Hi all,

I tried to use the getValidatorKeyPrefix() feature to have a more suitable 
translation key for a RequiredTextField and the < required > message.
But Wicket wasn't able to find my key : the debug log said that it couldn't 
find my key whereas it is well-formed (getValidatorKeyPrefix() + ".Required").
So i debugged the getMessage(String) and I understood the problem. Arround the 
line 175 (in Wicket 1.4.5) we find :
// If not found try a more general form [prefix].[key]
if (Strings.isEmpty(message))
resource = prefix(prefix, key);
message = getString(localizer, key, formComponent);

The comment is good, but the code is wrong : the resource variable isn't used 
in the getString(...) ! (I think it's a kind of bad copy/paste from surrounding 
We should find :
message = getString(localizer, resource, formComponent);

I did it and it works.

If OK for you I can create the Jira issue to follow it.

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