Re: TabbelPanel doesnt work in appengine

2010-05-05 Thread Murat Yücel
Hi Alexander

Thanks a lot for the workaround. It is working without any problems.
Hopefully wicket devs will consider making the framework more GAE enabled.


On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Alexander Monakhov  wrote:
> Hey.
> I met the same problem when I started to implement my app using Wicket and
> GAE. On GAE there is problem with serialization. GAE prohibits to use
> replacement substitution, so WIcket's methods like Component#modelChanged()
> or Component#modelChanging() cause AccessControlContext. To fix this problem
> I extended TabbedPanel class and overwrote some significant methods. Here is
> code for you. It works on GAE for my application more then 3 month without
> any problem.
> /**
>  * @author dominity
>  *
>  * Implementation of Wicket's {...@link TabbedPanel} that has ability to work
> on
>  * Google App Engine. Currently there is problem with serialization of
> model.
>  * GAE prohibits to use replacement substitution, so any time tab switching
> is
>  * invoked, AccessControlContext is threw. To avoid this behavior
>  * {...@link Component#setDefaultModelObject(Object)} is overwritten to
>  * hide {...@link Component#modelChanging()} and
>  * {...@link Component#modelChanged()} methods invocation before/after model's
>  * object setting. Also, {...@link TabbedPanel#setSelectedTab(int)} is
> overwritten
>  * to switch from using of {...@link Component#setDefaultModelObject(Object)}
> to
>  * {...@link #setDefModelObject(Object)}.
>  */
> public class GAETabbedPanel extends TabbedPanel {
>    // copy of boolean array from TabbedPanel to avoid serialization
> problems on
>    // GAE
>    private transient Boolean[] tabsVisibilityCache;
>    /**
>     * @param id
>     *                 id of span on markup page
>     * @param tabs
>     *                 list of {...@link ITab}s
>     * @see TabbedPanel
>     */
>    public GAETabbedPanel( String id, List tabs ) {
>        super( id, tabs );
>    }
>   �...@override
>    public void setSelectedTab( int index ) {
>        if ( index < 0 || ( index >= getTabs().size() && index > 0 ) ) {
>            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
>        }
>        // here is only change in comparison to
> TabbedPanel#setSelectedTab(int)
>        setDefModelObject( new Integer( index ) );
>        final Component component;
>        if ( getTabs().size() == 0 || !isTabVisible( index ) ) {
>            // no tabs or the currently selected tab is not visible
>            component = new WebMarkupContainer( TAB_PANEL_ID );
>        } else {
>            // show panel from selected tab
>            ITab tab = getTabs().get( index );
>            component = tab.getPanel( TAB_PANEL_ID );
>            if ( component == null ) {
>                throw new WicketRuntimeException(
>                        "ITab.getPanel() returned null. TabbedPanel ["
>                                + getPath() + "] ITab index [" + index + "]"
> );
>            }
>        }
>        if ( !component.getId().equals( TAB_PANEL_ID ) ) {
>            throw new WicketRuntimeException(
>                    "ITab.getPanel() returned a panel with invalid id ["
>                            + component.getId()
>                            + "]. You must always return a panel with id
> equal "
>                            + "to the provided panelId parameter.
> TabbedPanel ["
>                            + getPath() + "] ITab index [" + index + "]" );
>        }
>        addOrReplace( component );
>    }
>    /* duplication of the same method at TabbedPanel class in case of
>     *  setDefaultModelObject(Object) overwriting.*/
>    private boolean isTabVisible( int tabIndex ) {
>        if ( tabsVisibilityCache == null ) {
>            tabsVisibilityCache = new Boolean[ getTabs().size() ];
>        }
>        if ( tabsVisibilityCache.length > 0 ) {
>            Boolean visible = tabsVisibilityCache[ tabIndex ];
>            if ( visible == null ) {
>                visible = getTabs().get( tabIndex ).isVisible();
>                tabsVisibilityCache[ tabIndex ] = visible;
>            }
>            return visible;
>        } else {
>            return false;
>        }
>    }
>    /**
>     * It's duplication of {...@link #setDefaultModelObject(Object)} except it
>     * doesn't invoke {...@link #modelChanging()} and {...@link 
> #modelChanged()}
>     * before/after model's object setting. This prevents
>     * {...@link AccessControlException} is threw during tab switching.
>     *
>     * @param object
>     *            The object to set
>     * @return this
>     * @see #setDefaultModelObject(Object)
>     */
>   �...@suppresswarnings( "unchecked" )
>    public final Component setDefModelObject( final Object object ) {
>        final IModel model = (IModel) getDefaultModel();
>        // Check whether anything can be set at all
>        if ( model == null ) {
>            throw new IllegalStateException(
>                    "Attempt to s

Re: TabbelPanel doesnt work in appengine

2010-05-05 Thread Alexander Monakhov

I met the same problem when I started to implement my app using Wicket and
GAE. On GAE there is problem with serialization. GAE prohibits to use
replacement substitution, so WIcket's methods like Component#modelChanged()
or Component#modelChanging() cause AccessControlContext. To fix this problem
I extended TabbedPanel class and overwrote some significant methods. Here is
code for you. It works on GAE for my application more then 3 month without
any problem.

