RE: Trying to submit form with id that is not in document.

2010-10-29 Thread Maris Orbidans
Yes, it worked.
Thanks a lot.

I hope developers will fix the issue.


 -Original Message-
 From: Leszek Gawron []
 Sent: 29 October 2010 14:20
 Subject: Re: Trying to submit form with id that is not in document.
 On 2010-10-29 14:06, Maris Orbidans wrote:
  I have a modal window with a panel inside it. After I refresh the panel
  via ajax all buttons inside the panel stop working. Submit doesn't work
  and there is this message in ajax debug window:
  ERROR: Wicket.Ajax.Call.submitFormById: Trying to submit form with id
  'categoryListForm135' that is not in document.
  This is relevant output from ajax debug:
  ?xml version=1.0
  encoding=UTF-8?ajax-responseheader-contribution encoding=wicket1
  ![CDATA[head xmlns:wicket=;script
  script type=text/javascript
  script type=text/javascript
  script type=text/javascript
  /head]]/header-contributioncomponent id=categoryListPanel112
  ![CDATA[div id=categoryListPanel112
   form id=categoryListForm135 method=post
  rflow:hiddeninput type=hidden name=categoryListForm135_hf_0
  id=categoryListForm135_hf_0 //div
   table class=betlim
   spanNO CATEGORY/span
   input type=button value=Delete
  name=categories:1:deleteBtn id=deleteBtn136 onclick=if
  (!confirm('Are you sure you want to delete package category NONE ?'))
  {return}; null;var wcall=wicketSubmitFormById('categoryListForm135',
  :0:-1amp;wicket:ignoreIfNotActive=true', 'categories:1:deleteBtn'
  ,function() { }.bind(this),function() { }.bind(this), function() {return
  ; return false;/
  /div]]/componentcomponent id=feedback134![CDATA[span
 ul class=feedbackPanel
   li class=feedbackPanelINFO
 span class=feedbackPanelINFOPackage category#039;#039;
  As you can see there is form with id categoryListForm135.
  For some reason javascript cannot find it.
  Panel html:
   form wicket:id=categoryListForm
   table class=betlim
   tr wicket:id=categories
   span wicket:id=name/span
   span wicket:id=description/span
   input type=button wicket:id=deleteBtn
  When it happens there is javascript error form is null in
  submitFormById: function(formId, submitButton) {
  var form = Wicket.$(formId);
  if (form == null || typeof (form) == undefined)
  Wicket.Log.error(Wicket.Ajax.Call.submitFormById: Trying to submit form
  with id '+formId+' that is not in document.);
  return this.submitForm(form, submitButton);
  submitForm: function(form, submitButton) {
  if (form.onsubmit) {//   ERROR IS HERE
  if (!form.onsubmit()) return;
  if (this.handleMultipart(form, submitButton)) {
  return true;
  var body = function() {
  var s = Wicket.Form.serialize(form);
  if (submitButton != null) {
  s += Wicket.Form.encode(submitButton) + =1;
  return s;
  Any idea what can be wrong?
 yes ... your modal window has to be put into a form, so the panel's form
 is nested:
  public class TrackerGroupsPanel extends Panel {
  private FleetServicefleetService;
  private TrackerService

condition in AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior

2010-10-13 Thread Maris Orbidans

I need to periodically update a page unless some condition is met.
I wrote javascript function canRefresh() and added like this:

add(new AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior(Duration.seconds(5)) {
  protected void onTimer(final AjaxRequestTarget target) {

protected CharSequence getCallbackScript() {
  return if (!canRefresh()) {+ super.getCallbackScript()+};;

This is generated javascript.

script type=text/javascript !--/*--![CDATA[/*!--*/
Wicket.Event.add(window, load, function(event) { setTimeout(if
(!canRefresh()) {var
:wicket:ignoreIfNotActive=true',function() { }.bind(this),function() {
}.bind(this));};, 5000);;});

The problem is that once canRefresh() returns false timer stops. Is it
possible to restart it?  Or a better way to implement conditional


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submit or refresh form via ajax from javascript ?

2010-10-12 Thread Maris Orbidans

Is it possible to submit a form from javascript ?


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RE: Getting client IP address

2010-10-12 Thread Maris Orbidans

 -Original Message-
 From: Josh Kamau []
 Sent: 06 October 2010 12:31
 Subject: Re: Getting client IP address
 Thanks guys, I got the IP address. Is it possible to get the client



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RE: Getting client IP address

2010-10-12 Thread Maris Orbidans
Yes, hostname.
Sorry, I thought about something else.

