
This has been a busy weekend for me.
I have successfully created a tree (LinkTree) that loads various
object types from database (lazily loaded) and after hours of research
- the result was amazingly simple. Wicket rocks!
Then I tried to work with modal windows. Finally I have created basics
to minimize the amount of code wor creating such windows on my own.
Now I may invoke a modal Edit window with my own panel after clicking
on a node by overriding the onNodeLinkClicked(...) method:

        protected void onNodeLinkClicked(Object node, BaseTree tree,
AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                super.onNodeLinkClicked(node, tree, target);
                if (this.modalWindow != null) {

Now I want to extend my tree with new functionalities:
a) each tree node could contain an aditional + (plus) icon that would
invoke some action.
    In this case I would like to call modal window with the
possibility to add new child item.
    How do I extend the tree to keep it's original functionality and
add additional icon/link in front on the Label?

b) After I submit the modal window form I need to refresh the
originating node 'userObject'. Any hint how?
    My modal windows do make use of
       AjaxButton.onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form)

    Any hint on how such callback could look to be useful?

Best regards,

Dariusz Wojtas

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