SV: using breadcrumbs in Wicket 1.4.9

2010-08-03 Thread Wilhelmsen Tor Iver
>   panel A / panel B / panel C
> to:
>   panel A / panel B / panel D

One option could be to setActive(panel B) then activate(panel D factory); to 
get the panel B reference just loop through the model or keep a reference to it 

- Tor Iver

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using breadcrumbs in Wicket 1.4.9

2010-08-02 Thread Lawrence Sewell
My first Wicket application uses Wicket 1.4.9 and breadcrumbs where I  
need to go from:

panel A / panel B / panel C


panel A / panel B / panel D

by selecting a submit button on a form in panel C, e.g. replace panel  
C (after processing the form) with panel D as the active crumb.

Is this possible?

I have only been able to do the following:

panel A / panel B / panel C / panel D

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