 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of James Carman
 Sent: 12 October 2010 12:25
 Subject: Re: Getting client IP address
 Returns the fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that
 sent the request. If the engine cannot or chooses not to resolve the
 hostname (to improve performance), this method returns the
 dotted-string form of the IP address. For HTTP servlets, same as the
 value of the CGI variable REMOTE_HOST.
 On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 7:14 AM, Maris Orbidans
   -Original Message-
   From: Josh Kamau []
   Sent: 06 October 2010 12:31
   Subject: Re: Getting client IP address
   Thanks guys, I got the IP address. Is it possible to get the
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javascript message after ajax request

2010-07-01 Thread Maris Orbidans

Wicket experts,

I have a form with Ajax submit button.  Upon completing ajax request
I want to show javascript popup with a message from server.   
How to do it ?


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RE: javascript message after ajax request

2010-07-01 Thread Maris Orbidans
Awesome, thanks.

 -Original Message-
 From: Pedro Santos []
 Sent: 01 July 2010 17:25
 Subject: Re: javascript message after ajax request
 you can use the appendJavascript method from the AjaxRequestTarget
 target.appendJavascript (alert('some message'));
 On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Maris Orbidans
  Wicket experts,
  I have a form with Ajax submit button.  Upon completing ajax request
  I want to show javascript popup with a message from server.
  How to do it ?
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 Pedro Henrique Oliveira dos Santos
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RE: Announcing: visural-wicket 0.6 released - open source wicket components

2010-06-23 Thread Maris Orbidans

Looks great! I will give it a try.  Is it maven repo ?

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf
 Richard Nichols
 Sent: 23 June 2010 01:31
 Subject: Announcing: visural-wicket 0.6 released - open source wicket
 Hi all,
 I'm pleased to announce the next major version of visural-wicket - 0.6
 This version includes a bunch of new components and behaviours.
 For the full run down, follow the link -
 visural-wicket is Apache 2.0 licensed open source.
 Let me know if you have any problems, suggestions or feedback.
 Richard Nichols ::
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modal window from AJAX ?

2010-06-22 Thread Maris Orbidans


Is it possible to open modal window from AjaxButton's onSubmit() method

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wicketstuff-scriptaculous TypeError: Effect has no properties

2008-03-09 Thread Maris Orbidans


I am using wicket 1.3 with latest dev build of 
wicketstuff-scriptaculous. I am trying to use highlight effect on table 
row when user clicks a link.
It doesn't work and ajax debug shows *ERROR: *Exception evaluating 
javascript: TypeError: Effect has no properties.
And sometimes it starts to work if I simply redeploy EAR file. It's very 


*INFO: *
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?ajax-responsecomponent 
id=resultDetailsPanel11 ![CDATA[div id=resultDetailsPanel11 

table border=0 id=detailsTable
/div]]/componentevaluate![CDATA[new Effect.Highlight('id524',
*INFO: *Response parsed. Now invoking steps...
*ERROR: *Exception evaluating javascript: TypeError: Effect has no 

public class ColumnLinkPanel extends Panel
public ColumnLinkPanel(String id, final IModel model)

Image icon = new Image(detailsIcon,new 

AjaxLink ajaxLink = new AjaxLink(detailsLink)
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target)
ResultDetailsPanel newPanel = new 

Effect.Highlight(findParent(OddEvenItem.class)).toJavascript()); *



public class MainPage extends BasePage
public MainPage()
add(new FeedbackPanel(feedbackPanel).setOutputMarkupId(true));
* add(ScriptaculousAjaxBehavior.newJavascriptBindingBehavior());*

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where is wicket-contrib-tinymce ???

2008-02-20 Thread Maris Orbidans

where is wicket-contrib-tinymce project and svn repo ?

it's not even mentioned in this page


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localization of PageExpiredErrorPage.html

2008-02-01 Thread Maris Orbidans

Is it possible to localize session expiration error page ?

Error messages are hardcoded in PageExpiredErrorPage.html. 


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how to prevent session timeouts

2008-01-31 Thread Maris Orbidans


I have created a small web application with wicket -

There are some minor issues related with session timeouts:

1)  If I open login page and wait until session expires then I get 
session expired error message if I try to login.  How can I fix that 
?  Should I make login page stateless ?
2)  And I would like to prevent session timeouts as long as user has web 
page opened in browser.  Is there any ajax component that sends requests 
periodically to server thus refreshing session ?


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new release of wicket-contrib-javaee

2008-01-14 Thread Maris Orbidans


I have just created a new release of wicket-contrib-javaee.  I have 
fixed POM file and made it compatible with wicket 1.3.

