There you go. What about creating a project into Wicket Stuff, called ... 

Wicket Conventioned over Configurations =)

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Ricardo Mayerhofer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2008 19:57
Assunto: Re: Wicket and CoC

Perhaps the name could be userFeedBackPanel :) 
"One Word per Concept" (Clean Code, Bob Martin, p. 26)

I'm just talking about code duplication, add( new SubmitLink( "submitLink" )
) and similars many times in a code doenst makes a programmer happier.
OOP (object oriented programming) isn't always the best tools to solve code
duplication. So sometimes AOP (aspect oriented programming) comes to mind,
other times CoC (convention over configuration). (I hope Martijn is happy by
the acronyms explanations :)).

I'm not saying that it should be in wicket core (as you guys keep it thin as
you can) and I'm glad wicket core makes me able to extend it, in a way I can
implement this (thats a huge plus)

I'm just saying that this is not a bad idea, mainly when you care about
saving programming efforts and clean code. 

igor.vaynberg wrote:
> in our app components with id feedbackPanel are often used to present
> a user with a user-feedback panel they can use to submit
> suggestions...
> -igor
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Ricardo Mayerhofer
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Martijin,
>> First of all thank you for your response.
>> I guess automation != magic. Automation means that computers or
>> frameworks
>> helps humans accomplishing repetitive tasks, so developers can better
>> focus
>> on the problem being solved, rather than having to copy and paste same
>> code
>> over and over (boilerplate).
>> If one add a markup named feedbackPanel, what is he intent, to make a
>> combo
>> box? Or he have to tell it again, in a different way? IMO it's better to
>> tell one time what I'm willing to do rather than 2, 3, 5...
>> Martijn Dashorst wrote:
>>> -1000,000,000,000
>>> First please don't assume someone understands your acronym du jour. I
>>> had to think really hard to understand that CoC means convention over
>>> configuration instead of the Dutch meaning "gay rights group".
>>> Second this is not a task for wicket. You can  think up any CoCamania
>>> you want in your own addon framework and publish it on 'stuff or
>>> google code, but I won't be using it ever nor including it in core.
>>> The biggest plus point of wicket is that it doesn't perform magic. I
>>> don't need nor want to have to wave a dead chicken in front of my
>>> monitor and spend the bigger part of the day wondering which
>>> incantation I did wrong.
>>> Martijn
>>> On 11/26/08, Ricardo Mayerhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I started to use wicket some time ago, and I'm really enjoying it. Best
>>>> framework ever.
>>>> But I've some suggestions.
>>>> I think wicket could be better if it had less boiler plate code. This
>>>> could
>>>> be reduced by using CoC.
>>>> Take the FeedBackPanel for example, you always have to add the
>>>> component
>>>> on
>>>> the web page, even if no special handling is requires (which is almost
>>>> the
>>>> case).
>>>> Wicket could have some reserved ids, so if I add a markup with id
>>>> feedbackPanel, a feedbackpanel component is automatically added to that
>>>> page.
>>>> Another example is SubmitLink component. No special handling required,
>>>> but
>>>> for wicket sake the developer must add it on the java the page.
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