I'm currently running into an issue with the wicket modal window.

My situation is this.

Wicket App A contains an IFrame sourcing Wicket App B.

B has an Wicket IFrame modal window on one of it's pages.

When Wicket.Window.create in modal.js is called from B, the
Wicket.Window is pulled from window.parent.Wicket.Window which has
been created in A.

Now the remaining functions called on Wicket.Window are referencing
functions from A modal.js

This becomes a problem when the createDOM in modal.js is called.  The
div tag containing the modal html from B is created in A's document.
The iframes src is relative so the content for the modal is not found.

One solution is to have Wicket App B use WebRequestCodingStrategy and
encode all it's url's from relative to absolute.  This is not an
optimal solution as I have no control over the multiple wicket apps
that will be sourced in Wicket App A's iframe.

Is there anyway to essentially namespace the Wicket.Window so B does
not pick up A's objects?


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