[xwiki-users] Solving performance problems

2010-12-04 Thread Ivan Levashew
I have recently started to fill my wiki with lots of content. Currently 
I have 4772 XWiki documents and 2260 XWiki objects. Not so much I think,
but it looks like I'm reaching a limit.

This is first time I have looked into SQL internals of XWiki.

Goddamn! There were no indices except primary ones! OK, I have lowered 
load time from 15sec to 9sec having created indices (e. g. XWD_FULLNAME 
in xwikidocs)

Still too much.

Maybe I could improve it any further, but some queries are maid the way 
I don't know obvious way to make index for them. For instance, I can see
"where hidden <> 1 or hidden is null" in queries. It would be nice to 
see "where hidden = 0" instead (and null being not allowed)

Xen:~ OCTAGRAM$ time GET http://blog.toom.su/

sys 0m0.052s
Xen:~ OCTAGRAM$ time GET http://pascal.toom.su/Index

sys 0m0.043s
Xen:~ OCTAGRAM$ time GET http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/News

sys 0m0.034s

2 second is also too much, but how do you keep response time that low? 
Is it just due to the fact you scatter documents across different 
databases or may be there was a huge improvement from 2.4M1?

http://pascal.toom.su/Index is even not a dynamic page, it just has lots 
of wiki links.

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Re: [xwiki-users] Wysiwyg Application Translation

2010-08-20 Thread Ivan Levashew
Ramon Gomes Brandão - SERINT  writes:

> Hi, 
> How can I translate the Wysiwyg application into portuguese?
> I've noticed that there's the editor core
> resources file (Strings.properties) content on
> http://l10n.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Wysiwyg/ ,
> but I cannot understand how I proceed with it with my running
> instance (where do I place it etc).
> What should I do to enable this?

Download xwiki-web sources, locate the following folder:


Create another Strings.properties file. There might be something 
else to be done to enable another language.

Rebuild everything on maven. GWT compiles something strange called 
permutations. There will be lots of html pages in the folder


Then you can replace resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe contents on a 
running instance with new files.

More on rebuilding sources:

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[xwiki-users] Commenters' and users' IP tracking

2010-08-06 Thread Ivan Levashew

A very natural desire of anyone whose wiki has open spaces is 
to track IP of every edit (something like Wikipedia).

But I can't figure out whether it is implemented or not. First, 
I thought it isn't (no traces in Document API).

This issue: http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-1913 makes me 
think that not only IPs, but also X-Forwarded-For are stored.

Still, I'm not sure, and I don't know how to use this.

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Re: [xwiki-users] Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.4 RC 1 -- base6 4.<init> error.

2010-08-02 Thread Ivan Levashew
I failed to install XWiki on GlassFish 3 exactly because of 
this bug. It looks like bug in Java 6, not XWiki.

So, currently I use Java 5, GlassFish 2 (but look straight on 
Caucho Resin), and everything goes fine.

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[xwiki-users] What URIs do you need?

2010-07-26 Thread Ivan Levashew

I have recently encountered a blocker and while I have almost fixed it 
(freestanding links are not working yet, but [[links]] are).

I need magnet URIs very much. Or maybe "very much" isn't appropriate 
expression here. I supposed to meet no problem (except freestanding 
links), and instead I am wasting my time on fixing something that should 
work out-of-box. Since I am not the developer of XWiki I have to spend 
some time to study how everything works.

Anyway, there are lots of possible blockers for any of you, and they are 
different and unpredictable for developers.

I have created an issue:


If there are some URIs that you might want to use on XWiki, it is better 
to comment there. Every URI that looks like scheme://something does not 
need special care.

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Re: [xwiki-users] File Explorer for Unix FS

2010-07-24 Thread Ivan Levashew
Caleb James DeLisle  writes:

> You might have a look at the file upload plugin, it allows files to be put
> on the server (and downloaded from it) without being attachments which take
> up space in the database.
How to use it? Is there any frontend available?

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[xwiki-users] Controlling not only contents but also page titles in class instances

2010-07-07 Thread Ivan Levashew

My experience with classes in XWiki is obtained after creating a Todo 
application. The tutorial is published here: 

It is obsoleted, but I've got the basics.

