RE: Using a static image map

2008-04-14 Thread Martijn C. Vos
Cristina wrote:
> Hello,
> I've defined a simple HTML image map from a business process diagram:
>  href="Module01.html" title="Subprocess 1" />
>  href="Module02.html" title="Subprocess 2" />
>  href="Module03.html" title="Subprocess 3" /> 
> Basic Business Process (BPMN)
> Now I would like to enable this image map within Wicket...
> I've found out the ImageMap class in the API javadoc but I
> don't see how I should combine it with the above HTML.

What exactly is it that you want to enable about this in Wicket?
Do you want the areas to remain static, and only the links to
become Wicket links?

As far as I can tell, the standard Wicket ImageMap lets you
add areas (called ShapeLinks) to an ImageMap, and each ShapeLink
has a shape (rect, circle, polygon), coordinates, and a Link.
Ofcourse if the ImageMap's areas are completely static, you may
want to keep the shape and coordinates of the links outside the
Wicket code and only in the html, so I'm kinda wondering if it
would be possible to keep the map outside Wicket, and simply
give each area a wicket:id corresponding to a Link in your
Wicket code.

No idea if that would work (the ImageMap is kinda old and rarely
used), but that's what I'd try.

Otherwise, simply use the ImageMap the way it's written (which
is a bit odd, I admit): give a static  a wicket:id
corresponding to an ImageMap, and add ShapeLinks (with shape,
coords and Link) to that ImageMap. That should work.

(It's probably a good idea to take my advice with a grain of
salt; I'm still very new to Wicket myself. My own problem
with the ImageMap is that it's not dynamic enough, instead of
too dynamic.)


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RE: Changing Wickets default styles

2008-04-02 Thread Martijn C. Vos
Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael wrote:
> Eeek TDC(yousee), which robs me of a montly fee for television!
> This might not be the rigth forum to ask CSS questions and is
> sort of offtopic. But usually when something works in IE and
> doesnt in firefox it means that IE breaks standard
> compability, and due to some bug in IE works anyway. 

Often, yes, but not always. I've also been in situations where
for unknown reasons firefox didn't render the way I expected.
So I open WebDeveloper's CSS editor, and suddenly it looks fine!

There is definitely something that WebDeveloper does different
(better, I suspect) than Firefox, but what it is, I still haven't
figured out. It's not a Wicket issue, though.


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