
I've recently set Chrome to dark mode and now some of the text in the tree examples has become "white on white" and so unreadable:


The text is definitely there because you can see it when you highlight it.

Perhaps, with these browser controlled themes/dark modes each color needs to be assigned explicitly rather than leaving it to 'browser default'.

Bootstrap and other CSS frameworks do this as their very first step by including a 'resetting' CSS e.g. normalize.css at the start to initialize everything so that nothing is left to chance, regardless of which browser the page is rendered in.

Perhaps all these example pages need to do to cope with dark mode is to include something like normalize.css as the start?

Alternatively we could convert all the examples to Wicket-Bootstrap and choose a sexy Bootstrap template to make them all look really awesome and 2020s-ish ;)  I realize that the purpose of examples is to, mainly, demostrate usage of particular Wicket components but it certainly wouldn't hurt if the examples looked sexy and modern.


Chris Colman

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