Re: How to tackle Ajax "Flooding"

2009-08-31 Thread Jason Wang

Tom Wollert wrote:

Hello there,

I have a problem with my Wicket Application, which is quite Ajax heavy.
Certain ajax calls take some time as they start an import, however the
button can still be clicked and sends another ajax call (which is delayed
for quite some time). Is it possible to disable the button while the request
cycle is not complete? (I mean with wicket, or do I need to use
Javascript?). Also ajax calls are postponed as long as the channel is busy,
is it possible to deactivate this behaviour? And are there reasons why I
should not?

Normally I guess we do not want to do that (disabling all the other 
buttons ,etc). Often the reason we use ajax is to make the user requests 
handled asynchronysly. But for something that really critical like 
handling credit card payment, I think its still a good idea to disable 
any other actions on the same page.

I did not have this problem(flooding) myself, but I think you may 
consider using a "event bus" to tackle it. So all the ajax events are 
queued into the bus then handled by your server layer when it can. Plus 
you will have the benefits to have a centralized place to prioritize the 
events, doing some sort of load balancing.

Jason Wang

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Re: A bug in picking up resource strings for PatternValidator in 1.4-rc7

2009-07-30 Thread Jason Wang
Ohhh, god! I took one day off and then 1.4.0 came out!!! Thanks for 
telling me and good job wicket team!

Igor Vaynberg wrote:

1.4.0 is out, why dont you try with that...


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 6:58 PM, Jason Wang wrote:

Hi, all,

I recently rebuild a small site with 1.4-rc7 and found that the resource
strings for PatternValidator cannot be recognized by wicket and the default
one is always used.

Change back to 1.4-rc1 problem solved.(havnt tried rc2,rc6)

I have created a jira ticket at

Just send this email here so other people can be aware of it.


final RequiredTextField mobile = new
mobile.setLabel(new Model("mobile")).add(new

Properties file:

mobile.PatternValidator = Please input a valid international phone number.


always output " does not match pattern '^[1-9]([0-9]{8,14})'. "

WIth the same code, build with 1.4 rc1, worked fine, build with rc7, problem


Jason Wang

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A bug in picking up resource strings for PatternValidator in 1.4-rc7

2009-07-30 Thread Jason Wang

Hi, all,

I recently rebuild a small site with 1.4-rc7 and found that the resource 
strings for PatternValidator cannot be recognized by wicket and the 
default one is always used.

Change back to 1.4-rc1 problem solved.(havnt tried rc2,rc6)

I have created a jira ticket at

Just send this email here so other people can be aware of it.


final RequiredTextField mobile = new 
mobile.setLabel(new Model("mobile")).add(new 

Properties file:

mobile.PatternValidator = Please input a valid international phone number.


always output " does not match pattern '^[1-9]([0-9]{8,14})'. "

WIth the same code, build with 1.4 rc1, worked fine, build with rc7, 
problem occurred


Jason Wang

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Re: will there be a performance gain to use singleton to remove references to the service object in models?

2009-07-28 Thread Jason Wang

Hi Martijin,

Thats a very good point. I definitely overlooked that risk before. Thank 
you for pointing it out!


Jason Wang

Martijn Dashorst wrote:

There's the risk of keeping the retrieved service as a reference
somewhere, e.g. by declaring it final and using it inside an anon
inner class, negating any and all gains you've done by using the
static lookup. The @SpringBean annotated references are safe to pass
around (as they are implemented as proxies to your services)


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Eelco
Hillenius wrote:

Actually, thinking about it, if you're very tight on memory, it will
save you a reference, particularly when the page gets serialized. So
if you are worrying about efficiency *and* are ok with this code
style, it's an option. :-)


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 12:47 AM, Eelco
Hillenius wrote:

It might give you a very slight edge to use a singleton as you (or the
annotation processor in this case) don't have to introspect and work
through a proxy. If you're not bothered by singletons (I, for one
typically are): go for it. However, keep that famous 'premature
optimization is the root of all evil' in mind; 99.9% chance you're
optimizing something that will never ever become a bottleneck.


