I can't seem to get my models to update when I submit a form using
AjaxButton.  Originally my code looked like this, and I though it should
just work, but when you click the submit link parentService is null and
bundles and elements are empty lists.:

class AddServices extends BasePage {

    AbacusService parentService = new AbacusService();
    List<ServicePlan> bundles = new ArrayList();
    List<ServicePlan> elements = new ArrayList();

    public AddServices(final ModalWindow window, final OrderModel order) {

        add(new Label("id", new Model(order.getId())));
        Form form = new Form("form");
        final FeedbackPanel feedback = new FeedbackPanel("feedback");

        form.add(new DropDownChoice("parent", new PropertyModel(this,
                new ChoiceRenderer("fullName")));
        form.add(new ListMultipleChoice("bundles", new PropertyModel(this,
                new ChoiceRenderer("serviceTypeAndName")));
        form.add(new ListMultipleChoice("elements", new PropertyModel(this,
                new ChoiceRenderer("serviceTypeAndName")));

        AjaxButton submit = new AjaxButton("submit", form) {
            protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
                info("submitting form");
                info("parent =" + parentService.toString());
                info("elements = " + elements.toString());
                info("bundles = " + bundles.toString());
                //Application.orderDao.addServices(elements, order.getId(),
parent, null);
            protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
                error("Grrr Arrg");

So, I thought maybe I was expecting too much of AjaxButton and manually
updated these variables in an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior like so:

        ListMultipleChoice bundleChoice = new ListMultipleChoice("bundles",
new Model(),
                new ChoiceRenderer("serviceTypeAndName"));
        bundleChoice.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
            protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                info("model:" +
                bundles = (List<ServicePlan>)

Now when I select things off the components the feedback panel updates with
the things I've selected, but when it gets to the submit method I still have
empty lists and a null, and I am seriously confused as to why.  Everything
works properly if I forgo submitting via Ajax and just override the form's
onSubmit(), but I'd like to shove this page into a modal window and so need
the ajax bit to close the window..

What am I missing?

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