I was trying to start learning about Apache Wicket (as it looked like an easy to use UI for Java) and because I like to work with Eclipse and Maven. I also like to work with Tomcat, however, Wicket seems to prefer Jetty at least in its tutorials. I do not know nothing about Jetty, however should not take ages to learn.

I tried the Wicket Quick Start <https://wicket.apache.org/start/quickstart.html.> and successfully imported the generated Maven project to Eclipse workspace.

But errors appear: e.g.

import org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConfiguration;

*It seems Eclipse cannot find the jetty server classes. How to add these to the Eclipse project?*

Does the creater of the Wicket Quick Start assumed that Jetty is already installed on the machine? /I installed it. However: what is the recommended way to make what jar file available to a maven project to have jetty server classes available? I would assume via the pom.xml but I doubt that is the case here - the given pom.xml would contain it./

Or is there some special plugin for Eclipse (Photon)?
/Run-Jetty-Run?. I wasn't brave enough to try that./

I would love to get the Wicket Quick Start running.

I also tried Eclipse + Tomcat + Apache Wicket Maven Setup with Hello World Example <http://digitalappconsultancy.com/site/eclipse-tomcat-apache-wicket-maven-setup-with-hello-world-example/> but it seems that it is outdated. I was not able to install qwickie to Eclipse as described.

I am using Eclipse Proton with Java 10.0.2 on Debian Stretch.

Any help appreciated


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