Hello everyone,

first, sorry for the bad subject. I didn't know how to describe this
problem in a short line.
I have a page with a form with two AjaxButtons (Add and Delete) and an
AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable. The first button opens a ModalWindow with
another form to add new entries to the table. The ModalWindow also has a
Cancel button (with setDefaultFormProcessing(false);). which closes the
The page's second button (Delete) should delete entries from the table that
have been selected using Check components that are added to each row of the

If I open the ModalWindow and then click the "Cancel" button in the
ModalWindow I cannot use the Delete button afterwards. I always get to the
Delete buttons onError method and in my log I see the following: WARN
- Component-targetted feedback message was left unrendered. This could be
because you are missing a FeedbackPanel on the page.  Message:
[FeedbackMessage message = "_errormessage_", reporter = orderNumber, level

But the FeedbackMessage is from the ModalWindow.

How could I solve this so that I can cancel the ModalWindow and still use
the Delete button?

Thanks in advance,

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