Re: WiQuery: positioning a dialog when reusing it

2014-08-20 Thread Martin Dietze
I have looked into that issue a bit further.

On 17 August 2014 17:23, Mihir Chhaya wrote:
 I have used WQuery Dialog for Wicket 1.4 and could make it work in center
 using setMinimumHeight and setMinimumWidth methods when adding dialog.

That's true, but this is part of the problem. Since this only takes
effect when adding the dialog, it will not change after the page  (and
therefore the generated Javascript code containing the settings) has
been rendered.

Since the dialog is shown using Javascript, Wicket will normally not
even know about this. One can probably add some Javascript code to the
links that open the dialog, but that does not seem very robust as
there does not seem to be any official API for manipulations like this
(one would have to read the generated Javascript code and write some
stuff that changes the settings).

I now ended up with two global dialogs, one for a small dialog that
is shown in the center of the page and one for large dialogs that is
positioned at the top. Not elegant, but it does the job.

I actually doubt that using WiQuery for the dialogs actually leads to
any benefit at all. I inherited the code I am working with, and not
using Wicket's standard dialog API seems to make code harder to
understand, less maintainable why not leading to obvious optimization.



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WiQuery: positioning a dialog when reusing it

2014-08-15 Thread Martin Dietze
In my application I am using WiQuery's 'Dialog' for a global page
dialog that gets constructed in my page base class. Each time I want
to show a dialog I embed a different panel in it and then show it.

Usually I would like to display smaller dialogs that fit on the screen
using WindowPosition.CENTER while for larger (i.e. longer) dialogs
WindowPosition.TOP would be more appropriate.

Now I see that setting the window position on the already constructed
Dialog object does not have any effect, the only way I can actually
set the position is by setting the position after construction, i.e.
before the dialog gets rendered for the first time. I actually found
this by trial-and-error, and the (rather terse) WiQuery documentation
does not give me much more of a hint.

Thus asking you - is there a way to reposition a reused dialog? If
yes, how? It seems so weird I did not find anything on this because
this requirement seems fairly typical to me...



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Customizing or replacing MultiFileUploadField

2014-06-06 Thread Martin Dietze
I need to extend an existing component using a MultiFileUploadField in
a way that the entries created after having selected files allow the
user to add some information related to the individual uploads.

The intended end result is somewhat like this:

[select-button] Caption: blah blah

x File 1[___] enter descriptive text here
x File 2[___] enter descriptive text here


As I found out the listing of entries in the above component works
solely using Javascript.

Now I need to decide what the best option is:
(1) Add the missing functionality in Javascript (which looks pretty
awkward to me, maybe also because of my poor knowledge of Javascript).
(2) Replace MFUF by something that does the same but uses Wicket/Ajax for this.

Are there any ready-to-use multiple upload components out there I
could use for (2)?
If not, any hints how to go about (1)?



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Back button

2014-03-07 Thread Martin Dietze
In my application I have an editor page. Pretty often we run
into the problem of users saving their work, then remembering
that there was something missing and using their browser's back
button to get back into the editor. Since they will be using an
old instance of the page with the old object, saving will fail
with an optimistic locking exception. 

I know that this is not a totally wicket-specific problem, but
I'd like to ask how to deal with this problem best? Will headers
forbidding any kind of caching for those pages help? Any other



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Strange: Ajax-updates from a form inside a modal dialogue echoed in the page underneath

2014-02-06 Thread Martin Dietze
I've just spent several hours trying to figure out what's going
wrong here without any success. I am investigating a very
strange effect:

In my application I have a search panel in which several
dropdowns are used to select search settings. Some of these
settings depend on each other, so that they have their change
events digested by AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior.

Now on a particular page I use a similar form for picking
objects using a dialogue in a modal window. For convenience I've
extracted the search form to a separate class which is now used
in both search panels.

Now, when the modal window is opened and the user selects
entries from the dropdowns, the ajax updates caused by the above
behaviours are echoed to the (still visible) search panel in
the underlying page, i.e., selections in its dropdowns change

I checked the following things:

- there are no hand-assigned markup IDs, i.e. the Ajax updates
  operate on unique IDs.

- when I embed the panel in the page instead of a dialogue, the
  effect disappears (however this is no option my customer would

- using dumb copy-and-paste instead of inheritance for the two
  search forms does not help, i.e. the effect does not disappear

Since the application I'm dealing with is pretty complex, also
for confidence reasons, I can't really give any code examples

I am using Wicket 6.12.

Has anyone ever experienced an effect like this? Any workaround
known? I feel pretty clueless with this problem..



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Visual HTML diff in Wicket?

2014-02-06 Thread Martin Dietze
In my system there is an editorial submodule for creating HTML
contents. As I am about to add a versioning history to it, I'd
like to add some kind of visualisation of what changed from edit
to edit. 

Does anyone here know of something like a library for this that
can be used conveniently in a Wicket-based application? Free
would be nice, but commercial (depending on the price, of
course) would be an option, too.



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Re: Strange: Ajax-updates from a form inside a modal dialogue echoed in the page underneath

2014-02-06 Thread Martin Dietze

 thanks a lot for your advice!

On Thu, February 06, 2014, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Check the Ajax response after selecting a component.
 It contains ajax-response with component id=... elements. The id
 attribute is used to find the old HTML element and to replace it with the
 new content.
 Since Wicket uses document.getElementByid() to find the old one I see no
 way how it will replace/update more than one HTML element in the page per
 component. So I guess there are components for both the elements in the
 modal and in the page.
 The best is to debug it and fix it.
 A workaround is to use a Page for the Modal instead of a Panel.

Using the Ajax Debug panel I could track the problem down rather
easily. While the actual form components were clean I found
out that their surrounding containers, some of which were, too,
updated using Ajax were given fixed markup IDs from within the
Java code, so that I had two of them with the same IDs. Need to
do a 'git blame' on that one :)



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Re: Running a TestNG test suite from a wicket page

2013-12-04 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, December 02, 2013, Paul Bors wrote:

 Have you considered Mockito to mock your POJOs for the test data and
 I use that in conjunction with TestNG and then start the wicket app
 providing it mocked DAOs and POJOs.

I've got pretty strong feelings about such frameworks, bluntly
speaking, I consider them harmful. They look like a cool thing
on first glance, but if you've got complex test cases in your
business logic you end up recording complex sequences of mocked
service responses and end up with write-only test code. People
who use them for their code may have different experience, but
since I usually work on large projects in teams of 2-5 people
I've far too often had to understand and repair broken tests 
that were made unnecessarily complex due to the use of Eazymock
or Mockito.

Just for completeness I'm repeating once again what I already
wrote about it a little before in this thread:

 I really don't like mocking services and DAOs at all, because in
 complex application this sooner or later leads you to testing
 against your particular implementation rather than your code's
 contract. In particular when mocking frameworks are used, this
 very easily leads to write-only test code. I've seen this on too
 many occasions and no longer believe that this is a wise

 Also one needs to consider that many applications are pretty
 much data-driven (e.g. my system uses a document-based data
 model with nearly 100 different object variants), and loading
 interpreting both schema and data is a crucial piece of the
 application and needs thorough testing, and you really want to
 do this on the real thing rather than on mocked services.

But actually I wanted to report my progress on this issue here,
since this might be of interest for others, too. I succeded with
my approach and implemented my first tests yesterday. My setup
is like this:

1. For testing, I deploy my test librariees into WEB-INF/lib,
so that they can be used within the running webapp. Also I create
a JAR file from all my integration tests and deploy it into the
same location. 

2. I create a wicket page and mount it somewhere (e.g. /test), 
make sure that it cannot be accessed in production environments :)

3. In that page, I locate the JAR with my tests:

| @Nonnull
| public static File getJarForClassName( String packageAndClassName ) {
| URL url = ReflectionUtil.class.getClassLoader().getResource( 
packageAndClassName );
| if ( url == null ) {
| throw new IllegalStateException( Unable to resolve resource  + 
packageAndClassName );
| }
| if ( !jar.equals( url.getProtocol() ) ) {
| throw new IllegalStateException( Wrong protocol for  + 
packageAndClassName + :  + url.getProtocol() );
| }
| String path = url.getPath();
| if ( path == null ) {
| throw new IllegalStateException( No path for  + packageAndClassName 
| }
| int delimPos = path.indexOf( '!' );
| if ( delimPos = 0 ) {
| throw new IllegalStateException( Cannot extract JAR path for  + 
packageAndClassName + :  + path );
| }
| String jarPath = path.substring( file:.length(), delimPos );
| File result = new File( jarPath );
| if ( !result.isFile() ) {
| throw new IllegalStateException( Something's wrong, no valid file 
for  + packageAndClassName + :  + jarPath );
| }
| return result;
| }

4. Then I set up TestNG in onConfigure():

| TestNG testNG = new TestNG();
| testNG.setTestJar( jarFile.getAbsolutePath() );
| testNG.setExcludedGroups( EXCLUDED_TEST_GROUPS );
| testNG.setGroups( INCLUDED_TEST_GROUPS );
| testNG.setOutputDirectory( outputDir.getAbsolutePath() );
| @SuppressWarnings( rawtypes )
| ListClass reporterList = Collections.Class singletonList( 
HTMLReporter.class );
| testNG.setListenerClasses( reporterList );
| int result = 0;
| try {
| result = testNG.getStatus();
| } catch ( TestNGException ex ) {
| LOG.error( Exception caught, ex );
| error( ex.getMessage() );
| result = 1;
| }

5. If the result is not 0, I throw an IllegalStateException,
so that my ANT build fails:

| if ( result != 0 ) {
| throw new IllegalStateException( tests failed );
| }

6. Since my tests may run for a while i increase the 
timeout before wicket throws a pagemap-locked exception
in the constructor:

|  if ( !TIMEOUT_FOR_TEST_PAGE.equals( 
VrmsApplication.get().getRequestCycleSettings().getTimeout() ) ) {
|  VrmsApplication.get().getRequestCycleSettings().setTimeout( 
|  }

7. In ANT I create a test target like this:

| target name=test-integration 
| antcall target=run-test-integration/antcall
| /target
| target name=run-test-integration
| exec executable=wget failonerror=true
| arg line=-O /dev/null --quiet http://localhost:8080/test; /
| /exec
| /target

Now testing the business logic has 

Re: Running a TestNG test suite from a wicket page

2013-12-01 Thread Martin Dietze
On Sat, November 30, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Usually when running (WicketTester) tests people provide mock
 implementations of the external services like MQ, DB, ...
 It is much easier to return some mock data, either good data or broken, to
 your application and verify that it behaves correctly in both situations.