2009/7/27 Murat YĆ¼cel :

Hi Jason

I dont have a performance comparison, but i cannot see why you should
gain better performance.
All spring beans are as default singleton, so you will just forward a
singleton using a singleton.


2009/7/28 Jason Wang :

Hi all,

Although I am using spring-wicket to prevent the whole spring being
serialized, It still brothers me to  see the  references in the model
object, for example:

Instead of using this:

public class MyViewObjectProvider extends SortableDataProvider{
   private  DAOServices daoService;

   private String objectID;

   public Iterator iterator(final int first, final int count){
 return daoService.load(objectId).subList(first,


I always write a singleton helper class for the service to be used, so I can
have the model this way:

public class MyViewObjectProvider extends SortableDataProvider{
   //so no reference to the dao service object

   private String objectID;
public Iterator iterator(final int first, final int count){
  //here the DAOServiceHelper.get() returns a instance that managed by
spring(with the actual service object injected.)
 return DAOServiceHelper.get().load(objectId).subList(first,


So my question is, will there be a noticeable  performance gain to do it the
2nd way?
The reason to ask is that the static kind of singleton usage is indeed
anti-spring, and makes
my eyes bleed

If no one has done a performance comparison, I might have to do one myself.
Just being lazy...


Jason Wang

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will there be a performance gain to use singleton to remove references to the service object in models?

2009-07-27 Thread Jason Wang

Hi all,

Although I am using spring-wicket to prevent the whole spring being 
serialized, It still brothers me to  see the  references in the model 
object, for example:

Instead of using this:

public class MyViewObjectProvider extends SortableDataProvider{

private  DAOServices daoService;

private String objectID;

public Iterator iterator(final int first, final int count){
  return daoService.load(objectId).subList(first, 



I always write a singleton helper class for the service to be used, so I 
can have the model this way:

public class MyViewObjectProvider extends SortableDataProvider{
  //so no reference to the dao service object

private String objectID;
   public Iterator iterator(final int first, final int count){

   //here the DAOServiceHelper.get() returns a instance that managed by 
spring(with the actual service object injected.)
  return DAOServiceHelper.get().load(objectId).subList(first, 



So my question is, will there be a noticeable  performance gain to do it 
the 2nd way?
The reason to ask is that the static kind of singleton usage is indeed 
anti-spring, and makes

my eyes bleed

If no one has done a performance comparison, I might have to do one 
myself. Just being lazy...


Jason Wang

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Re: jWicket -- jQuery with Wicket integration

2009-07-22 Thread Jason Wang

Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

You could write your own tag resolver - seems like it would be fairly
easy.  Obviously if the component you want is in a repeater or such,
your tag will also have to be in the same "context" so to speak (same
repeater, etc).

Jeremy Thomerson

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 8:00 PM, Jason Wang wrote:

I am thinking, if its possible to have a tag something looks like
 which can output the Id wicket generates at
, people like me then do not need to include any javascript into wicket.
They can just leave
in the pages where they should belong to anyway.

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Thats a great idea.

I love open source!


Re: Spring and Wicket - is it worth it?

2009-07-22 Thread Jason Wang

Dane Laverty wrote:

Due to the fact that nearly every substantial sample Wicket app is
Spring-based, I imagine that there's something awesome about using Spring.
In fact, Wicket is what has finally gotten me to start learning Spring.

I think I understand the basics of dependency injection -- configure your
objects in xml files and then inject them into your classes -- but I'm still
not clear on the advantage of it. I've read quite a ways into "Spring in
Action", and the author seems to assume that the reader will automatically
see why xml-based dependency injection is great thing. I must just be
missing something here. What I love about Wicket is being free from xml
files. Can anyone give me a concise explanation of how the advantages of
Spring are worth introducing a new layer into my applications?


You dont have to use spring with wicket. Spring is a business layer 
framework essentially. It gives you so much convenience to decouple  
services from its clients. I tried to use it to manage all the web 
components, then I realized that doesnt give me much at all. Sometimes, 
a simple "new Page("id")" is just a better solution.

