Hello, Everybody


There is very simple code: form with input line and submit button (to get
words for searching):


        public void onSubmit() {


            PageParameters parameters = new PageParameters();

            parameters.put( "searchLine", "words to search" );

            setResponsePage( SearchPage.class, parameters );



And there is a SearchPage to display searching results. It is very simple


public SearchPage(  PageParameters parameters  ) {


            String wordsToFind = parameters.getString( "searchLine" );




This page is mounted by standard way:


mountBookmarkablePage( "search", SearchPage.class );


This code works absolutely correct with Wicket 1.3.5. But after migration to
the RC2 I have problems with UTF parameters. If the parameters are 8859-1 my
search page is rendered fine. Just I am trying to pass some UTF symbols my
page loses CSS at all. I don't use any tricks with CSS. It is one file in
the header of the page (<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"


Ok. I was trying to change mount strategy to:


mount( new QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy( "search", SearchPage.class ) );


This case page is rendered fine, but looks like I need decode UTF parameters
manually (URLDecoder.decode? or something else?)


Ok. Then I decided to migrate to 1.4RC4. Hm. This case all my application
pages rendered enough strange. Looks like CSS is loaded partially (or
applying incorrect for some panels). On the one hand I have CSS. On the
other - incorrect colors and align for some items.


Anybody have those problems or I need RTFM more deeply?


Thanks a lot.



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