I really don't like mocking services and DAOs at all, because in
complex application this sooner or later leads you to testing
against your particular implementation rather than your code's
contract. In particular when mocking frameworks are used, this
very easily leads to write-only test code. I've seen this on too
many occasions and no longer believe that this is a wise

Also one needs to consider that many applications are pretty
much data-driven (e.g. my system uses a document-based data
model with nearly 100 different object variants), and loading and
interpreting both schema and data is a crucial piece of the
application and needs thorough testing, and you really want to
do this on the real thing rather than on mocked services. 

If I were to start such a project today I'd rely on IOC
frameworks like Spring or Guice trying to keep my modules' 
dependencies under control, so that I can write test data
generators for all the scenarios I need to test. However in a
legacy project this is not always an option because a
pre-spring/guice architecture may lead to practically every
module technically depending on the complete business logic, 
so that one would have to pretty much mock it all which will
make the test code even more unmaintainable. In my case I'm fine
using anonymized production data based on which I can write
tests not relying on particular objects in the database but on
classes of data that will be there instead.

Now that's *why* I chose that approach. Still, if anybody has
any experience with this kind of thing, I'd be happy to benefit
from it :)



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Re: Running a TestNG test suite from a wicket page

2013-12-01 Thread Martin Dietze
On Sun, December 01, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 In this case you may want to use Selenium/WebDriver tests.
 Or any kind of robot that will execute your test scenarios against a
 running web application.

I am using geb for frontend tests. However frontend tests do not
really help when testing complex cases within the business logic. 
As I wrote, one would normally create a test data generator to fill
an in-memory database with stuff that you can rely on when
running your tests. However due to the fact that this is a JEE
application in which infrastructure like the database message
queues etc. are provided by the container (glassfish) I would
like to run tests against anonymised productive data. 

Thus I start the application within its JEE container with a fresh
set of test data in the database and then run the test suite by
wget-ing a page which runs my TestNG tests which have thus
access to all those resources. As mentioned before, I am dealing
with pre-spring/guice legacy code here, thus this is simply a
pragmatic approach. In an ideal world I would not have to do
this :)



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Running a TestNG test suite from a wicket page

2013-11-29 Thread Martin Dietze
As in my project a number of resources are only available within
the running web application (e.g. message queues and DB access
are provided by the Glassfish application server), I would like
to run a TestNG suite from a wicket page, thus allowing me to
test pieces of the code that depend on those (and other

I've taken a brief look at the TestNG command line interface,
and it seems like doing what is being done in TestNG.main should
more or less work. Rather ugly, but seemingly without
alternative, I need to have TestNG in my webapp's CLASSPATH. 
The test classes I package into a JAR that I deploy with the
webapp when I want to run the tests. Still I need to configure
TestNG to load all tests from that JAR specifically, and I
haven't yet figured out how to do this.

Just thought that I might not be the first trying this, so if
there's anyone out there who has some experience with it, I'd
greatly appreciate some hint.



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Re: FileUPloadField alternatives?

2013-11-26 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, November 26, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

  If I understand this correctly I might get away by producing a
  deployable in which that line is simply commented out (as it is
  intended for Chrome compatibility only)? Also, in a second
 No. This line is important to process the Ajax XML response.

Yep, at a second glance I realised this :)

  worthwhile as changing the DOM while a request is still in
  progress does not look totally harmless to me either?
 Try it.

Tried it, but the crash still occurs.

If you have some more ideas, I'd greatly appreciate this. 
Actually that above hint seemed very likely a solution to me
since the problem seems to occur on old hardware rather than on
new one. I am currently trying to set up an old laptop with
XP/IE8 hoping to be finally able to reproduce that problem.



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Re: FileUPloadField alternatives?

2013-11-26 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, November 26, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

  If you have some more ideas, I'd greatly appreciate this.
 Try with MultiFileUploadField -

No change, still freezes...


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FileUPloadField alternatives?

2013-11-25 Thread Martin Dietze
In my project I am experiencing IE8 crashes at (Ajax-based) file
upload. This happens with some particular machines my client
uses, and, no, replacing them is (unfortunately) not an option.

I am therefore exploring alternatives, hoping that e.g. a
flash- or javascript-based upload might not lead to this problem
anymore (also, the possibility of uploading more than one file
at a time yields some added value).

To avoid having to rewrite lots of code, I would ideally like to
find something that I can just replace my current
FileUploadField/AjaxButton construction with. 

I took a look at Martin's repo and the file-upload example in
it. Is there any way I can have my application notified by an
Ajax call after the upload has been finished? 

Also, are there any other components that I could try? I took a
look at wicket-uploadify, but that library is based on wicket
1.5, and apart from that I haven't found anything.



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Re: FileUPloadField alternatives?

2013-11-25 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, November 25, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

  In my project I am experiencing IE8 crashes at (Ajax-based) file
  upload. This happens with some particular machines my client
  uses, and, no, replacing them is (unfortunately) not an option.
 Can you explain what is the issue ?
 Maybe Wicket can workaround it ...

I'll try to. Since I cannot reproduce the problem myself (on my
IE8 the application works just fine), I can hardly describe much
more than the symptoms.

When uploading a file using an AjaxButton, the browser freezes 
after the upload has been processed on the server, i.e. the
button stays 'pushed', and the browser needs to be closed using
the task manager. The action behind my upload button is fully
executed, i.e. the upload is being processed successfully, and
the components that need Ajax update are added to the onSubmit
method's ART. That's the last I see from that browser in the

In order to narrow down the problem I've created an upload test
page. It contains a simple form with an
FileUploadField/AjaxButton in it. Also there is the upload
component panel we use in our application (it maintains a list
of uploads that are updated via Ajax and shown under the upload

Last Friday I made the trip to our customer's and took a closer
look at one of the machines. All of them are WinXP/IE8 boxes,
supposedly with identical configurations, but only some of them 
exhibit those crashes (but those do this each time we try).

When running on Wicket 6.9.12 the browser crashes even with the
simplest configuration (FileUploadField/AjaxButton). After
downgrading to 6.8.0 (since there once was an issue in the
wicket bugtracker), the browser survives that first check, but
it crashes when trying out our application's upload component.

This leads me to think that there is some Javascript/Ajax stuff
involved in this crash. That's about all I know. I may give you
access to that test page via email if you like to check yourself.

 I am not sure whether you will be able to use AjaxRequestTarget though.
 Because the Ajax call is made by the JS library, not with Wicket.Ajax.**
 APIs. So it will require some JS coding from you to process ajax-response
 in the library's onSuccess callback.

That's what I feared :)
This simply means that I will have to dig deeper into that
particular upload library. Since I don't even know whether it
will solve my problem I will have to consider...

  Also, are there any other components that I could try? I took a
  look at wicket-uploadify, but that library is based on wicket
  1.5, and apart from that I haven't found anything.
 Is it hard to migrate it to 6.x ?

It contains some Javascript that will most likely no longer
work. Also it is totally undocumented, I don't know how to use
it and if it even works. Actually I went into the same question,
how can I notify my application so that I can use it the same
way I used to use the stock FileUploadField. 



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Re: FileUPloadField alternatives?

2013-11-25 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, November 25, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 I guess that the problem is in

If I understand this correctly I might get away by producing a
deployable in which that line is simply commented out (as it is
intended for Chrome compatibility only)? Also, in a second 
approach, moving that line above the 'form.submit()' seems
worthwhile as changing the DOM while a request is still in
progress does not look totally harmless to me either?

I'll have a go and have my customer try it (unfortunately I
don't have physical access to a box that exhibits this problem).



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Rendering a component into a String

2013-11-13 Thread Martin Dietze
In a legacy project I've inherited I've got a piece of code that
no longer works since the project was upgraded from Wicket 1.4 to
Wicket 6. 

It's about rendering a component (a Wicket panel) into a string
in order to return it wrapped into a webservice reply.

The webservice is based on Wicket, too. The webservice is based
on a Javascript handshake - the client calls the service using a
token connecting the user to his current session he has on the
application, the service replies are rendered into an iframe and
deliver their data through postMessage. 

Thus, when rendering a reply, I am basically rendering a Wicket
page within the context of my session. 

Now one of my API's calls requires me to render a Wicket panel
into a String, which is then wrapped into JSON as part of the
respective call's reply. 

The legacy code used to do this roughly like this (changes for
using the Wicket 6 API were applied, but this nevertheless never

- create a mock RequestCycle by creating a MockHttpSession, a
  MockHttpServletRequest and a MockHttpServletResponse, glue
  this all together to obtain a ServletWebRequest and a
  BufferedWebResponse and finaly use use Application.createRequestCycle()
  to create the RequestCycle object

- the component wrapped into a ComponentRenderingRequestHandler 

- then this code is executed:

|try {
|try {
|if ( !requestCycle.processRequestAndDetach() ) {
| }
|} finally {
|return requestCycle.getResponse().toString();
|} finally {

I must admit I could not have written this myself :)

Now when running this code, I run into two different 

org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Exception in rendering component: 
[Profile [Component id = profile]]
at org.apache.wicket.Component.internalRender( 
at org.apache.wicket.Component.render( 
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at org.apache.wicket.Component.determineVisibility( 
at org.apache.wicket.Component.internalBeforeRender( 
at org.apache.wicket.Component.beforeRender( 
at org.apache.wicket.Component.render( 

The enclosure's child component is null, as we see here:
|public boolean isVisible()
|return childComponent.determineVisibility()  

Below that exception I find the markup of a stack trace page in my logs. 
Below that markup I get another stack trace:

java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at org.apache.wicket.Page.internalPrepareForRender( 
at org.apache.wicket.Component.render( 
at org.apache.wicket.Page.renderPage( 

Re: Rendering a component into a String

2013-11-13 Thread Martin Dietze
On Wed, November 13, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 See the source of example

In short: instanciate my component, put it into a
ComponentRenderer, be happy. That was astonishingly simple :)



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Adding Wicket to an existing project with Guice

2013-10-10 Thread Martin Dietze
On a legacy project, there are two web frameworks in use, one
for the frontend, one for the backoffice application. This
project already uses Guice which is instanciated by a
ContextListener which also does some initialisation code, like
pulling up some particular Guice beans.