But I do encourage you to learn spring, especially if you value 
automated tests. I cannot live with it now.


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Re: jWicket -- jQuery with Wicket integration

2009-07-22 Thread Jason Wang

Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

I didn't read your whole post - but if you just want to code your
jquery stuff in jquery, you don't need any integration - why use
WicketJQuery?  Just add a header contributor that contributes jquery
and then write your own JS.

Jeremy Thomerson

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Tauren Mills wrote:

Hi Richard,

I actually tried out WiQuery before deciding it wasn't the right tool
for me.  I can't remember the exact specifics of the issues I had with
it, and I only spent about a day with it. But I remember feeling like
I was being forced to use it whenever and wherever I wanted to add ANY
jQuery to my project.

I can see how WiQuery would be good for a developer who doesn't want
to touch JS, and only code in Java. With WiQuery, I can add all the
functionality I need via the WiQuery API. I have nothing against the
project in this regard, it seems like a great solution for that

But in my case, I want a wicket/jquery tool that is lightweight and
stays out of my way. I would rather code client-side only stuff just
in jQuery and not have anything necessary in my server code. The only
time I want wicket components to be aware of my jQuery code is if
there needs to be some client-server ajax communication. For instance,
drag/drop information, or sorting a list of item, etc.

From my perspective, I could care less if wicket knows which accordion
panel is open in the browser, because *for my application*, that
doesn't matter. And I do realize there are *other applications* that
this would matter, for which an optional WiQuery accordion plugin
would be userful.

And when I want to use another add-on jQuery plugin such as
superfish.js, I don't want to have to resort to WiQuery hacks or to
create my own WiQuery plugin to support it. I am constantly adding
little jQuery code here and there, and to have to make WiQuery plugins
for it all or to code it using the WiQuery API would be a pain that
I'm not willing to put up with.

The following posting I made might give a little more insight into the
reason I stopped using WiQuery:

I had already found WicketJQuery at the time I tried out WiQuery.
WiQuery seemed further along and was easier to add into my
application, so I tried it first. But when it failed for me, I gave
WicketJQuery a try.  At the moment, WicketJQuery (now jWicket)
certainly isn't perfect either, but it is closer to meeting my needs.
So I offered my help to Stefan to get it mavenized and moved to
WicketStuff. We renamed it to jWicket during this transition.  This
new location will make it more accessible and easier to use for other

Of course, I have nothing against joining forces, but I also needed
something to solve a problem, and I needed it now. WiQuery wasn't
doing it for me, and jWicket was. I also want a light weight tool, and
I felt like WiQuery was overkill for my needs. If there is a way to
join forces so that one tool can satisfy everyone without becoming
some big bloated thing, then I'm all for it!

Bottom line is I just want to be able to easily add jQuery code to the
client side whenever and wherever I want without having to deal with
server side code -- except for when I need client/server communication
of jQuery events.  Maybe I'm not normal in this regard, but the
WiQuery API just doesn't do it for me. I'd rather code the client side
in JS/jQuery and keep it out of my java code.

Sorry for being long winded. Again, I have nothing against WiQuery,
and was quite impressed by it. But it just didn't seem like the right
tool for my needs. I'm certainly open to ideas on how to integrate the
projects, but from what I can tell, they really have different


On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 11:15 AM,
richardwilko wrote:


What are the advantages of jWicket over other Wicket jQuery projects
(specifically wiQuery)?

It would be nice if we could all work together on a single project.  wiQuery
has already pooled the development resources of two other such projects.

wiQuery has Wicket behaviours for the core jQuery events / actions and
jQuery UI components.  It also has a nice plugin mechanism for adding other
jQuery widgets / behaviours and it is under active development.

At jWeekend we have also just designed, developed and are testing a server
side state mechanism for wiQuery components.

Regards - Richard
OO, Wicket, Java Technologies - Training and Consultancy

Lionel Armanet wrote:


Just to talk, there's another jQuery-Wicket integration project called
"WiQuery" ( and supported by jWeekend
( Did you look at this project too ?


tauren wrote:

jWicket has now been released as a wicketstuff project.  jWicket is an
integration of Wicket and

Re: Does FeedbackPanel have to be added to Page?

