Re: WicketTester, FormTester, and AjaxSubmitLink

2007-09-26 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* James McLaughlin:
> Hi,
> Hacking away at some tests, I figured the proper way to test an
> AjaxSubmitLink would have been as follows:
> Panel p = tester.startPanel(EventPanel.class);
> FormTester ft = tester.newFormTester(p.getId() + ":eventForm");
> ft.setValue("messageField", ALARM_MESSAGE);
> tester.clickLink(p.getId() + ":eventFormSubmitLink", true);
> However, the values set in the FormTester don't get submitted for some
> reason. It works if I change it to:
> Panel p = tester.startPanel(EventPanel.class);
> tester.setParameterForNextRequest(p.getId() +
> ":eventForm:messageField", ALARM_MESSAGE);
> tester.clickLink(p.getId() + ":eventFormSubmitLink", true);
> which while 1 line briefer, didn't seem intuitive (to me at least). Is
> it possible to make it work like the former, or is it better left as
> it is?

Is it WICKET-932?
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: Experiences with ReloadingWicketFilter

2007-09-25 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Peter Thomas:

> Soto   confirmmy   understanding,when   usingthe
> ReloadingWicketFilter, when you make a change to a Page you have
> to re-trace  navigation to a  point prior  to where the  Page is
> loaded.  Is that correct?

You  have to  make sure  you're not  using an  instance of  a page
loaded in  a previous  classloader, ie  make sure  not to  keep an
instance of a page across reloads.

> I'm   justhoping   that   something   canbe   done   (or
> un-done)  to   improve  the  developer  experience   when  using
> ReloadingWicketFilter.

To be  honest ReloadingWicketFilter is  a hack to work  around how
the JVM  loads classes, and  it is bootstrapped during  the Wicket
application initialization.

If ReloadingWicketFilter is causing more problems than it is meant
to  solve,  we  might  simply  want  to  remove  it  from  Wicket,
especially  if  it proves  to  be  unreliable in  complex  setups.
Unless you're willing to turn your hope into contribution?

Have you  seen my suggestion  to clear your session  cookie before
reloading the page  BTW?  All this is very  complicated I realize,
but there's not much we can do to simplify reloading.
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: Experiences with ReloadingWicketFilter

2007-09-25 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Peter Thomas:

> Just  curious  to   know  if  others  have   problems  with  the
> ReloadingWicketFilter when you make minor changes to a page with
> markup inheritance, you may want to look at the issue history.

FYI  the  problem described  in  the  JIRA  issue is  not  related
to  markup  inheritance.   The  exception is  thrown  because  the
class  TestPage is  loaded from  two different  classloaders, thus
TestPage(classloader1) != TestPage(classloader2).
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: Download invoice without DownloadLink

2007-09-06 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Oleg Taranenko:
>  use case: if user select from dropdownlist "retrieve invoice",
>  the predefined invoice file (pdf, or doc) should be downloaded to the
>client as response.
>  How is it possible? some play with RequestCycle?

Examples for serving static data is shown at

Please provide some feedback if you find it useful... or not.
This is a frequently asked question, and we need to make very
obvious examples available to everyone.
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: Checking behaviour in testcase

2007-09-06 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Emanuele Gesuato:

> I'm trying to check the presence of a behaviour in a testcase.
> I have a page  with a checkbox and a button, if  a user click on
> the button without  selecting the checkbox, an alert  box show a
> message. If i access to the page through a browser (firefox) the
> page runs fine  and the alert box is  correctly displayed. So, i
> would like  to retrieve  the behaviour  from the  form component
> after submitting the form itself, but i can't find any behaviour
> (the list is empty!).
> Why ? Is there something wrong with the testcase ?
>   public class Alert extends AbstractBehavior {
>   private static final long serialVersionUID = 
> 3346789663630395006L;
>   private String msg;
>   public Alert(String msg) {
>   this.msg=msg;
>   }
>   @Override
>   public boolean isTemporary() {
>   return true;
>   }

WicketTester has not the exact same request lifecycle as in a real
webapp.  Can it be because of isTemporary() returns true?
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: WicketTester, testing Form and SubmitLink

2007-09-05 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
You may want to paste the exception BTW, it is missing.
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: WicketTester, testing Form and SubmitLink

2007-09-05 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* wicket user:

> I've raised the issue,


> Jean, please excuse my ignorance but when you request a quickstart project
> do you mean you want the whole quickstart project with the problem
> illustrated zipped into my file.

Anything that helps us to go straight to the problem can be

This can be:

* A Java project with pom.xml, jetty launcher and relevant
  sources.  This is probably not really the best thing to do for the
  problem at hand
* Unit tests, this is especially useful if the problem is about
  WicketTester itself

It is preferrable to submit the unit tests as a patch to the
existing Wicket test classes, but if you file whole classes, that
will do it as well.
     Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: How to get HTML source code from a wicket page

2007-09-05 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Oliver Henlich:
> Here is the jira entry

This is fixed now, please take the latest snapshot of Wicket core,
and try again.  If there is still a problem, please reopen the

 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: Regarding Modification file Watcher

2007-09-04 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Edi:

> I have one server path folder. It contains .xls files. I want to
> check what are the current updated xls file. and insert that xls
> file name into db.
> for  eg.  i  have  a  folder  FOLDER1,  It  contains  sales.xls,
> report.xls. If  I change  and save  this file. Our  program(file
> watcher)  have to  know  immediately and  insert  that file  and
> updated time. Is it possible in wicket?
> I saw wicket api,,
> Is it useful to me?