Now in this project we want to rewrite one of the two frondends
using Wicket. I would like to set up Wicket in a way that it
uses the existing Guice infrastructure. The examples and
tutorials I've found in the web so far always assume that Guice
initialisation (i.e. creation of the injector) goes along with
Wicket initialisation which does not seem to fit to what I am

Thus I wonder if someone can tell me how I need to configure
Wicket to use the existing Guice injector?

Any hint appreciated!


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Re: Adding Wicket to an existing project with Guice

2013-10-10 Thread Martin Dietze
On Thu, October 10, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 You can
 app, Injector injector) constructor.
 I.e. in MyApp#init() do:
 getComponentInstantiationListeners().add(new GuiceComponentInjector(this,

Thank you, that was fairly easy (I had thought there had to be
something as simple as that)!


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Re: Test based on AbstractWicketTest fails with No RequestCycle is currently set

2013-09-09 Thread Martin Dietze
On Sat, September 07, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 What is this doing ?
 Does it start a new thread by chance ?
 Or doing something like: ThreadContext.detach() /

No, nothing of that kind. It's just a helper to make sure noone
uses Ajax on components which are added to the markup as
wicket:container wicket:id=../wicket:container
The code goes like this:

| public class WicketContainerChecker implements 
IComponentInstantiationListener {
| private static final Behavior BEHAVIOR = new Behavior() {
| private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
| @Override
| public void onComponentTag( final Component component, final 
ComponentTag tag ) {
| if ( tag instanceof WicketTag  container.equals( 
tag.getName() )  component.getOutputMarkupId() ) {
| throw new IllegalStateException( Component  + component +  
requests a markup id ( + component.getMarkupId() + ) but is attached to  + 
| + ! This will not work in deployment mode! );
| }
| }
| };
| @Override
| public void onInstantiation( Component component ) {
| component.add( BEHAVIOR );
| }
| }



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Re: Tests based on WicketTester: NPE in ConcatBundleResource.readAllResources

2013-09-09 Thread Martin Dietze
On Sat, September 07, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

   Is there a chance that you create a bundle without any
  resource(reference) ?
  Not quite sure I understand this correctly,
 In YourApplication#init() you something like:
 getResourceBundles().addXyzBundle(Class, String, resourceReferences*).
 For some reason some of the references cannot load its resource data.

OK, I've now isolated any code dealing with resource bundles for
JS and CSS in my Application and created a TestApplication class
in which this isolated method is overridden as empty, so that 
resources are not used at all. Now the test no longer fails. 

If I should need this piece to work with tests in the future, I
guess I will have to go through the configuration (file system
paths for the stuff loaded in the resources) to get this

Thank you again!


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Re: Test based on AbstractWicketTest fails with No RequestCycle is currently set

2013-09-09 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, September 09, 2013, Martin Dietze wrote:

 No, nothing of that kind. It's just a helper to make sure noone
 uses Ajax on components which are added to the markup as
 wicket:container wicket:id=../wicket:container

OK, that one is solved, too. After replacing the Application
used in this test by the one created to solve the other problem
(related to the resources for JS and CSS), this problem
disappeared. Obviously the problem I saw in the stack trace 
was misleading here.



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Tests based on WicketTester: NPE in ConcatBundleResource.readAllResources

2013-09-06 Thread Martin Dietze
I am currently trying to repair some old tests (which I did not
even write myself) based on AbstractWicketTest and WicketTester.
At the moment all tests derived from AbstractWicketTest or using
TestNGWicketTester fail with some exception inside Wicket.

Since I am rather unfamiliar with the wicket test infrastructure,
I'd like to ask here, if the stuff below rings any bell with
anyone of you? This second class of exceptions I get seems to 
be related to the fact that in our application all CSS and 
Javascript includes are handled by a ConcatBundeResource. At
least that's the one where the test code crashes with an NPE.

Again, the test is real simple, it consists of rendering a page
and checking for exceptions etc., this is the code:

|public void setUp() {
|this.tester = new TestNGWicketTester( new MyApplication() );

|public void testRender() {
|this.tester.startPage( ResetPasswordPage.class );
|this.tester.assertRenderedPage( ResetPasswordPage.class );

And the exception I am getting is the following:

 [testng] Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
 [testng] at 
 [testng] at 
 [testng] at 
 [testng] at 
 [testng] at 
 [testng] at 
 [testng] at 
 [testng] at 
 [testng] at 
 [testng] at 
 [testng] at 

The 'offending' code in ConcatResourceBunde looks like this: 

|private byte[] readAllResources(ListIResourceStream resources) 
throws IOException,
|ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
|for (IResourceStream curStream : resources)  
// This is line 169, where the NPE occurs!
|IOUtils.copy(curStream.getInputStream(), output);
|byte[] bytes = output.toByteArray();
|if (getCompressor() != null)
|String nonCompressed = new String(bytes, UTF-8);
|bytes = 
|return bytes;



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Re: Tests based on WicketTester: NPE in ConcatBundleResource.readAllResources

2013-09-06 Thread Martin Dietze
On Fri, September 06, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Is there a chance that you create a bundle without any resource(reference) ?

Not quite sure I understand this correctly,
I tried avoiding the use of the ConcatBundleResource altogether
by overriding the method that creates it in my Application for
my test. But this did not make any difference.



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Re: Test based on AbstractWicketTest fails with No RequestCycle is currently set

2013-09-06 Thread Martin Dietze
On Fri, September 06, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 2. #testAddingAndSwitchingFields
 you look at the wrong test
 we cannot help you when we have the wrong source given

Yes, sorry, I picked the wrong stacktrace, however they're all
identical anyway. The method 'testAddingAndSwitchingFields'
starts the same way as 'testRender':

|public void testAddingAndSwitchingFields( final int numberOfFields, final 
ListString switchButtonPaths, final ListString expectedFieldOrder ) {
|final FeedbackFormSpec formSpec = 
|this.tester.startPage( new FeedbackFormSpecEditorTestPage( formSpec ) 
|// ...

I.e., the stacktrace below is exactly the same from the moment 
I instanciate the test page, and the super constructor is

Here's the stacktrace again:

org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: No RequestCycle is currently set!


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May Ajax handlers in Wicket 6 slow down rendering?

2013-05-02 Thread Martin Dietze
Since Wicket 6 introduced jQuery as backend for Ajax, there are
now rather many jquery-libraries included and there are rather
long blocks of Javascript code executed at domready. 

One of our HTML designers now expressed his concern that on
rather complex pages like ours this approach may slow down
rendering pages on slow machines (our project is used by people
from their workplaces where they - by company policy - have to
use old IE browsers on often not exactly fast machines).

Since I am not at all an expert in this field, I'm passing on
this concern here, maybe any of the gurus around here can
comment on this? One of the possible measures our HTMLer
mentioned was bundling multiple Javascript-includes to a single
one, is this something that can be done for the Javascript
library includes added by Wicket?



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Re: May Ajax handlers in Wicket 6 slow down rendering?

2013-05-02 Thread Martin Dietze
Than you for your help!

On Thu, May 02, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

  long blocks of Javascript code executed at domready.
 This depends on how many Ajax components/behaviors you have in your page
 and how many OnDomReadyHeaderItems are contributed.
 If you use JavaScript event delegation with Wicket Ajax Behavior that
 broadcasts events then you can decrease this dramatically.

That sounds interesting, but - forgive me my ignorance - this is
the first time I hear about this kind of thing. Can you hint me
at some example?



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After upgrade to Wicket 6: lots of ' Connection reset by peer' in my logs

2013-04-16 Thread Martin Dietze
After upgrading to Wicket 6, I am getting too many of exceptions
like the ones below. They 'happen' either when delivering static
contents, like Javascript files (via resource references) or even
media contents like images or movies which are written into the
response. I've appended two stacktraces, one for each of these 
two categories. The errors don't seem to occur on ordinary 
Wicket pages. The application is running in a glassfish container.

Having searched google I've found a number of issues, but none 
of them seemed to match exactly. Thus, does the stuff below look
familiar to anyone? Maybe there's a known issue that I'm not 
yet aware of? 

In any case I badly need some kind of workaround, since we 
really cannot roll back the system at this time.



== snip, here's a stacktrace for delivering a Javascript resource =

ERROR 2013-04-15T10:45:00 [http-thread-pool-443-(31)] [-] 
  An internal server error occured
Connection reset by peer
[mc-commons-my-1.7.1.jar:$Rev: 17908 $]
at com.sun.enterprise.web.WebPipeline.invoke( 

Re: After upgrade to Wicket 6: lots of ' Connection reset by peer' in my logs

2013-04-16 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, April 16, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Does these errors happen in any browser or only in IE ?
 I remember such problem in IE - the browser renders the page in modeX and
 during download of the resources switches to modeY, so it closes the opened
 connections and downloads the resource again.
 Either modeX or modeY is QuirksMode.

I can't tell exactly. However I know that 70% of our users use IE,
thus the probability is rather high. I'm not even sure if users would
get to see the error page here, would they?

If not, would it not suffice to just suppress redirecting to the
error page here?

 The simple solution/workaround is to add meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible
 content=IE=edge to your pages.

I must admit I don't have the guts to do this. We have a rather
complex design and had so many compatibility isssues with the
different IE versions that I'm pretty sure we would mess up
things with this. 

If you agree that suppressing the redirect here would make
sense, any idea where to do this?



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Re: After upgrade to Wicket 6: lots of ' Connection reset by peer' in my logs

2013-04-16 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, April 16, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 I'm not sure what redirect you mean.

I was referring to the fact that the error page was called here:

| ERROR 2013-04-15T12:29:35 [http-thread-pool-443-(36)] [USER.8619] 
[/attachment/ARTICLE/540214/5/KN_120831_APP_015.JPG]  An internal server 
error occured
| org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.servlet.ResponseIOException: 
org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException: Broken 
| at 
| [...]

 If the error is the same as the one I'm talking about then you can safely
 ignore these errors. Your users do not see any problems at client side.

Is there any reliable way to detect these 'ignorable' errors? If
yes, I'd like to suppress the calls to ErrorPage here.

 P.S. Educate your users that they will have better experience by using
 modern browsers.

