After letting a session expire on a Search page using QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy, hovering on a Link with an onmouseover AjaxEventBehavior event throws a PageExpiredException, as expected. However, after allowing the session to expire in the same circumstance, and then clicking another link with only onclick overridden (containing one line: setResponsePage(Search.class, params)), no PageExpiredException is thrown. Instead, the following is thrown:

org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException unable to find component with path on stateless page [Page class = edu.chop.bic.cnv.ui.Search, id = 0, version = 0] it could be that the component is inside a repeater make your component return false in getStatelessHint()

Any ideas why PageExpiredException is not being thrown in this case?

Also, resubmitting the Search form after the session expires does not cause the PageExpiredException, either.


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