Reminder: you help would be really usefull to help identify things we can improve. It would be great if users would tell us what made them stuggle the first time they used XWiki ?


Le 09/05/11 13:15, LD a écrit :

We are launching an investigations called "XWiki 5 minutes experience"
(for those who don't know, an investigation is the work before we
actively work on a new development). In this case, the objective is to
identify and simplify all the common things that admins and users are
doing in their first five minutes of XWiki usage. The first step to this
investigation is to identify all the actions they are doing and which
issues they struggle with.

This is where we need the help of our fellow XWiki users. Please come on
this page:

and help us find out all the common actions (and problems with these
actions) that users (actually admins and then normal users) are trying
to do the first time they use XWiki.

The listing of all actions and problems with be followed by studying the
solutions we can implement to fix the situations reported. Some
solutions might be very easy to implement and we will push then in the
next release cycle, while some others will require more work and will be
proposed as new work for the future release cycles.

Make you voice heard as this can have a big impact on the XWiki ease of use.


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Ludovic Dubost
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