How I would like to! Unfortunately 90% of my users access the
pages from their respective workplaces, and unfortunately IE is
still company policy there :(



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Overriding Form.onFileUploadException in nested forms

2013-04-10 Thread Martin Dietze
I am using Wicket 6.6.0, and I'm running into a nasty problem
with upload sizes. In a complex editor, there is an upload
component which itself contains a Form with an AjaxButton for
triggering the upload. 

If the upload exceeds the allowed max size, the 
SizeLimitExceededException is caught in the outer form, i.e. the
form to which the upload component was added. Thus, I cannot
override Form.onFileUploadException in my inner form and thus
not implement a custom handling (this is necessary, as in this
case I need to explicitly call FeedbackPanel.error on my upload
component's FeedbackPanel and add update it via Ajax). Adding
custom code to the outer form is not an option as this way I'd
have to modify all users of my upload component.

Is this a bug or a feature? 


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Use Wicket to construct URLs from batch jobs

2013-04-04 Thread Martin Dietze
I recently migrated my legacy project from Wicket 1.4 to 6.6.
In this project there is a batch job for sending out
newsletters. As you might expect, in those newsletters there are
links to contents from the system.

In the old system this was done like this (1.4 code):

| public CharSequence 
getApplicationRelativeUrlFor(IBookmarkablePageRequestTarget target) {
| if (!MyApplication.exists()) {
| final MyApplication application = (MyApplication) 
| MyApplication.set(application);
| application.newRequestCycle(null, null);
| }
| for (final IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy strat : getCodingStrategies()) 
| if (strat.matches(target)) {
| final CharSequence relativeURL = strat.encode(target);
| return relativeURL.toString();
| }
| }
| return null;
| }

The method 'getCodingStrategies()' returns all coding strategies that
were created at startup and subsequently added to a list which is returned

To me it seems like the above pretty much exploits some implementation
details of Wicket 1.4, however my predecessors did not seem to know another
way out. This project contains a bit of a content management system, in
which for different kinds of contents there are different mount points and
often even totally different IRequestTargetUrlCodinStrategy's, thus I 
don't really see any alternative to asking Wicket which has this information.

Now, based on Wicket 6.6.0 the above does no longer work, obviously due
to the way the 'Application' object is initialised and then stored. 

My code looks pretty much like this:

| public CharSequence getApplicationRelativeUrlFor( 
BookmarkablePageRequestHandler handler) {
| MyApplication application = WicketUtil.checkMyApplication();
| try {
| IRequestMapper mapper = application.getRootRequestMapper();
| if ( mapper == null ) {
| throw new IllegalStateException( Internal error, no root request 
mapper configured! );
| }
| final Url url = mapper.mapHandler( handler );
| return url;
| } finally {
| WicketUtil.cleanupDummyApplication( application );
| }
| }

If no application exists, I tried creating a dummy version of it, this
is done somewhere inside the 'checkMyApplication()' method, and it boils
down to this here:

| public static MyApplication createDummyApplicationAndRequestCycle() {
| MyApplication application = new MyApplication( true );
| final MockServletContext servletContext = new MockServletContext( 
application, null );
| application.setServletContext( servletContext );
| WicketFilter wicketFilter = new WicketFilter( application );
| try {
| wicketFilter.init( true, new FilterConfig() {
| @Override
| public ServletContext getServletContext() {
| return servletContext;
| }
| @Override
| public EnumerationString getInitParameterNames() {
| return Collections.enumeration( Collections.String 
emptyList() );
| }
| @Override
| public String getInitParameter( final String name ) {
| return null;
| }
| @Override
| public String getFilterName() {
| return MyApplication;
| }
| } );
| } catch ( final ServletException e ) {
| throw new IllegalStateException( Exception caught, e );
| }
| if ( RequestCycle.get() == null ) {
| final ServletContext context = application.getServletContext();
| final HttpSession newHttpSession = new MockHttpSession( context );
| final MockHttpServletRequest servletRequest = new 
MockHttpServletRequest( application, newHttpSession, context ) {
| @Override
| public String getServletPath() {
| return getServletPathOtherCodeReliesOn();
| }
| };
| final MockHttpServletResponse servletResponse = new 
MockHttpServletResponse( servletRequest );
| servletRequest.initialize();
| servletResponse.initialize();
| final ServletWebRequest webRequest = new ServletWebRequest( 
servletRequest, servletRequest.getFilterPrefix() );
| final WebResponse webResponse = new BufferedWebResponse( new 
ServletWebResponse( webRequest, servletResponse ) );
| RequestCycle requestCycle = application.createRequestCycle( 
webRequest, webResponse );
| ThreadContext.setRequestCycle( requestCycle );
| }
| return application;
| }

Cleaning up the dummy application looks like this:

| public static void cleanupDummyApplication( MyApplication application ) {
| if ( !application.isDummy() ) {
| return;
| }
| ThreadContext.setApplication( null );
| }

Of course this is very inefficient if I have to do this each time
a batch job queries for an URL.

When I 

Re: Use Wicket to construct URLs from batch jobs

2013-04-04 Thread Martin Dietze
On Thu, April 04, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 You can pass the application name (application.getName()) to the manually
 started threads and later use it to lookup the Application when needed:
 If you can understand Scala then you can use

Thanks, the 'detach()' call was useful. 
However it seems like I have now found out what my main mistake
was. I obviously did not fully understand how Applications are

When I create my own dummy application, I need to make sure that
I choose a name different from what the Wicket filter I have
configured in my web.xml uses, as that one will run into an
exception when setting the name to a value for which there
already is an application. 

Thus (in rough steps) my code now looks like this:

1. check if an Application is set, if yes, everything's fine
2. if not, check if a dummy Application with a given
   dummy-application-name exists, if no, create it under that
3. set the dummy application in the ThreadContext
4. do your work
5. clean up the ThreadContext using 'detach()'

This way my code seems to work. Anything else that I



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Re: ./. from UrlRenderer.renderUrl()

2013-03-28 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, March 26, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Can you reproduce the problem in a demo application? If YES - please attach
 it to a ticket in Jira. Thanks!


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Ford  : Why, what did she say?
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./. from UrlRenderer.renderUrl()

2013-03-26 Thread Martin Dietze
I found that in some situations, when
Component.continueToOriginalDestination is called, the
InterceptionData object used there internally points to the home
page, i.e., the path element is empty. In that case the
RequestCycle's UrlRenderer.renderUrl() produces ./..

This URL seems to cause problems with some browsers, e.g. in the
IE I found this leading to 404 pages.

I have fixed this by implementing my own UrlRenderer which
produces an absolute path here (e.g. with an URL prefix
'http://xxx.yy/foo', an URL './.' would produce '/foo').

Just wondering, is there a problem with the way the default
UrlRenderer produces such URLs?



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Re: ./. from UrlRenderer.renderUrl()

2013-03-26 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, March 26, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Which version of Wicket do you use ?


 Can you reproduce the problem in a demo application? If YES - please attach
 it to a ticket in Jira. Thanks!

I'll have a look. 



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Migration issue: update templates in a running system

2013-03-25 Thread Martin Dietze
I recently upgraded a legacy project from Wicket 1.4 to 6.6.

In that project we provide a test system to our HTML designers,
set up as follows: whenever a change is committed into the git,
the test system pulls those changes and copies templates, JS
and CSS files into the webapp.

It seems like now, after the Wicket upgrade, certain changes in
templates (e.g. changes to the markup of fragments) do no longer
come through, i.e. it seems necessary to restart the system
before the changes take effect.

Could it be that this is a problem related to the new way of
dealing with markup in Wicket? Or are we simply running into a
cache problem here?

If this is indeed related to Wicket's markup handling, is there
any usable workaround? Restarting the system over and over makes
work for our HTMLers rather slow and awkward.



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Re: Migration issue: update templates in a running system

2013-03-25 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, March 25, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Wicket reloads HTML templates only when running in Development mode. Do you
 run your app in Dev mode ?

Yes, I do.

And I did see some changes coming through (like adding a
CSS-class to a div etc.), but today I was asked by our HTMLer,
and like him I was unable to get the changes into my browsers,
though the templates on the development system were the updated
ones. I could only get the changes take effect by restarting the



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Re: Wicket 6: AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior on dropdown leads to page reload

2013-03-09 Thread Martin Dietze
On Sat, March 09, 2013, Bernard wrote:

 I would try to debug the constructor of the page and/or override and
 debug life cycle methods of the page and then work up the call stack
 why they are executed.

Thank you for your reply. Having slept a night over it I found
the problem. Like a couple of times before, whenever it comes to
request handling in a Wicket 1.5+ system, debugging mapRequest()
in CompountRequestMapper is extremely helpful for understanding
how your system works :)

In my case one from a number of custom page mappers in my
system (most of which derive from or wrap a MountedMapper) was
the culprit. After doing some magic on the request, in
mapRequest() it just returned a RenderPageRequestHandler instead
of passing the request on to super.mapRequest().

I actually like the RequestMappers introduced in 1.5, but being
so powerful they also exhibit plenty of ways to shoot yourself
into the foot and produce rather bizarre effects..



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Wicket 6: AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior on dropdown leads to page reload

2013-03-08 Thread Martin Dietze
I've just spent several hours trying to debug a rather strange
effect with a dropdown and a AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior.

I have a component which is used in several places of the
system. It contains a dropdown to which a
AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior is added. Whenever the user
selects a value, a label is displayed underneath.

This component has been in use in different parts of the system
for quite some time now. After having upgraded to Wicket 6.6, it
does no longer work - on one particular page. While on all other
pages it works just fine, on that particular page every time I
change something, the page reloads (just as if I had attached an
AjaxFormSubmitBehavior (which of course I had not, actually
there is not a single one used within the whole project).

When doing this reloading, my AjaxFormSubmitBehavior's handler
is never invoked.

I checked the requests the browser gets to see, and it seems
like there isn't any difference. Just in case, here's roughly
what I get on the pages where it works:

Method: POST

The next request is an icon for the stuff displayed later.

On the bad page, the request does not look too much different
(it's just a different page):

Method: POST

Only after it, I get the original path, but a redirect:
Method: GET
Status Text: 302 (Moved Temporarily)

Now this indicates that something's going wrong in the Java code
rather than in Javascript. I tried to find the point where the
multiplexing is done and from where the Ajax behaviours are
invoked, but I did not find it.

