[xwiki-users] [XWiki Forum] [Help / Discuss] LDAP login issue

2017-06-22 Thread Matteo
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We don't use LDAP groups, so do you think that the database exception depends 
on LDAP slowness?

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[xwiki-users] [XWiki Forum] [Help / Discuss] LDAP login issue

2017-06-22 Thread Matteo
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I deleted the user, now I'm trying to login again. I noticed two things:
1) when I delete a user, using the users interface, it does not refresh and 
says no messages (I think it is a frontend issue but because of it I cannot 
know when a user is really deleted).
2) Now that I waited for a longer time to login (after deletion) I can login 
with that user so it correctly creates it.

It seems to be a timing problem (synchronization), in production we cannot 
enstablish that time (and the number of retries that a user can do for the 

[Visit Topic](https://discourse.xwiki.org/t/ldap-login-issue/226/15) to respond.

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[xwiki-users] [XWiki Forum] [Help / Discuss] LDAP login issue

2017-06-22 Thread Matteo
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to a forum: https://discourse.xwiki.org. This list will be made readonly in a 
few days. Please post on the forum from now on. Thanks.]]


Are you sure that this could not be caused by an error in database (first I 
deleted those users)?
Now for example I can login with that user but in log file I see the "\_1" 
user, so the ldap user is correct but has a wrong object linked (or something 
like that).

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[xwiki-users] [XWiki Forum] [Help / Discuss] LDAP login issue

2017-06-22 Thread Matteo
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to a forum: https://discourse.xwiki.org. This list will be made readonly in a 
few days. Please post on the forum from now on. Thanks.]]


Yes, the situation is that the correct user has no LDAPProfileClass object, the 
user\_1 has the LDAPProfileClass (and this one has correct data).
I think this is a database error (is there any way to safely clean users in 
database? In order to avoid exceptions like logSnippet2)
thank you

[Visit Topic](https://discourse.xwiki.org/t/ldap-login-issue/226/11) to respond.

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[xwiki-users] [XWiki Forum] [Help / Discuss] LDAP login issue

2017-06-22 Thread Matteo
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to a forum: https://discourse.xwiki.org. This list will be made readonly in a 
few days. Please post on the forum from now on. Thanks.]]


I think that the LDAP extension that creates the user in XWiki **should not** 
create a user if this one is already present. If this one is created it means 
that we could intercept this code and avoid a creation of another user (this 
one can be a property if one will).
Now I try to delete the user, I will update you then.

[Visit Topic](https://discourse.xwiki.org/t/ldap-login-issue/226/13) to respond.

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[xwiki-users] [XWiki Forum] [Help / Discuss] LDAP login issue

2017-06-22 Thread Matteo
[[Note: The XWiki project is switching away from this mailing list and moving 
to a forum: https://discourse.xwiki.org. This list will be made readonly in a 
few days. Please post on the forum from now on. Thanks.]]


Yes, I can edit them and find that object...I'm trying deleting those users and 
retrying to login, it still hangs...I think I understand where is the error 
(please check the second log file): those users are created because xwiki hangs 
on the first login and something goes wrong (and very slow) during the database 
saving, an user (or browser) makes a second call and Xwiki finds an already 
present user but not "complete" ,so tries to create another one. 
How can we fix this situation (database)? 
Thank you

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[Visit Topic](https://discourse.xwiki.org/t/ldap-login-issue/226/5) to respond.

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