here is the little code I use to check the browser java script is enbled.

WebClientInfo clientInfo =
throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(WrongBrowserPage.class);

but IE is displaying this page

IE displays this message

The XML page cannot be displayed

Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then
click the Refresh <javascript:location.reload()> button, or try again later.

System error: -2146697204. Error processing resource ''.

I debugged   wicket code

here is the last method which throws exception this is from RequestCycle

protected ClientInfo newClientInfo()
Session session = getSession();
if (session.getMetaData(BROWSER_WAS_POLLED_KEY) == null)
// we haven't done the redirect yet; record that we will be
// doing that now and redirect
session.setMetaData(BROWSER_WAS_POLLED_KEY, Boolean.TRUE);
String url = "/" + getRequest().getURL();
throw new RestartResponseException(newBrowserInfoPage(url));
// if we get here, the redirect already has been done; clear
// the meta data entry; we don't need it any longer is the client
// info object will be cached too
session.setMetaData(BROWSER_WAS_POLLED_KEY, (Boolean)null);
return new WebClientInfo(this);

the url created     here is
   (is this right or missing anything?)

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