Now I feel really clueless. Is there a wellknown Gotcha which
simply I don't know of? Maybe anybody had the same problem
before? Or, at least, where should I step into the Wicket code
in order to find out where it goes wrong?

Any help appreciated!



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Timer-based update to various regions in a page - best approach?

2013-03-07 Thread Martin Dietze
My customer wants me to rewrite an existing application in a
way, that the various regions (drag-and-droppable panels) are
all updated every xy seconds (most of these panels contain
things like list views with search results, the user's mailbox

Following a - what I would call - naive approach, one could
trigger updates via Ajax every xy seconds for each panel
individually. However I see the risk here of creating too many
simultaneous network connections.

Since I've never build anything like this before, I'd appreciate
some opinions / advice, how to approach this problem the Wicket

Someone mentioned (which somewhat softens the client
side prerequisites of native WebSockets), but is there any
wrapper / adapter for Wicket yet? Also I feel a bit uneasy here,
as the application already exists, so that the refactoring
necessary to get the desired result might grow too high here?

Another idea that has crossed my mind was a central Ajax
updater, that collects instances of all components needing an
update and then triggers a rerender for all of them at the same
time. I have not tried this, and I wonder if it is a good idea
at all (would it have a negative effect on user experience?).

I'd love to read your comments :)


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Re: Timer-based update to various regions in a page - best approach?

2013-03-07 Thread Martin Dietze
On Thu, March 07, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Or you can use one Ajax timer that broadcasts an event to all components in
 the page and each component can decide whether to add itself to the target
 or not.

That looks pretty interesting. If I understand you correctly,
they would all add themselves to the same target, so that there
will be only one update for all components with display-relevant



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Re: Timer-based update to various regions in a page - best approach?

2013-03-07 Thread Martin Dietze
On Thu, March 07, 2013, Sven Meier wrote:

 Our customer can live with the limitations of this solution: As long as the 
 user doesn't do anything, he won't see any updated data.

Unfortunately, ours won't :/



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Infinite Scrolling in Wicket 6

2013-02-27 Thread Martin Dietze
I will soon have to implement infinite scrolling in my project
and would thus like to know if there are already libraries or
code snippets for this based on Wicket 6? 

What I found after a quick search was oegyscroll [1], but this
seems to be based on Wicket 1.4.x. 

But as this feature is becoming increasingly popular, I'm sure
that others have already implemented this kind of thing and can
give me a recommendation?




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Migration issue: JavsScriptUtils.writeJavaScript() in onRender() does not seem to work with Ajax?

2013-02-25 Thread Martin Dietze
OK, I've changed the subject, as it seems like I'm running into
a more general issue here. The original issue was JS code
rendered into a flyout with search results in my application
never made it into the markup the browser actually sees.

Now I've identified another problem which seems identical in its
cause. I have an editor component using CKEditor. The component
derives from Panel. In its onRender() method it has the
following code:

|public void onRender() {
|final Response response = getResponse();
|final String markupId = textField.getMarkupId();
|JavaScriptUtils.writeJavaScript( response,
|if (CKEDITOR.instances[' + markupId + ']) 
CKEDITOR.remove(CKEDITOR.instances[' + markupId + ']); // 
|var editor_ + markupId +  = CKEDITOR.replace(' + markupId + 
'); //

This renders a little JS code block under the Wicket TextField
instance that holds the text for CKEditor.

The code works well if the editor component has been in the
page from the beginning. However if I make the component visible
via Ajax (e.g. after clicking an AjaxLink), the JS code is not
rendered at all.

I am still in the process of migrating my project from Wicket
1.4.x to 6.6.0. The above code worked flawlessly with 1.4.x.

Am I making a mistake, or is this a problem in Wicket?



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Re: Migration issue: JavsScriptUtils.writeJavaScript() in onRender() does not seem to work with Ajax?

2013-02-25 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, February 25, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Such kind of code should really be executed within #renderHead() with
 Don't let any JS try to use your HTML DOM elements before the DOM is

Thank you, in this case I get a Wicket Ajax error:

| Wicket.Ajax: Wicket.Head.Contributor.processScript: [CKEDITOR.editor.replace] 
The element with id or name valueb54 was not found.: eval - if 
| CKEDITOR.remove(CKEDITOR.instances['valueb54']); var editor_valueb54 = 

Another thing: if writing Javascript code into the response should
not be done in onRender(), should not JavaScriptUtils.writeJavaScript()
be made obsolete?



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Re: Migration issue: JavsScriptUtils.writeJavaScript() in onRender() does not seem to work with Ajax?

2013-02-25 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, February 25, 2013, Martin Dietze wrote:

 Thank you, in this case I get a Wicket Ajax error:
 | Wicket.Ajax: Wicket.Head.Contributor.processScript: 
 [CKEDITOR.editor.replace] The element with id or name valueb54 was not 
 found.: eval - if (CKEDITOR.instances['valueb54'])
 | CKEDITOR.remove(CKEDITOR.instances['valueb54']); var editor_valueb54 = 

Sorry, I forgot to mention that of course the element with the
id 'valueb54' does exist, it is the edit component which is just
made visible through the Ajax call. Obviously the JS code is
excecuted before the component has been placed in the DOM?



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Re: Migration issue: JavsScriptUtils.writeJavaScript() in onRender() does not seem to work with Ajax?

2013-02-25 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, February 25, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 The Ajax response processing looks like:
 - execute prependJavaScripts
 - replace components
 - execute ondomready scripts
 - execute appendJavascripts
 I.e. the component DOM element must be there.
 Show us your new code.

Thanks, it's here:

|  @Override
|  public void renderHead( IHeaderResponse response ) {
|  super.renderHead( response );
|  final String markupId = field.getMarkupId();
|  String script = if (CKEDITOR.instances[' + markupId + ']) 
CKEDITOR.remove(CKEDITOR.instances[' + markupId + ']);  //
|  + var editor_ + markupId +  = CKEDITOR.replace(' + markupId + 
|  response.render( JavaScriptHeaderItem.forScript( script, null ) );
|  }



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Re: Migration issue: JavsScriptUtils.writeJavaScript() in onRender() does not seem to work with Ajax?

2013-02-25 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, February 25, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 replace with:
   response.render( OnDomReadyHeaderItem.forScript( script ) );

OK, did that. Now I am running into a different error when I
press save on my editor component. For this event I have an
AjaxCallListener like this:

| AjaxCallListener myAjaxCallListener = new AjaxCallListener();
| myAjaxCallListener.onBeforeSend( return for ( instance in CKEDITOR.instances 
) CKEDITOR.instances[instance].updateElement(); );

This is necessary to copy the text the user has entered from the
Javascript code back into the form component. On save I now
get the following error:

| Wicket.Ajax: An error occurred while executing Ajax request:ReferenceError: 
instance is not defined 

It looks to me like the script in OnDomReadyHeaderItem was
executed allright, but the state inside the Javascript code
has been lost in the meantime?



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Re: Migration issue: JavsScriptUtils.writeJavaScript() in onRender() does not seem to work with Ajax?

2013-02-25 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, February 25, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

  | AjaxCallListener myAjaxCallListener = new AjaxCallListener();
  | myAjaxCallListener.onBeforeSend( return for ( instance in
  CKEDITOR.instances ) CKEDITOR.instances[instance].updateElement(); );
 except the leading return all looks OK to me.
 Add some logging with console.log() and see what is available in the

OK, I got it, thought this would be nice to have in the archives
for others. First, the return was of course not from the real
code, I did some on-the-fly optimizing of the code to avoid
unnecessary complexity in this example before I posted it.

The culprit was basically the lack of three letters - var.
The variable instance was not declared before use. While this
is totally fine when executed in the browser, it throws an
exception in the code environment in which Wicket calls this
callback. This way the code works:

| var instance; for ( instance in CKEDITOR.instances ) 

I had to ask my local JS guru for help, I would never have found
this one alone.

As I've run across a number of issues migrating from 1.4 to 6.6
now, I would like to suggest creating and continuously extending
a Wiki page, like: Old patterns vs. New patterns, where we can
just add such things (as: for Ajax, instead of
JavaScriptUtils.writeJavaScript() inside onRender() use
OnDomReadyHeaderItem.forScript() in renderHead()), so that they
can be found more easily? 



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Re: Migration issue: JavsScriptUtils.writeJavaScript() in onRender() does not seem to work with Ajax?

2013-02-25 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, February 25, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:
 Well, I have written a Wiki page and few blog articles about the changes in
 Wicket 6 but it seems you haven't read them before asking :-)

I understand your point well, I myself have often spent lots of
time writing documentation which people do not read well enough. 
Honestly, I read the migration guides. Then I spent quite some
days doing the work. Unfortunately there's always a bit going
down the drain as the human brain does not always filter things
the way we'd like it to :)

 In my opinion no one should use Component#onRender(). You should really
 understand how Wicket rendering internals work (MarkupStream,
 MarkupElement, component resolvers, etc.) to override it. There are hooks
 in Behavior class for almost everything a user code should ever need -
 beforeRender, afterRender, renderHead.

It's good you point that out. Still I think a 'pattern migration
guide' might help, and it should not be done by one person alone
but the community (I'll gladly contribute everything I've run

Thanks again for your help!



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Re: JavsScriptUtils.writeJavaScript() in onRender() after Ajax updates

2013-02-24 Thread Martin Dietze
On Fri, February 22, 2013, Sven Meier wrote:

 Which Wicket version? Is this rendered on an Ajax request?

It's Wicket 6.6.0, and, yes, it's rendered on an Ajax request.



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Migration issue: fire AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(change) by Javascript the Wicket 6 way?

2013-02-22 Thread Martin Dietze
I understand that with Wicket 6 the event handlers are no longer
inline, thus calling input.onchange() will no longer work. 

But what do I now do instead? I have hand-written inputs which
rely on onchange() being called via Javascript after user
interaction. So what do I have to call inside my JS code to have
a AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(change) invoked in my Java



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Re: Render script tag for jQuery before all other Javscript statements in the header?