Here is wiki page

And to answer your question about EJB references in web.xml.  They are 
required because we need to lookup EJBs to create proxies for them.

In JSF it's responsibility of app. server to inject EJB references.


if you use EJB3 you really want to use the wicket-contrib-javaee project
(wicketstuff) all you need to do is call you @EJB and rest is handled
automatically !

That project needs an update for 1.3
Add wicket-ioc dep / remove spring dep + some other unneeded deps /
fix package names, I contacted the author but got no response.
Plus you have to define all beans in the web.xml which is not needed
when you work with jsf for example (tested on glassfish). Does anybody
know why that is?

but since this thread is about jpa+guice+wicket on lightweight
container and not j2ee + wicket I suppose that wicket-contrib-javaee
is not what they are looking for.

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Re: WicketServlet vs. WicketFilter

2008-01-11 Thread Maris Orbidans

also wicket filter is much better at handling /* mapping
The only problem with this mapping is that filter is invoked for all 
requests that fetch static web resources (css, images, etc).
I may be wrong but I don't think it's good for performance.   Especially 
if you use some other filter, for example, OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter 
which opens a JPA session for each request.


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Re: how to change years in YUI datepicker ?

2007-12-03 Thread Maris Orbidans

it works, indeed

On Dec 3, 2007 10:32 AM, Maris Orbidans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



I need a calendar that allows to change years quickly.   I have an input
field where user should enter his birth date.
But YUI calendar has buttons to change month only.  We can't ask our
users to click on those buttons hundred times to move calendar to their
birth date.
Is there any way to configure YUI calendar to have buttons that changes
year ?

override DatePicker#enableMonthYearSelection and return true:

class MyDatePicker extends DatePicker {
  protected boolean enableMonthYearSelection() {
return true;



And if not what should I do ?   It seems that other calendar (from
extensions)  is a lot better than this YUI crap but it has been removed
in 1.3.


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how to change years in YUI datepicker ?

2007-12-02 Thread Maris Orbidans


I need a calendar that allows to change years quickly.   I have an input 
field where user should enter his birth date. 
But YUI calendar has buttons to change month only.  We can't ask our 
users to click on those buttons hundred times to move calendar to their 
birth date.
Is there any way to configure YUI calendar to have buttons that changes 
year ?

And if not what should I do ?   It seems that other calendar (from 
extensions)  is a lot better than this YUI crap but it has been removed 
in 1.3.


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Re: JPA best-practices?

2007-11-16 Thread Maris Orbidans

Let's remember good old EJB's.  Inject an EntityManager in a session 
bean facade and EJB container will handle all concurrency issues. No 
need to write any boilerplate code.

BTW   I have seen that some people use OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter and 
map it to url pattern /*.   It seems that an EntityManager would be 
created every time a static web resource is accessed.  Isn't that terrible ?


Uwe Schäfer wrote:
i plan to use JPA together with Wicket. Are there any battle-proven 
best-practices out there of how to handle EnityManagers and 

What do other people use (no, not the spring crowd ;) ?

One EntityManager per Request seems to be the obvious idea and a 
guice Provider may help with that. Does anyone have serious 
experiences with that or other suggestions?

Subclass WebRequestCycle, and construct it with an EntityManager.

In onBeginRequest(), create a transaction, storing it in a private 

In onEndRequest(), commit the transaction if it hasn't already been 
rolled back and clean up the EntityManager.

In onRuntimeException(...), rollback the transaction and then return 

You'll need to inject a ProviderEntityManager into your 
WebApplication subclass such that you can call .get() on it when you 
make your custom WebRequestCycle. You'll need to configure that 
provider in a Guice module somewhere, obviously. You should be able to 
figure that out. ;-)

How do you inject things into your WebApplication? Well, you can use 
the new GuiceWebApplicationFactory, which unfortunately didn't quite 
make it into 1.3.0-rc1 but is in trunk. However, you can copy that 
class from trunk and use it in your own project quite happily - it has 
no extra dependencies.

If you need to integrate with your container-managed JTA transactions 
you'll need something a little different (the container may well start 
and commit the tx for you), but the principle is roughly the same.

Alternatively, you can take Wicket out of the picture and do stuff 
using a ServletFilter (like Spring's OpenEntityManagerInView).



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Re: [RFE] getMarkupId()

2007-09-23 Thread Maris Orbidans

is it a joke ?  In that case web design templates would need a unique 
class attribute for each element that is going to be used via Ajax. 
And in some cases it's not possible at all. For example, odd rows in a 
table might have a different color than even rows. Typically one kind of 
rows have the same class attribute.
If wicket will use class attribute as an identifier then there will be 
no way to work with table rows.

