Dear all,

I've made a small library to unit test Wicket pages: It launches Jetty
to run your webapp in-process and launches the Selenium client. Then you
inject POJO mock objects into @SpringBean annotated fields and use the
Selenium client to drive your page.

Why I think it is useful?
* The key benefit is that you can control the right thing (the data your
pages get, from the services), and then observe the right thing (HTML
DOM elements, possible manipulated by Javascript/AJAX).

* Your real application is run. You don't need to modify it in anyway.

* It's very easy to implement as it relies on well established tools
(Selenium and Jetty). It means it can easily be kept updated with new
versions of Wicket.

* Potentially this approach can be applied to frameworks other than

You're welcome to test it. Visit for more info.

Kent Tong
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