I have installed the new blog application but my What's new page 
(Main/Dashboard) doesn't have any of my blog articles.  The code says

<div id="webhomeblogdisplay" style="float:left; width: 49.9%;">
     <div style="padding-right:20px;">
       <h3>Blog <a href="$xwiki.getURL("Main.BlogRss", "view", 
"xpage=rdf")" style=""><img 
src="$xwiki.getSkinFile("icons/black-rss.png")" alt="rss icon"/></a></h3>
       #set($nbstart = $request.nbstart)
       #set($category = "Default")
       #set($nbitems = "3")

But that doesn't seem to work.  Something else I'm supposed to use 
besides Blog.Topics?



Dave Mangot
Terracotta Inc.
650 Townsend St. Suite 325
San Francisco, CA 94103 USA
+1 415 738 4059

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