And it's just an example. In every web design there are many html tags 
with the same class attribute. 


We are going to stop using ids and move over to class as it make re-use
easier and avoids a number of wicket problems with ids... The HTML monkey is
not happy though. He reminds me of the Family Guy screaming monkey today.

Alex Objelean wrote:

This is about how wicket generates dynamically markupID.

I have, for instance, the following markup component: 

input wicket:id=quantity.noOfUnits /

The generated markupId for this component looks like the following:
quantity.noOfUnits1232 .

I suggest to escape any css valid specifiers from the generated markupId,
by replacing them with something else (for instance '_' character). 

The problem appear when I am trying to identify the component by it's id
using some js library (like jQuery) and as a consequence the result of
this query: $(#quantity.noOfUnits1232) is invalid.

Thank you!



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Re: [RFE] getMarkupId()

2007-09-23 Thread Maris Orbidans

I use ajax as well, but I don't understand what's the problem with 
setOutputMarkupId ?

In any case I am sure that forcing unique class attributes will create 
much bigger problem.  Almost any non trivial web design uses identical 
class values in many places.  Sometimes CSS class is used just to
specify background color or something that is applied to many html tags. 
Are you saying that it's going to be impossible ?   I am afraid that 
many developers (including me) won't be able to use wicket anymore.


So you use it just because of the performance of the browser DOM? Not because
it has to be unique? 

Are you using Ajax? ie forced to do setOutputMarkupId? We are and that is
probably the biggest reason we are trying to avoid them.

Alex Objelean wrote:

In my application I extensively use the component generated id to perform
some DOM updates on the client side, also for client-side validation.

Also getting a DOM element by its ID is the fastest method comparing with
finding it using it's css class.

Sam Hough wrote:

When is the killer case for using id?

Alex Objelean wrote:

My personal opinion is that switching from id to class is not such a
good idea, simply because the ID attributes guaranties (of course you
can create two elements with same ID, but it is not the same as with
class attribute) the unicity of the element, also you can find the
element from js using document.getElementById... 

I hope that this radical change will not be made in the 1.3 release as
it has a great impact on any application developed using the latest
beta3 release. Also I think this issue should be discussed more between
the core developers.


Sam Hough wrote:

We are going to stop using ids and move over to class as it make re-use
easier and avoids a number of wicket problems with ids... The HTML
monkey is not happy though. He reminds me of the Family Guy screaming
monkey today.

Alex Objelean wrote:

This is about how wicket generates dynamically markupID.

I have, for instance, the following markup component: 

input wicket:id=quantity.noOfUnits /

The generated markupId for this component looks like the following:
quantity.noOfUnits1232 .

I suggest to escape any css valid specifiers from the generated
markupId, by replacing them with something else (for instance '_'

The problem appear when I am trying to identify the component by it's
id using some js library (like jQuery) and as a consequence the result
of this query: $(#quantity.noOfUnits1232) is invalid.

Thank you!





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findParent(BasePage.class) returns null

2007-09-17 Thread Maris Orbidans


The problem is that findParent(BasePage.class) returns a correct 
reference and after few more lines of code   it returns null. 

How is that possible ?

I am using 1.3 beta3.

   protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form)
   LoginForm loginForm = (LoginForm) form;
   String username = loginForm.getUsername();
   ProjectsSession session = (ProjectsSession) getSession();

   for (int i =0 ; i3 ; i++)
   { : 
+(findParent(BasePage.class)==null));// FALSE


   MarkupContainer container = findParent(BasePage.class);




   if (findParent(BasePage.class)==null)  // TRUE
   }  + username + logged in);

21:22:24,703 INFO  [LoginPanel]  : false
21:22:24,703 INFO  [LoginPanel]  : false
21:22:24,703 INFO  [LoginPanel]  : false
21:23:14,359 ERROR [LoginPanel] ERROR

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Re: Upcoming jWeekend Wicket training courses

2007-09-12 Thread Maris Orbidans


I am going to participate during September 29th-30th.


Hi folks,

Cemal and I have been working hard refining jWeekend's upcoming 
Getting Started With Apache Wicket 1.3 [1] and Apache Wicket 1.3 
[2] courses. The next ones are scheduled for September 22nd and 
September 29th-30th respectively.

They're an excellent way to get up to speed with Wicket and develop an 
in-depth understanding of Models, Behaviors, the AJAX functionality, 
advanced validation, etc., etc. As such, they will be useful to you 
whether you're a beginner or a fairly seasoned Wicket programmer, so 
I'd encourage you to visit the jWeekend site [3] for more information 
and to see just what you'll be getting (and hopefully to book your 
place ;-) ).

