Sorry for the noise, I just tried to validate my assumption by (again) setting the timeout to some really large value (20 seconds) and noticed that I screwed up while testing your initial suggestion , the changed timeout value was never in effect ...

Raising the timeout value does in fact solve the issue (although I don't like the solution since the required timeout value depends on the speed of the connection/request processing so this is bound to break sooner than later).

Thank you very much,

What do you exactly mean by the rendering of the page after download
completed? You repaint a part of the screen via AJAX? And this is the one
giving problem with images?
Good point. I just investigated the AJAX response returned by the server when clicking the 'Start download' button on the modal dialog and I noticed that along with the JavaScript snippet that does the "setTimeout(...)" there are also a lot of AJAX component updates that are obviously generated by components with overridden onEvent() methods. I didn't write the code so I wasn't aware of this :/

I suspect that the issue I'm seeing is caused by the Wicket AJAX library being interrupted by the "setTimeout()" call while processing the component updates... proving this will unfortunately take some time since the page has a lot of different components that all override onEvent() ...


The page contains some dynamic images/icons that are included via
Image/DynamicImageResource (all have a 'antiCache' parameter in their URL as well as a "last-modified" date that equals "now()" ). Both chrome and
firefox re-request these images after the download has completed and
looking at the network traffic/PCAP file I captured , I can see that Wicket
is in fact delivering the PNGs to the browser.

But:  Chrome still renders these icons using the  'image is broken'
placeholder icon and Firefox/firebug shows the image downloads as 'never completed' / 0 bytes downloaded (see attached screenshots). Firebug also
shows a pending GET request for a JavaScript file along with the image
download requests so the issue may be related to either caching or the
Wicket request processing in general.

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance,

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