2013-02-22 Thread Martin Dietze
On Fri, February 22, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:


Thanks, did so. I modified my code according to the example
found here:

My code now runs into an exception at rendering with this message:

| Last cause: No FilteringHeaderResponse is present in the request
| cycle.  This may mean that you have not decorated the header
| response with a FilteringHeaderResponse.  Simply calling the
| FilteringHeaderResponse constructor sets itself on the request
| cycle WicketMessage: Exception in rendering component:
| [HeaderResponseContainer [Component id = foo]]

I could not find a hint on FilteringHeaderResponse and how I
need to instanciate it, neither any example code was using it. 
From debugging my code I see that the exception occurs before
my 'renderHead' is called, i.e. obviously instanciating
FilteringHeaderResponse should have happened somewhere before. 
Is there any sample code available where I can see how to do
this properly?



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Re: Render script tag for jQuery before all other Javscript statements in the header?

2013-02-22 Thread Martin Dietze
On Fri, February 22, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 At the bottom of the article there is a link to a demo application.
 But much simpler will be to use PriorityHeaderItem as explained in the

Thank you, I did not expect it to be that simple :)



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JavsScriptUtils.writeJavaScript() in onRender() after Ajax updates

2013-02-22 Thread Martin Dietze
I've implemented a live search functionality where after
changes the search results get displayed in a flyout menu.
In the search results I add a css class to the search terms for
highlighting them. This is done in the onRender() method:

| public abstract class LiveSearchResultsFragment extends Fragment {
|   // ...
|   @Override
|   public void onRender() {
|   final Response response = getResponse();
|   // generate JS code
|   JavaScriptUtils.writeJavaScript(response, /* my JS code */);

The above class is used to derive Subclasses in different pages
where this functionality is needed.

In the debugger I can see that the method is called and that the
response contains the code I've inserted. However the changes
never make it into the markup which is actually rendered. 

Is this kind of thing no longer supported, or *should* it work?



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Style question: onInitialize() vs. onBeforeRender()

2013-02-20 Thread Martin Dietze
While porting my project from 1.4.x to 6.6.0, I've stumbled
across the onInitialize() method which is now recommended for
initializing components which need access to the page instance
etc. In my project this had so far been done in onBeforeRender()
(and this seems to still work fairly well). 

Is moving that code to onInitialize() in such cases generally
advisable, if yes, should this be done immediately? 



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Re: Migration issue: page that writes binary data to the response

2013-02-19 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, February 18, 2013, Carl-Eric Menzel wrote:

 For generating binaries, I would *really* recommend doing this change.
 Pages simply are not a good fit for that. Also, it shouldn't be that
 big of a change, since you're writing to the Response anyway. Within
 AbstractResource's WriteCallback you're going to use the same Response
 object, so you can simply copy most of your code over without much

IMO the problem is not that much how the response is generated,
but how the component is already uses within the system. At
this point creating a download link is simple as it simply is a
BookmarkableLink to that page with the appropriate page
parameters. Consequently, the download links are bookmarkable. 
I simply don't know whether any of our users depend on that
feature. And, apart from that, porting a productive system from
1.4.x to 6.6.0 I still expect quite a few more issues, thus I'd
prefer not to touch code that works.

That brings me back to my question to the developers - are the
problems I described in my original post 'by design', or would
at least moving the adding of markup from the end of
Page.onAfterRender() to an overridable method be a realistic



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Re: Migration issue: page that writes binary data to the response

2013-02-19 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, February 19, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 You can use requestCycle.replaceAllRequestHandlers(new
 ResourceRequestHandler(new ByteArrayResource(byteArray))) in your page code.
 This will stop the page rendering and will return the byte[] from this
 response. You can still configure the ByteArrayResource - filename,
 disposition, etc.

Thank you, I tried this (slightly corrected version):

| RequestCycle.get().replaceAllRequestHandlers( new ResourceRequestHandler( new 
ByteArrayResource( mimeType, byteArray ), null ) );

But this triggers a ReplaceHandlerException at
RequestHandlerStack.replaceAll() as at that time
RequestHandlerStack.requestHandlers is not empty.

This actually looks weird to me as I'd expect a
'replaceAll' method to replace what is already
there. Maybe a bug here?



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Re: Migration issue: page that writes binary data to the response

2013-02-19 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, February 19, 2013, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 This is how it works.
 #replaceAllRequestHandlers() throws an exception to stop doing whatever it 
 does at the moment.
 #scheduleRequestHandlerAfterCurrent() just appends a new RH to the list and 
 executes it when all previous are executed.
 Since there is no need to wait for any other scheduled I think you can use 
 What is the problem ?

Thanks, I misunderstood the concept behind that exception and
caught it. Now everything is fine.



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Re: Another Wicket 6 migration issue: drag and drop (so far done with wiquery)

2013-02-18 Thread Martin Dietze
On Fri, February 15, 2013, Emond Papegaaij wrote:

 DroppableBehavior is the replacement of DroppableAjaxBehavior. You use it
 like this:
 final DroppableBehavior droppableBehavior = new DroppableBehavior();
 droppableBehavior.setDropEvent( new AjaxDropCallback() {
 protected void drop(AjaxRequestTarget target, Component source,
 Component dropped) {
 // [...]
 } );
 droppableBehavior.setAccept( new DroppableAccept( .fileItem ) );
 droppableBehavior.setHoverClass( dropHover );
 add( droppableBehavior );

Thank you very much! I just could not find any example from
which to find out how to use it...



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Migration issue: page that writes binary data to the response

2013-02-18 Thread Martin Dietze
In the project I'm currently porting from 1.4.x to 6.6.0 I've
run into an issue with Wicket pages which stream binary data
into the WebResponse (e.g. ZIP archives created on the fly).

First thing I found was that obviously I *have* to create
templates for these pages even though they are not going to be
used for anything. 

The second thing is more serious: when writing to the response I
get an IllegalStateException as the template code has already
been written to it. This can be circumvented by calling
Response.reset() before Response.write() in my code. However in
development mode I still get an ISE as in Page.onAfterRender()
there's this code here:

| if (getApplication().getDebugSettings().isOutputMarkupContainerClassName())
| {
| String className =;
| getResponse().write(!-- Page Class );
| getResponse().write(className);
| getResponse().write( END --\n);
| }

Now of course I can write:

| @Override
| protected void onAfterRender() {
|   try { super.onAfterRender(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { }
| }

... but I guess we agree that while this works it is far from nice.

I am not sure if I understand correctly what the above code is
trying to tell me. Does it mean that I am simply not supposed to
deliver my ZIP files by a Wicket page that way? 

If with today's Wicket version there's a different or even better
way to do this, which one would that be?

Else, would there be any harm in making the Page class more
friendly to this kind of use, by e.g. putting the above
if-statement into an overridable method and adding an option to
the Component class to tell it that there's no markup for it and
it should simply not expect any?



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Re: Migration issue: page that writes binary data to the response

2013-02-18 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, February 18, 2013, Carl-Eric Menzel wrote:

 Is there a particular reason you're using a page?

One - unfortunately - big reason: it's legacy code (most of
which I did not even write myself). The Wicket upgrade is badly
needed for browser compatibiy, however I don't want to change
code if it's not absolutely necessary. 



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Man moechte ja lieber Auslaender sein als gieriges kleines Inlaenderschwein,
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Re: 6.0 Migration issue: wrap Wicket Ajax JS-code as previously with AjaxCallDecorators

2013-02-15 Thread Martin Dietze
On Thu, February 14, 2013, Fred!!! wrote:

 it's possible to set an throtteling delay by Wicket AjaxRequestAttributes. 
 Have a look at

 Something like this:
 new AjaxEventBehavior(onkeydown){
void updateAjaxAttributes(AjaxRequestAttributes attr)
   attributes.setThrottlingSettings(new ThrottlingSettings(id, 

That looks good, thank you!



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Another Wicket 6 migration issue: drag and drop (so far done with wiquery)

2013-02-15 Thread Martin Dietze
Another thing I am stuck trying to port my project from Wicket
1.4.x to 6.6.0 is DND-mechanics which so far had been
implemented using wiquery 1.2.

As I see the 'DroppableAjaxBehavior' class has disappeared from
wiquery since the 6.0 release. However no mention could be found
on either migration pages or mailing lists.

So far DND had been implemented like this:

| final DroppableAjaxBehavior droppableBehavior = new 
DroppableAjaxBehaviorItemFoo() {
| @Override
| public void onDrop( ItemFoo item, AjaxRequestTarget target ) {
|   // [...]
| }
| };
| droppableBehaviour.getDroppableBehavior().setAccept( new DroppableAccept( 
.fileItem ) );
| droppableBehaviour.getDroppableBehavior().setHoverClass( dropHover );
| add( droppableBehaviour );

Now as there's no DroppableAjaxBehavior anymore and no hint on
what replaced it I'm lost. I found a DroppableBehavior coming with
wiquery 6.2.0, but I can't see how this could be a simple
replacement, and to make things worse, there does not seem to be
any sample code for 6.2.0-based DND around.

Any hints?



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Re: Migration issue: code using MarkupStream.findCOmponentINdex

2013-02-14 Thread Martin Dietze
On Wed, February 13, 2013, Francois Meillet wrote:

 private boolean hasFragment(final String id, final Markup markup) {
 return markup.find(id) != null;
 hope this help

Thanks a lot!


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6.0 Migration issue: wrap Wicket Ajax JS-code as previously with AjaxCallDecorators

2013-02-14 Thread Martin Dietze
In the project I'm currently migrating from Wicket 1.4 to 6.6 I have a few 
of code where AjaxCallDecorator instances would wrap the Wicket-genrated JS code
as shown in this little example:

| return new AjaxCallDecorator() {
| @Override
| public CharSequence decorateScript( final CharSequence script ) {
|   return var field = findField(); var result = findResult(); //
|   + if (field.val().length  3) { //
|   + renderInvisible() //
|   + } else { //
|   + $.throttle( getTimeout(), new function() {  + script + 
 }); //
|   + };
| }
| };

The problem I'm having here is that `$.throttle()' expects the actual script 
code as
a function, which it then calls according to the set timeout.

To me it seems like this is not possible with the APIs provided by Wicket 6.0, 
I can add code to be executed before and after the Wicket-generated code 
but not *around* it. Maybe I haven't fully understood it and there actually is 
a way
to implement similar functionality?

I am rather unfamiliar with Javascript in general, maybe there's a better and 
easier way to port the above code to Wicket 6.0? 

As always grateful for any hint!