 * @author dominity
 * Implementation of Wicket's {...@link TabbedPanel} that has ability to work
 * Google App Engine. Currently there is problem with serialization of
 * GAE prohibits to use replacement substitution, so any time tab switching
 * invoked, AccessControlContext is threw. To avoid this behavior
 * {...@link Component#setDefaultModelObject(Object)} is overwritten to
 * hide {...@link Component#modelChanging()} and
 * {...@link Component#modelChanged()} methods invocation before/after model's
 * object setting. Also, {...@link TabbedPanel#setSelectedTab(int)} is
 * to switch from using of {...@link Component#setDefaultModelObject(Object)}
 * {...@link #setDefModelObject(Object)}.
public class GAETabbedPanel extends TabbedPanel {

// copy of boolean array from TabbedPanel to avoid serialization
problems on
// GAE
private transient Boolean[] tabsVisibilityCache;

 * @param id
 * id of span on markup page
 * @param tabs
 * list of {...@link ITab}s
 * @see TabbedPanel
public GAETabbedPanel( String id, List tabs ) {
super( id, tabs );


public void setSelectedTab( int index ) {
if ( index < 0 || ( index >= getTabs().size() && index > 0 ) ) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

// here is only change in comparison to
setDefModelObject( new Integer( index ) );

final Component component;

if ( getTabs().size() == 0 || !isTabVisible( index ) ) {
// no tabs or the currently selected tab is not visible
component = new WebMarkupContainer( TAB_PANEL_ID );
} else {
// show panel from selected tab
ITab tab = getTabs().get( index );
component = tab.getPanel( TAB_PANEL_ID );
if ( component == null ) {
throw new WicketRuntimeException(
"ITab.getPanel() returned null. TabbedPanel ["
+ getPath() + "] ITab index [" + index + "]"


if ( !component.getId().equals( TAB_PANEL_ID ) ) {
throw new WicketRuntimeException(
"ITab.getPanel() returned a panel with invalid id ["
+ component.getId()
+ "]. You must always return a panel with id
equal "
+ "to the provided panelId parameter.
TabbedPanel ["
+ getPath() + "] ITab index [" + index + "]" );

addOrReplace( component );

/* duplication of the same method at TabbedPanel class in case of
 *  setDefaultModelObject(Object) overwriting.*/
private boolean isTabVisible( int tabIndex ) {
if ( tabsVisibilityCache == null ) {
tabsVisibilityCache = new Boolean[ getTabs().size() ];

if ( tabsVisibilityCache.length > 0 ) {
Boolean visible = tabsVisibilityCache[ tabIndex ];
if ( visible == null ) {
visible = getTabs().get( tabIndex ).isVisible();
tabsVisibilityCache[ tabIndex ] = visible;
return visible;
} else {
return false;

 * It's duplication of {...@link #setDefaultModelObject(Object)} except it
 * doesn't invoke {...@link #modelChanging()} and {...@link #modelChanged()}
 * before/after model's object setting. This prevents
 * {...@link AccessControlException} is threw during tab switching.
 * @param object
 *The object to set
 * @return this
 * @see #setDefaultModelObject(Object)
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public final Component setDefModelObject( final Object object ) {
final IModel model = (IModel) getDefaultModel();

// Check whether anything can be set at all
if ( model == null ) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Attempt to set model object on null model of component:
+ getPageRelativePath() );

// Check authorization
if ( !isActionAuthorized( ENABLE ) ) {
throw new UnauthorizedActionException( this, ENABLE );

// Check whether this will result in an actual change
if ( !getModelComparator().compare( this, object ) ) {

TabbelPanel doesnt work in appengine

2010-05-04 Thread Murat Yücel
Hi All

I am making a small application which is running at appengine. The
code was running fine until i desided to use TabbedPanel.
I have searched on google and it seems like other people have the same
issue. People has reported issues at google appengine,
but cant this not be solved in wicket scope?

Or does anyone have a workaround to this issue? Or should i just not
use TabbedPanel :)...

I can send the whole stacktrace but this is a part of it:
Caused by: access denied
( enableSubstitution)
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(


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