not serializable, even though my class 
>> Foo is.
>> Now the problem is that Wicket cannot serialize the page containing the 
>> given component. I'm not sure whether or not it is legal by the EJB 3.1 spec 
>> to have the proxy being not serializable when the underlying class is. Just 
>> assuming for the moment this is not a bug in Glassfish, what would be the 
>> best way of dealing with this in Wicket?
>> Detaching the EJBs on serialization and re-injecting them on deserialization 
>> might work, but I'm not sure how to do this, and of course I would like that 
>> to happen behind the scenes, without having to provide event handlers in 
>> each and every component with injected EJBs.
>> By the way, I'm using a ComponentInstantiationListener from 
>> to deal with CDI, but the same issue 
>> occurs with old style @EJB injection as well.
>> Any ideas?
>> Best regards,
>> Harald

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AW: Serialization of injected EJBs

2010-07-07 Thread Harald Wellmann
Is there any evidence that javaee-inject would solve the problem? The question 
is not how to inject the EJBs (this works fine with the wicket-cdi lib), but 
how to serialize the injected proxies.



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Major Péter [] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010 16:51
Betreff: Re: Serialization of injected EJBs


you could try to use:


2010-07-07 16:42 keltezéssel, Harald Wellmann írta:
> I'm using Wicket on Glassfish v3, injecting stateless session beans (using 
> the no-interface view) into my Wicket components.
> For a component member
>   @Inject
>   private Foo foo;
> Glassfish generates a proxy which is not serializable, even though my class 
> Foo is.
> Now the problem is that Wicket cannot serialize the page containing the given 
> component. I'm not sure whether or not it is legal by the EJB 3.1 spec to 
> have the proxy being not serializable when the underlying class is. Just 
> assuming for the moment this is not a bug in Glassfish, what would be the 
> best way of dealing with this in Wicket?
> Detaching the EJBs on serialization and re-injecting them on deserialization 
> might work, but I'm not sure how to do this, and of course I would like that 
> to happen behind the scenes, without having to provide event handlers in each 
> and every component with injected EJBs.
> By the way, I'm using a ComponentInstantiationListener from 
> to deal with CDI, but the same issue 
> occurs with old style @EJB injection as well.
> Any ideas?
> Best regards,
> Harald

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Serialization of injected EJBs

2010-07-07 Thread Harald Wellmann
I'm using Wicket on Glassfish v3, injecting stateless session beans (using the 
no-interface view) into my Wicket components.

For a component member

private Foo foo;

Glassfish generates a proxy which is not serializable, even though my class Foo 

Now the problem is that Wicket cannot serialize the page containing the given 
component. I'm not sure whether or not it is legal by the EJB 3.1 spec to have 
the proxy being not serializable when the underlying class is. Just assuming 
for the moment this is not a bug in Glassfish, what would be the best way of 
dealing with this in Wicket?

Detaching the EJBs on serialization and re-injecting them on deserialization 
might work, but I'm not sure how to do this, and of course I would like that to 
happen behind the scenes, without having to provide event handlers in each and 
every component with injected EJBs.

By the way, I'm using a ComponentInstantiationListener from to deal with CDI, but the same issue 
occurs with old style @EJB injection as well.

Any ideas?

Best regards,


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