
wiQuery is now available as 1.0.3 (bugfixes from the 1.0.2) and as a major
version: the 1.1.

The 1.1 binds jQuery 1.4.3, jQuery UI 1.8.5 and Wicket 1.4.12. So, you can
found two now components: AutoComplete and Button (see the jQuery UI
examples: http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/ and
http://jqueryui.com/demos/button/). More options were added to configure
wiQuery and a big refactoring/cleaning of the core was done to enhancement
the framework.

We will try to release bimonthly. So, the next release, the 1.2, will be in
January. We will try to offer the possiblity to use IModel for the
components, new advanced components (AccordionPanel, TabPanel ...) and try
to bind more plugins (see http://code.google.com/p/wiquery-plugins/).

If you see bugs or have an idea for enhancements, you can add issues at

Have a nice day

The wiQuery team

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