2009-04-26 Thread Jason Wang

Igor Vaynberg wrote:

mobile.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onblur") {
  protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {
===> protected void onError(target) { target.addcomponent(feedbackpanel);}


On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Jason Wang  wrote:

Hi all,

I got a weird error when doing a form component validation. When it fails on
the validation the feedback panel is not updated with the error message. The
log shows this:

Component-targetted feedback message was left unrendered. This could be
because you are missing a FeedbackPanel on the page.

Well, I added the FeedbackPanel on the form belonging to a webpage. And all
the error messages sent to the panel can be properly displayed. Just the one
triggered with a component.validate failed to display.

The example below can reproduce this error I got:

public class Example extends WebPage {
  public Example(){
  Form signupForm = new Form("signUpForm");
  final FeedbackPanel feedbackPanel = new FeedbackPanel("feedback");

  final RequiredTextField mobile = new
  mobile.setLabel(new Model("mobile")).add(new

  mobile.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onblur") {
  protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {



  [feedbackmessages will be put


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Thanks. That works fine.

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Does FeedbackPanel have to be added to Page?

2009-04-26 Thread Jason Wang

Hi all,

I got a weird error when doing a form component validation. When it 
fails on the validation the feedback panel is not updated with the error 
message. The log shows this:

Component-targetted feedback message was left unrendered. This could be 
because you are missing a FeedbackPanel on the page.

Well, I added the FeedbackPanel on the form belonging to a webpage. And 
all the error messages sent to the panel can be properly displayed. Just 
the one triggered with a component.validate failed to display.

The example below can reproduce this error I got:

public class Example extends WebPage {
   public Example(){
   Form signupForm = new Form("signUpForm");
   final FeedbackPanel feedbackPanel = new FeedbackPanel("feedback");

   final RequiredTextField mobile = new 

   mobile.setLabel(new Model("mobile")).add(new 

   mobile.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onblur") {
   protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {



   [feedbackmessages will be put 


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Re: Whats the best way to do a form component validation?

2009-04-23 Thread Jason Wang

Liam Clarke-Hutchinson wrote:

I use an AjaxFormComponentSubmittingBehavior onblur for each field -
so it triggers the submission processing behaviour (including
validation) for the given field - although it updates the model. You
could use an applicable Ajax behaviour and then call the component's
validate() method if you wanted to avoid the model update.


Liam Clarke

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Jason Wang  wrote:

Hi all,

I have a form with a couple form components, most of which have validators
attached. For example, the mobile number input field has a patternValidator

mobile.add(new PatternValidator("^[1-9]([0-9]{8,14})"));

I have hooked all the validation actions with "onblur" events using this:

AjaxFormValidatingBehavior.addToAllFormComponents(signUpForm, "onblur",

But unfortunately all the validations are triggered as soon as the focus
leaves any of the form component.

Is there a way to hook the validator(like the patterValidator) with the
event(onblur for example) on the form component(the mobile filed) rather
than the whole form?

It would be nice that the AjaxFormValidatingBehavior class could provide the
option to trigger the validations on events on every components.



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Thanks for the reply. I think you meant 

I will give it a try. Any other options to discuss?


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Whats the best way to do a form component validation?

2009-04-23 Thread Jason Wang

Hi all,

I have a form with a couple form components, most of which have 
validators attached. For example, the mobile number input field has a 
patternValidator attached:

mobile.add(new PatternValidator("^[1-9]([0-9]{8,14})"));

I have hooked all the validation actions with "onblur" events using this:

AjaxFormValidatingBehavior.addToAllFormComponents(signUpForm, "onblur", 

But unfortunately all the validations are triggered as soon as the focus 
leaves any of the form component.

Is there a way to hook the validator(like the patterValidator) with the 
event(onblur for example) on the form component(the mobile filed) rather 
than the whole form?

It would be nice that the AjaxFormValidatingBehavior class could provide 
the option to trigger the validations on events on every components.



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