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Migration issue: code using MarkupStream.findCOmponentINdex

2013-02-13 Thread Martin Dietze
I am currently migrating a project based on Wicket 1.4 to 6.60. 
At some point in that project we have this code:

| class Foo extends Panel {
| // ...
| private boolean hasFragment( final String fragmentId, final MarkupStream 
markupStream ) {
| final boolean found = markupStream.findComponentIndex( null, fragmentId ) 
= 0;
| return found;
| }

This code is used to find if the markup stream for this component
contains the markup for a fragment with the given id. If found,
this markup is used for initialising an inner fragment class
with this markup.

Using a self-defined scheme for defining the Wicket markup ids,
this is used for allowing our HTML authors to define specialised
views for a group of model objects (e.g. a creature has a
generic view while cats and dogs have their own ones).

Now the findComponentIndex method has disappeared from

How can I do what I used to do in Wicket 6.60?



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Visibility change via Ajax does not apply in IE9

2012-07-18 Thread Martin Dietze
Not sure if this is a known issue, in a project using
wicket-1.4.7 I have a page with an upload field which is
triggered by an Ajax button. After upload some information about
the upload is supposed to be made visible via Ajax. The
component containing the form has outputMarkupId set to true,
and it is added to the AjaxRequestTarget after submit. 

From the logs I can see that in onBeforeRender the ListView
which is supposed to appear is updated (its populateItem method
is called). Still it does not appear. The same applies to a
label I added to the form in which I overrode isVisible
depending on the upload state. 

This component has been working fine for over a year now, but as
one of your customers has started using IE9 it turned out that
in IE9 this does not work anymore. 

Is there a known incompatibility, or any other experience I can
benefit from? 



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Re: Cache key collisions (IMarkupCacheKeyProvider)

2010-08-25 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, August 24, 2010, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

 IMarkupCacheKeyProvider is for advanced users. you have to know what
 you are doing when you implement the interface.

OK, that's fine with me. Why not add a comment to the interface
stating just this plus a hint that in general adding the fully
qualified class name to the cache key is a good idea?



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Cache key collisions (IMarkupCacheKeyProvider)

2010-08-24 Thread Martin Dietze
We've recently run into a situation where in an application
the wrong markup was provided for a component implementing
IMarkupCacheKeyProvider. It is pretty obvious how this happened,
see below, but I'd like to ask whether this behaviour is
actually what we want or a bug.

We have two components, both rendering their cache keys in the
same way:

| public String getCacheKey( final MarkupContainer container,
|final Class? containerClass ) {
|   return getId();
| }

The cache key was implemented in this simplistic way as the
component would always render markup of which the only dynamic
bit is the ID (an inner component is created with that ID and
then added to the component itself which derives from Panel).

In their respective pages both components were used in a
RepeatingView, thus their IDs were integer numbers as provided
by newChildId().

After having successfully loaded the page containing the first
of the two components loading the page containing the second
component fails. Further analysis revealed the following:

In MarkupCache#getMarkup() the respective components are 
returned as cache key providers; then getMarkupFromCache() is
called on the cache key. The getMarkupFromCache() method has an
argument `MarkupContainer container', but it is not used in the
default implementation.

Consequently, the markup cache returns the markup for the wrong
component (since both happened to be created with the same IDs).

This means that for the worst case one has to take care that
the cache keys created in components such as the above need to
be collision-free across the whole application.

I can only speculate on why the respective component's container
is ignored when looking up the markup from the cache. One could
argue that this approach is simpler, also one could actually
make use of this behaviour by reusing markup across components.

The drawback is that this is error-prone (as in this case). Also
if I use third-party components implementing IMarkupCacheKeyProvider 
the way they create their cache keys is beyond my control which
makes keeping cache keys collision-free potentially problematic.

As an immediate fix I think one should add a warning to the
IMarkupCacheKeyProvider's JavaDoc pointing out that no checking
of the components' hierarchy is performed, so that cache keys
need to be application-wide unique. From my experience adding 
the fully qualified class name to the cache key is usually a
good idea (unfortunately I had considered this unnecessary for
such simplistic components)...

Apart from that I'd like to ask whether this way of dealing with
the markup cache is really what we want?



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Solved: Track selected entries in either of a Palette's Choices components?

2010-01-05 Thread Martin Dietze
On Fri, December 25, 2009, Martin Dietze wrote:

 I desperately need to find out which entries in a Palette's two
 Choices components are selected, e.g. to allow additional
 operations on them using Ajax.

I solved this issue. First of all: currently the AbstractOptions
class used by Palette does not support accessing this
information via Ajax because of these lines:

|  // A piece of javascript to avoid serializing the options during AJAX
|  // serialization.
|  getResponse().write(
|  JavascriptUtils.SCRIPT_OPEN_TAG +
|  if (typeof(Wicket) != \undefined\  typeof(Wicket.Form) 
!= \undefined\) +
|  Wicket.Form.excludeFromAjaxSerialization. + 
getMarkupId() + ='true'; +
|  JavascriptUtils.SCRIPT_CLOSE_TAG);

Thus, in order to get this working at all, we'll have to patch
Wicket. The patch is very simple, we move this code into a 
separate method which can be overridden by derived classes.
I created an issue for this and attached the patch [1].

Now having applied the patch we proceed as follows. 
First, we need to derive our own Choices and Selection
components in which we override the above code by an empty 
method, so that we get the selection POSTed at all. Now
we can override various methods as needed; in my case 
implementing a custom convertInput() method was sufficient,
so that I could access the currently selected entries in
the two SELECTs by calling their getConvertedInput() methods
which seemed the least invasive change and least likely to
cause any trouble with the Palette's core functionality.

Next, I derived my own custom class from Palette in which
I needed to override the factory methods for creating the 
Choices and Selection components. Pretty easy in the end.




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Repost: Track selected entries in either of a Palette's Choices components?

2009-12-25 Thread Martin Dietze
I desperately need to find out which entries in a Palette's two
Choices components are selected, e.g. to allow additional
operations on them using Ajax.

As I attached an OnChangeAjaxBehaviour to both of them I expect
to be able to access this information just as after a form
submit, but of course, the component must support this which it
currently does not seem to do.

I also subclassed Choices to add some of my own custom stuff,
so I could as well set a default model and implement things like
updateModel() and convertInput(), but having done so I find
myself unable to find out how to set the right stuff in my
code, the request parameters do not seem to contain anything

Could anybody give me a hint on what I need to do to support
tracking the selected entries while still maintaining the
Palette component's original functionality?



--- / / -
i'll beleave this seams to be som curios behaviour.
(from a bug tracker)

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Palette: how to track which entries in either choices element are selected?

2009-12-23 Thread Martin Dietze
For some very special usecase I need a Palette which allows me
to track via Ajax which entries in either choices element are
selected as long as I have not submitted the form. Just to
clarify things: 'selected' in this context does not denote the
elements in the 'selected' choices element but those options
which the user has selected (with the mouse or keyboard).

I tried to find out in the debugger how this all works, but it
seems like there's quite a bit of Javascript involved. Maybe
someone out there has already solved this problem and may help
me out with some hint?



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Re: Palette: how to track which entries in either choices element are selected?

2009-12-23 Thread Martin Dietze
On Wed, December 23, 2009, nino martinez wael wrote:

 From a very vague memory, it has a delimited number of choices in a
 string or something (in java script)..

Yes, there's a lot of JS stuff involved. But since the Choices
class is a FormComponent, should I not - if I attach an
OnChangeAjaxBehaviour to the component - be able to get the
selected option(s)? I mean, the OnChangeAjaxBehaviour performs
all the actions which would normally be performed at form
submit, so in principle I should be able to get access to this
information without having to fiddle with Javascript, or am I

I already subclassed Choices to add some of my own custom stuff,
so I could as well set a default model and implement things like
updateModel() and convertInput(), but having done so I find
myself unable to find out how to set the right stuff in my
code, the request parameters do not seem to contain anything



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onSubmit() not entered (IE6 and IE7)

2009-12-16 Thread Martin Dietze
I have repeatedly run into situations like this one:

On very complex pages with lots of Ajax-stuff I sometimes get to
a point where (reproducably) my form's onSubmit() method is
never entered when submitting the form with a simple submit
button. This problem occurs in IE6 and IE7. 

Usually as a workaround I ended up with one of these solutions
(putting the one I like better first):

 (1) attaching the 'onSubmit()' method to the button rather than
 the form

 (2) making the button an AjaxButton with default form submit
 behaviour set to 'true'

The first from these solutions does not work in some solutions,
so that I have to switch to the second one.

In a particular case I had today the submit button which did not
work with IE6 and IE7 was supposed to perform an upload. Due to
some issues still not resolved in wicket 1.4.3 I am currently
unable to use Ajax for uploads in my project. So I ended up with
a third workaround:

 (3) moved the upload stuff to a separate form on the page

Solution (3) now works, but it is not nice, since due to the
page's layout there's no way to place the upload somewhere where
it looks nice.

Unfortunately there's no reliable way to produce this kind of
problem, at some place you'll 'just have it'. And since it
happens in complex pages it is not really possible for me to
provide example code here (commercial project, you know the

Now first of all I would like to hear some comments - anyone
else experienced similar problems? 
Also, as we may (almost) all agree that IE6 (and probably later
versions as well) is brain damaged software that should be
forbidden, it is still in use and needs to be suported. Thus:
is there any chance we can track down problems like this and
fix them within wicket?



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Re: onSubmit() not entered (IE6 and IE7)

2009-12-16 Thread Martin Dietze
On Wed, December 16, 2009, Douglas Ferguson wrote:

 On Dec 16, 2009, at 7:42 AM, Martin Dietze wrote:
  I have repeatedly run into situations like this one:
  On very complex pages with lots of Ajax-stuff I sometimes get to
  a point where (reproducably) my form's onSubmit() method is
  never entered when submitting the form with a simple submit
  button. This problem occurs in IE6 and IE7. 


 Are you using an UploadProgressBar?

No, just ordinary UploadField and Button type=submit.



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Re: FileUploadField in a ModalWindow (wicket 1.4.3)?

2009-12-01 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, December 01, 2009, TahitianGabriel wrote:

 It looks like a bug, so maybe you can open a jira...

Just added WICKET-2595. This bug may be related to WICKET-2433,
but that one was supposed to be fixed in Wicket 1.4.2 while this
problem was observed with 1.4.3.