Hope to see some of you there!

Best regards,



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Re: [Wicket-user] Wicket requiring one of my Spring managed beans to have a default constructor

2007-09-05 Thread Maris Orbidans

Actually it's a problem if @SpringBean annotation creates new objects of 
class that is supposed to be a *singleton*.
Is it really impossible to create a proxy class without creating a new 
object of delegatee ?

Here is a discussion we had about it:

[23:10] Smike I just noticed that @SpringBean creates a new instance 
of my Spring bean
[23:10] Smike it's not good, after all Spring pojos are supposed to be 
[23:11] Hali_303 Smike: it should not create a new instance if the 
Spring bean is a singleton

[23:12] Smike it does
[23:12] Hali_303 Smike: not all Spring beans are singletons, far from 
it. Spring has many scopes, singleton scope is just one out of many scopes

[23:12] Smike it's default, isnt it ?
[23:12] Hali_303 yes
[23:13] Hali_303 how do you know that it's creating multiple instances?
[23:13] Smike my beans have default scope
[23:14] Smike breakpoints in constructor and logging statements
[23:14] Smike and I have seen the same issue discussed in mail list
[23:14] Smike where Igor says cglib needs to create a new object
[23:15] Smike so every bean needs a default constructor
[23:15] Hali_303 could you give me a pointer to this discussion?
[23:16] Smike here is the title  [Wicket-user] Wicket requiring one of 
my Spring managed beans to have a default constructor
[23:18] Smike it should only lookup a bean from spring context,   why 
it needs to create a new object... I have no idea

[23:18] Hali_303 Smike: yeah I think what Igor says is right
[23:19] Smike why it can't use existing object ?
[23:19] * srufle ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Quit ( Read 
error: 110 (Connection timed out) )

[23:19] * srufle___ is now known as srufle
[23:19] Hali_303 Smike: regarding jdk proxies vs cglib
[23:19] Hali_303 Smike: yeah exactly, I don't really see the 
connection between that thread and your problem
[23:20] Hali_303 the guy in that thread did not complain about 
multiple instances of singleton beans

[23:20] Smike the problem is that @SpringBean creates a new class
[23:20] Smike and that thread only confirms that
[23:21] Hali_303 it's not SpringBean, its cglib that creates one
[23:21] Hali_303 and should create it only once, not every time use 
inject the bean
[23:21] Hali_303 and should create it only once, not every time use 
inject the bean

[23:21] Smike yes,  @SpringBean annotation creates a proxy based on cglib
[23:22] Smike ok,   but  I can't believe that there is no way to 
create a proxy without creating a new class

[23:23] Smike of course, I am not reflection expert
[23:24] Smike but I think it's possible
[23:24] Smike at least with JDK proxy class
[23:24] Smike I have never used cglib though
[23:25] Smike so  I think this is important issue and should be fixed
[23:26] pertl Smike: I remember having a similar issue when using a 
bean without interface...maybe it's related to your issue... I got 
multiple instances of one singleton bean... once I used the interface / 
implementation pattern (UserDAO + UserDAOImpl) everything worked...

[23:26] Smike yes could be
[23:27] pertl Smike: give it a try ... use the interface but let 
spring instantiate the implementation class... maybe it works out

[23:28] Hali_303 I'm using that too, and it works
[23:28] Hali_303 I've even used prototype beans and that worked too
[23:28] Smike sounds good,  ok,  I'll try

you have to have an empty constructor. afaik it doesnt have to be 
public. this is so that cglib can create a proxy, i dont think there 
is a way around it.


On 5/9/07, * Matt Welch* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am using the @SpringBean annotation to instantiate Spring
dependencies in my wicket pages but I have one page that is giving
me a error that I'm having trouble dealing with. Here's an example.

The Wicket page class:

public class Viewer extends WebPage {

@SpringBean(name = contentSettings)
private ContentSettings contentSettings;
@SpringBean(name = learningItemRepository)

private LearningItemRepository learningItemRepository;

public Viewer() {

//add some simple components to the page


The vast majority of the time, my Spring managed beans are
implementations of interfaces and not standalone concrete classes,
however, in this particular situation I have about a dozen or so
beans that don't need to follow that pattern.

LearningRepository is an interface with a concrete
implementation. ContentSettings on the other hand is a
standalone concrete class. Both classes are properly setup in my
Spring configuration xml files and I have a suite of unit tests
which load the classes using Spring so I know that they should
work. In fact, LearningRepository does work fine, but I'm
getting an error from Wicket with regards to the the
ContentSettings class:


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Superclass