In the course of developing my first wicket web application, I've wound
up with quite a few reusable wicket components, validators, and other
utilities. I think things like a LinkPanel, EmailLink, etc etc should be
available, after all wicket is all about reusability.

I'm packaging and releasing them on sourceforge. If anyone's interested,
check it out. Most of the stuff is stable and works, but it's not
carefully tested or ready for release, but I went ahead and put it on
sourceforge so anyone interested can use it or help out.

This is the first upload, I'm currently adding comments and cleaning
some stuff up.

svn co swicket

It depends on jclib, universal java toolkit (very very useful). jclib in
turn depends on common-collections15, commons-lang and a couple others.
Personally I don't know how anybody lives without these libraries.

svn co jclib

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