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FileUploadField in a ModalWindow (wicket 1.4.3)?

2009-11-30 Thread Martin Dietze

 I recently upgraded to wicket 1.4.3 as I heard that from version
1.4.1 and above file uploads are seamlessly handled even in Ajax
based components.

I now implemented a ModalWindow-based component with a Form,
in it an ordinary FileUploadField and an AjaxButton for
submitting the form. I placed ModalWindow in another Form as
proposed by the JavaDoc. 

Now whenever I press the submit button the upload returned by
the form is always null. 

I tried to find examples for ajax-based uploads in wicket 1.4.1
and above, but I could find nothing. Now I wonder, did I
misinterpret the announcement of 1.4.1, or are there any known
issues? Anything I should read before proceeding?



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Re: FileUploadField in a ModalWindow (wicket 1.4.3)?

2009-11-30 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, November 30, 2009, Stefan Lindner wrote:

 And it works fine. With all browsers.
 Does it work without ModalWindow?

I've had no time to check yet. The last thing I did today was
try out the ajax upload example from wicketexamples which
worked. I'll take a look at the sources tomorrow and probably
post again :)



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Validation: merging wicket and BL validation in Form

2009-09-17 Thread Martin Dietze

 in our project we use a javax.validation implementation for
validating our forms. However there are some cases in which we
need to consider some information from wicket, like conversion
errors etc. Thus merging Wicket's and our own validation results
becomes an issue.

A reasonable approach seems to be to intercept Wicket's default 
form processing just after Wicket's validation results have
been calculated, add our own validation results and then carry
on with default form processing. 

The only place where we can intercept seems to be Form.process(),
but this method is deprecated. The comment advising us to use
IFormSubmittingComponent did not help me to understand how to
accomplish this without using the deprecated process() method.

Now, is there something I missed or would it indeed be a good
idea to have a well-defined (and not deprecated) point where we
can add our own validation results to wickets' and add diagnosis
messages to some form elements before form processing is



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Update rules in PackageResourceGuard

2009-05-28 Thread Martin Dietze

 I added my own subclass of PackageResourceGuard to my
application which provides a configurable interface to the
extensions and file names blacklist.

After a while I noticed that if I put e.g. 'xml' on my
blacklist, the new rule works for all resources which I have not
requested before, but already delivered resources are still
available. I guess this must be due to some kind of caching? How
can I enforce a new rule on resources even if they have been
delivered before?



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Re: Update rules in PackageResourceGuard

2009-05-28 Thread Martin Dietze
On Thu, May 28, 2009, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

  can I enforce a new rule on resources even if they have been
  delivered before?

 clear your browser cache.

Hmm, that was my first guess, I even accessed the page using a
different browser. 



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Re: File retrieval vulnerabilities, bugs #1992, #1996

2009-05-22 Thread Martin Dietze
On Thu, May 21, 2009, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

 we should backport 1992, please open a jira issue to do that.

I've already done this. I am currently investigating how I can
block particular file types (the hint you gave in your second
reply may be helpful here). Once I am confident that my backport
works I may post my patch here or append it to the jira issue.



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Re: File retrieval vulnerabilities, bugs #1992, #1996

2009-05-22 Thread Martin Dietze
On Thu, May 21, 2009, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

 we should backport 1992, please open a jira issue to do that.

I just appended my backport to #1992, see [1]. I hope that's OK,
I can still open a new jira if this is the preferred way to do




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Re: Building 1.3.6 from the source, test failures

2009-05-19 Thread Martin Dietze
On Mon, May 18, 2009, Martijn Dashorst wrote:

[quote order fixed]
 On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Martin Dietze wrote:

  �I just checked out wicket 1.3.6 from the svn, changed into the
  wicket-1.3.6 directory, ran `mvn package' and ran across these

 Don't run the tests with java 6

Thank you, the tests now do no longer fail. Just out of
curiousity, wasn't Java 6 supposed to be downward compatible? I
find this extremly confusing...



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Re: Building 1.3.6 from the source, test failures

2009-05-19 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, May 19, 2009, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
 gives you:
 And in comment [1] Juergen says:
 This is due to java 1.6. The hashmap hash code implementation has
 changed which leads to a different internal sequence of values within
 the map. Since tag attributes are based on hashmap ...

Oh, that explains it, thanks. Leaves the question whether it is
such a good idea to depend on the order of hash map entries in
the tests while of cause well knowing that it's probably not too
easy to come up with a good alternative approach :)



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File retrieval vulnerabilities, bugs #1992, #1996

2009-05-19 Thread Martin Dietze

 I just ported the patch fixing #1992 and #1996 back to Wicket

Unfortunately there is still a different issue which may or
may not be related to these two. If, for instance, you open
the hello world example app and append the string
to the URL, you will get the .xml file from the wicket jar file.

This problem has obviously not been fixed by the above patch, I
can still reproduce it if I build wicket 1.4 from the SVN and
load the examples war file.

Is there a bug filed for this problem (I find it difficult to
construct the right search term for this)? Or, even better, is
there already a patch for it available?

Also, as the patch for #1992/#1996 has not yet been integrated
into wicket 1.3.x, is there any interest in the backport or is it
not needed / does it not make sense in wicket 1.3?



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Building 1.3.6 from the source, test failures

2009-05-18 Thread Martin Dietze

 I just checked out wicket 1.3.6 from the svn, changed into the
wicket-1.3.6 directory, ran `mvn package' and ran across these
test failures:

Failed tests: 

This is the test log for the first test:

Test set: org.apache.wicket.markup.html.header.testing.HeaderTest
Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.101 sec  
test_1(org.apache.wicket.markup.html.header.testing.HeaderTest)  Time elapsed: 
0.022 sec   FAILURE!
expected:...languange=javascript id=org-apache-wicket-mark
up-html-header-testing-TestExtendedPanel-0... but 
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
at org.apache.wicket.util.diff.DiffUtil.validatePage(
at org.apache.wicket.WicketTestCase.executeTest(

$ java -version
java version 1.6.0_07
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_07-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 10.0-b23, mixed mode)

I have seen older references to this problem in the web, but (a) no clear 
solution and (b)
wonder why the problem is (still?) there?

Any hint?


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Re: Interfaces for component hierarchies (e.g. Buttons)?

2008-10-08 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, October 07, 2008, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

 Maybe supply some code as an example of what you're doing.  I really didn't
 understand your scenario below.

See the code below. I use a button panel which allows me to setup form
buttons in different ways within a page class hierarchy, i.e. an edit page 
inherits from a create page but has a button more. Now I want to be able
to add ajax buttons to the button panel.

public class MyButton extends Button {
private final String buttonType;
public static enum ButtonType {
private final String buttonType;
private ButtonType(String buttonType) {
this.buttonType = buttonType;
public String getButtonType() {
return this.buttonType;
public MyButton(String id, IModel model, ButtonType buttonType) {
super(id, model);
this.buttonType = buttonType.getButtonType();
public String getButtonType() {
return this.buttonType;

public class ButtonPanel extends Panel implements IMarkupResourceStreamProvider 
private static final String CSS_CLASS = buttonPanel;
private final String cssClass;
private ListButtonWithType buttons;
public ButtonPanel(String id, ListButtonWithType buttons, String 
cssClass) {
this.buttons = buttons;
this.cssClass = cssClass;
if (buttons != null  buttons.size()  0) {
for (ButtonWithType b : buttons) {
public IResourceStream getMarkupResourceStream(MarkupContainer container, 
Class containerClass) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append(  div class=\ + this.cssClass + \\n);
int i = 0;
for (ButtonWithType b : this.buttons) {
result.append(div class=\ + this.cssClass +  (i == 0 ?  
button leftButton :  button) + \\n);
result.append(  input wicket:id=\ + b.getId() + \\n);
result.append( type=\ + b.getButtonType() + \ 
class=\ + this.cssClass + \ /\n);
result.append(  /div\n);
return new StringResourceStream(wicket:panel\n
+ result.toString();
+ /wicket:panel\n);



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Interfaces for component hierarchies (e.g. Buttons)?

2008-10-07 Thread Martin Dietze

 I am currently running into the following: I extend the button
class by a snappy foo-feature. I build stuff which uses it.
Now I need a foo-ified AjaxButton within this infrastructure.

The obvious way to do this is to write an interface FooButton
which gives me this foo-feature. However FooButton is by
itself not a Button, nor can I make it one since the Button
class is an abstract class, not an interface.

Just wondering, whould it be a good idea to add such interfaces
to the Wicket-API? Or am I missing something?



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Addition [Re: Interfaces for component hierarchies (e.g. Buttons)?]

2008-10-07 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, October 07, 2008, Martin Dietze wrote:

 Just wondering, whould it be a good idea to add such interfaces
 to the Wicket-API? Or am I missing something?

commenting on my comments:

(1) This would of course mean to interface-ify basically the whole
component type hierarchy, since in order to addOrReplace
such a beast it has to be an instance of a Component.

(2) Yes, I have heard of instanceof and type casts, but do we
really want to have to use them? I don't.



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Re: Interfaces for component hierarchies (e.g. Buttons)?

2008-10-07 Thread Martin Dietze
On Tue, October 07, 2008, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

 Depending on what you are doing, you may want to try implementing the foo
 feature code as a behavior.  Behaviors are like plugins for components, and
 can be used on any component.  So, if it is possible to implement your
 functionality as a behavior, then you could add it to the button or ajax
 button, or a link, etc.

I don't think this would help in my particular case. I extended the Button
class by additional properties which I render into the markup in another
component which implements IMarkupResourceStreamProvider. Thus the additional
property needs to be visible from the outside.



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RadioGroup to select DataTable rows, any example?

2008-09-03 Thread Martin Dietze

 I am still fairly new to Wicket and currently trying to create
a table with a still unknown number of entries from which one
row can be selected.
I created a table using the DefaultDataTable class, was able to
fill it using PropertyColumn for data columns and AbstractColum
for links (e.g. to entry-specific edit or view pages) and the
table looks fine. However I am still unable to add radio box
inputs to one of the table's columns. 

I read the wiki article in [1] and two older threads in this
list which seemed to help the original posters, but as it seems
my understanding of Wicket's concepts is still too limited for
this to help me, so that I would like to ask if anyone has a
working code example (Java code and HTML snippet) and would
be so kind to post it here?




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