Yes it  can be used for  this, I used it  in ReloadingClassLoader,
and Wicket  uses it internally  for markup files.  You  could also
use FAM in Commons JCI I believe.
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: Palette and FormTester

2007-09-03 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* mperham:
> It's hackish but this modified selectMultiple works for me:
>   public void selectMultiple(String formComponentId, int[] indexes)
>   {
>   checkClosed();
>   // This is a hack to get Palette selection working with 
> FormTester.
>   // Note we can't reference the palette class directly since 
> FormTester
>   // is in wicket and Palette is in wicket-extensions so we need 
> to do
>   // some acrobatics to deal with this.
>   Component c = (Component) workingForm.get(formComponentId);
>   if (!(c instanceof FormComponent)) {
>   // Palette is not a FormComponent
>   FormComponent recorder = (FormComponent) 
> workingForm.get(formComponentId
> + ":recorder");
>   String recorderValue = recorder.getValue();
>   IChoiceRenderer renderer = 
> (IChoiceRenderer)callGetter(c,
> "getChoiceRenderer");
>   Collection choices = (Collection)callGetter(c, 
> "getChoices");
>   List choiceList = new ArrayList(choices);
>   for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++)
>   {
>   int j = indexes[i];
>   Object value = choiceList.get(j);
>   String val = renderer.getIdValue(value, j);
>   recorderValue += val; 
>   if (i + 1 < indexes.length) {
>   recorderValue += ",";
>   }
>   }
>   setFormComponentValue(recorder, recorderValue);
>   return;
>   }
>   FormComponent fc = (FormComponent) c;
>   ChoiceSelector choiceSelector =
> choiceSelectorFactory.createForMultiple(fc);
>   for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++)
>   {
>   choiceSelector.doSelect(indexes[i]);
>   }
>   }
>   private Object callGetter(Object self, String method) {
>   try
>   {
>   Method m = self.getClass().getMethod(method, null);
>   return m.invoke(self, null);
>   }
>   catch (Exception e)
>   {
>   throw new RuntimeException(e);
>   }
>   }

Dear Mike,

If FormTester is missing a feature to work with the Palette, why
not submitting a patch in JIRA?

Thanks in advance,
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: How to get HTML source code from a wicket page

2007-09-03 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* oliver.henlich:
> Hi Jean-Baptiste, just wondering if you got a chance to look at this?

Hi Oliver,

I have identified the bug thanks to your stacktrace, and it would
be great if you could file an issue on JIRA.

Something like: ExceptionErrorPage only works with WebResponse

Thanks in advance,
     Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: Aspectj loadtime weaving and reloading servlet

2007-09-03 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Carlos Pita:

> That is the customary message  the reloading servlet shows after
> reloading any changes. What is new is the output from the weaver
> above it. I guess the reloading classloader has to reinstantiate
> itself in  order to load new  versions of the same  old classes,
> and this  is notified to  the weaver java  agent so that  it can
> take consecutive  actions. But it's  just a  supposition.  Maybe
> Jean Baptiste would be able to throw some light on the question?

Indeed  everytime a  monitored class  changes, the  application is
initialized and  the ReloadingClassLoader is  instantiated.  There
is no  other solution as  there is no  way to remove  a previously
loaded class  definition from the JVM's  URLClassLoader, the whole
ClassLoader needs to be created anew.
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: WicketTester, testing Form and SubmitLink

2007-09-03 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* wicket user:
> I'm trying to test a form submission with SubmitLink, test code below:
> tester.setParameterForNextRequest("numberChangeForm:numberToChangeTo",
> numberToChangeTo);
> reset(smsServiceMock);
> smsServiceMock.sendActivationSms(isA(Subscriber.class));
> replay(smsServiceMock);
> // submit the form
>  //tester.clickLink("numberChangeForm:numberChangeSubmitLink");
> tester.submitForm("numberChangeForm");
> - trying to call the link directly but I just get the below exception which
> I'm not really surpised about
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The component class doesn't seem to
> implement any of the known *Listener interfaces: class
> com.yeigo.view.wicket.register.RegistrationCheckPage$2

This is a bug in WicketTester (BaseWicketTester actually).  Like
Igor suggests, please create a JIRA issue at

If you could provide a "quickstart" project, that would be great

 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: wicketstuff-dojo questions and answers

2007-09-03 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Kirk Israel:

> Q. a. Why isn't this stuff documented in more depth?  b. And why don't
> people answer every stupid little question I have.
> A. a. Wicketstuff-Dojo is still a fairly young project with people who
> are currently more into coding it for more functionality than
> documenting. You're certainly welcome to contribute. b. These
> volunteers aren't interested in doing your work for you! And they're
> busy. And your questions are sometimes dumb.

