Hi, im currently having some issues with a CompoundPropertyModel and 
HiddenField. I'm trying to relate the property of the model with the hidden 
input field value. I'm not sure if this actually make sense (probably doesn't), 
anyway the problem I'm facing is the model is not getting updated with the 
input value. So I'm wondering if what im trying to do it actually make sense 
and if it is possible. I'll add some instance code.

PD: Wicket is love!.

Thank you,
Sergio Arellano.

Instanse code used:

//the bean of the model
class SomeClass{
                String attr1;
                Int attr2;
// more  code

//the form (it is used inside a wicket:panel component)
SomeClass someClassObj = new SomeClass();
private Form< SomeClass > newSomeClassForm() {
CompoundPropertyModel< SomeClass > someClassModel = new CompoundPropertyModel< 
SomeClass >(someClassObj);
Form< SomeClass > someClassForm = new Form< SomeClass >(" someClassForm ", 
//here the other bean attrributes
HiddenField attr1 = new HiddenField("attr1");
return someClassForm;

private AjaxButton newSaveButton() {
        return new AjaxButton("btnSave ") {

            protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
                //here im getting null value for the input property
                System.out.println("attr1: " + someClassObj.attr1);


//the html
<form wicket:id=" someClassForm ">
<label wicket:id="lblSomeLabel">[some label text]</label>
                <input wicket:id="btnSave" type="button" value="save"></input>
                <input wicket:id=" attr1" type="hidden" value="1555"></input>


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