
The information about building XWiki in Eclipse (
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/BuildingInEclipse) is very
clear and I'm able to do everything as it described. In my Eclipse, I have
every XWiki project and can run whichever Maven goal. I'd like to update the
war and/or jar of XE and XWS, which task in which project is suppose to do
the job? I suppose I need to build the XWiki platform/core, then XE then XWS
in sequence?! there are so many projects... for XWS alone, there are 11
projects/pom.xml. could someone point me to the project or path of pom.xml
for core, XE and XWS? thx.

p.s. I'd like to use the latest source code to build the app as some of the
features that are critical to me have been fixed in the trunk but not in the
last release. btw, it would be great if there is a nightly build

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