Hi Kirk,

Your questions and answers about the Java components are valuable,
feel free to improve the Wiki documentation for WicketStuff Dojo:

Why didn't we reply earlier to your message: because August is
holidays for most of WicketStuff Dojo developers.  And there is
another reason: Vincent Demay who is the most active developer has
not yet subscribed to the Apache mailing-list.  So bear with us,
and keep up with your feedback, it's appreciated.

Note that like all other OSS (Open Source Software) developers, we
have very limited time to work on those projects.  Our main job is
*not* about polishing WicketStuff Dojo, nor even working with
Wicket most of the time.

 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: Using pickwick

2007-09-03 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Tauren Mills:
> Can someone explain how to use pickwick from wicketstuff?
> I checked out pickwick from wicketstuff trunk and did a mvn install
> eclipse:eclipse.  Had to turn off tests as they were failing.  And I
> had to download and install wicketstuff-dojo-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT manually
> as mvn didn't find it.  But once done, the eclipse project looked good
> with no errors.

Hey sorry I'm catching up from nearly one month of holidays.
Still got 700 messages to read in this list :-(

I just fixed the tests, thanks for reporting.

> So I started PickwickLauncher in debug mode as a Java Application,
> then went to http://localhost:8080/.  This gives an NPE:
>1. Unexpected RuntimeException
>3. Root cause:
>5. java.lang.NullPointerException
>6. at Source)
>7. at 
> org.wicketstuff.pickwick.backend.ImageUtils.toFile(

This should not happen if your build of Wicket core is

 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: creating RSS feeds with Wicket

2007-08-24 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Ryan Sonnek:
> I'm not familiar with IResourceStream and using a WebPage approach has
> allowed for me to have great control over several aspects including:
> * url mount points
> * url parameter strategies
> * possibly configuring the response Expires/Cache headers?
> Do you have any examples of how this would work as a resource stream?

Igor will hate me, but here it is:
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: creating RSS feeds with Wicket

2007-08-24 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Ryan Sonnek:

> I'd really need  to see this to believe it.   Can you really use
> this kind  of component without it  being a page?  Using  a page
> allows for bookmarkable URLS,  mount points, easy page parameter
> passing,  all of  which I  use  *extensively* to  create my  rss
> feeds. someone  will have to prove  me wrong if this  can be all
> done without using a page.
> If you have an idea for a way to have the exisiting API work and
> make it more extensible, I'm all ears.

You're right, there's a misunderstanding.  I thought of a RSS
aggregator where you display a feed converted to HTML in a

But your example is about *serving* the feed...  Then I'm a bit
puzzled!  What is the advantage of using a Wicket WebPage for
this?  Why don't you just stream it as an IResourceStream?

IMO WebPage and the whole great Wicket component hierarchy is
about user interaction, not about streaming machine-to-machine

 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: creating RSS feeds with Wicket

2007-08-24 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Ryan Sonnek:
> Just wanted to post an announcement that there's a new wicket stuff project
> (wicketstuff-rome) to allow for creation of RSS (or Atom) feeds from within
> Wicket.  I've been using it for the past several weeks and it's allowed me
> to integrate RSS feeds into my Wicket app *very* quickly.
> This new project is a definite step up from the existing wicket wiki article
> for Rss pages, but I'm not sure what to do about that info.  Please let me
> know if anyone has suggestions or issues with the project.  Now that it's on
> wicketstuff, feel free to tweak or add features!

Actually to make it really reusable I would have put protected
abstract SyndFeed getFeed(); in FeedOutputComponent.  So that we
can have the feed output in a component of a page instead of a
full page.
 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: keyboard shortcuts in wicket ?

2007-08-24 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael:

> I  once started  a  wicket stuff  contrib,  called wicket  input
> events. Which were  gonna be all  about input events  like mouse
> events and  key events. It  never got that  far because  I didnt
> really  needed it. Some  of  the basic  infra  structure in  the
> project should be ready I think  but its not in any usable state
> right now.
> Feel free  to contine the  work, as  I currently only  will have
> time to do it when I need it, although I'll be happy to assist.

Dear Nino,

I  believe that  you may  be out  of time  to finish  the work  on
wicket-contrib-input-events/,  but at  least could  you provide  a
decent README?  Currently the README is a copy of the gmap2 one...

This kind  of rudimentary polishing  would help to jump  in maybe.
We  probably don't  want to  end-up with  too many  unfinished and
undocumented projects, otherwise the users will be disappointed.

Also it would be a plus if the tests were successful.

 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: DownloadLink hanging

2007-08-24 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
* Igor Vaynberg:

> yep, DownloadLinks will block because  requests to the same page
> are serialized.

Igor, that's a good point.

Thomas, did  you try to  follow the  approach shown in  the static
pages examples?

 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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Re: Changes made for

2007-08-23 Thread Jean-Baptiste Quenot
I just checked a fix in, can you see if it works better for you?

 Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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