There is a class fabric at XWiki.XWikiClasses. It is straightforward to 
create a Class, a Sheet and a Template using this fabric. Sheet is being 
used to hold control over presentation of increasing number of class 
instances and Template injects a reference to Sheet in new instances.

Everything is fine, but I don't understand how to hold control over page 
titles. That is, if once in a blue moon I will want to change title 
format from $doc.getObject('SomeSpace.SomeClass').get('SomeField') to 
something different, every class instance must be affected (except those 
ones which have their title edited manually).

My naive tries don't work as expected. Is it ever possible?

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Re: [xwiki-users] {{html wiki="true"}}

2010-07-07 Thread Ivan Levashew
Thomas Mortagne wrote:
>> The main issue is that wiki link syntax [[ ]] does not support enough
>> things which leads use to use html macro where we should not. See
> Forgot the link: http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-3611

No, this is not a primary concern IMHO. At least, in places where I was 
applying fixes the problem is wider. XWiki syntax lacks s, 

[xwiki-users] {{html wiki="true"}}

2010-07-07 Thread Ivan Levashew
Ivan Levashew wrote:
> Does anybody had this idea before?
> I'd like to establish the mapping as follows:
> http://something.metrolace.ru/Page -> 
>   http://metrolace.ru/bin/view/Something/Page/
> http://something.another.metrolace.ru/ ->
>   http://metrolace.ru/bin/view/SomethingAnother/WebHome/
> That is, the whole domain is a collaborative wiki with 
> pretty short URLs. New domains are being created on demand 
> because they are essentially good old Spaces.
> I'm going to use url_rewrite in Squid (in particular, because I 
> don't know why it's so difficult to get rid of /bin/) and custom 
> XWikiURLFactory implementation.
> Any advices? Did somebody already write custom URLFactory before?

If anyone is wondering about this, it was almost enough to rewrite 

Bad news is that XWiki pages often misbehave when URLs are not relative. 
This is due to {{html wiki="true"}} being commonly used everywhere. 
Things like  remains unchanged after applying wiki parser. 
However, http://another.space.toom.su/";> gets messed because http://another.space.toom.su/";> turns into http://another.space.toom.su/";>http://another.space.toom.su/

Another bad news is that tricks like  
didn't work. They are also being changed by XWiki parser, this time it 
creates  tag which again messes everything.

I've done my best to make most troublesome URLs relative. E. g. "get" 
URLs are always relative due to AJAX crossdomain restrictions. Still 
there are some dark corners where the problem can't be workarounded by 
just tweaking my servlet URL factory implementation without completely 
sacrificing multidomain illusion. This bug (it is, isn't it?) looks like 


Should it be fixed?

When I was fixing Main.Spaces I thought there should be something like 
{{wiki}} or better  in html mode.  is better because 
xmlescape encodes <> in Velocity output.

Having both systems in effect is glitches-prone. Not having  makes 
proper introducing wiki fragments annoying. In the Main.Spaces wiki 
engine is only used to reference WebHome of every space. I've got to put 
{{html wiki="false"}} in several places instead of putting  in 
just one.

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[xwiki-users] Need clarity: programming rights

2010-07-06 Thread Ivan Levashew

I am thinking about the purpose of this extension:


> It is easy to forget and save pages with programming permission

It is not only easy but also unobvious. I don't understand how to turn 
on and off programming privilledges on a particular Page. I guess, this 
is per-page 'programming' right. It can't be set via Rights Management 
UI but rights can be edited as object. However, I'm not sure. I'd like 
someone experienced enough to describe and put some references here:


That's where I was looking for answers.

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Re: [xwiki-users] Cookie domains

2010-06-27 Thread Ivan Levashew
Ivan Levashew  writes:

> Set-Cookie: username="GpCybk1DvZRGHYktowzcuA__"; Version=1; 
> Max-Age=1296000; Expires=Fri, 09-Jul-2010 17:54:46 GMT; Path=/; HttpOnly
> I can see no domain here despite I have set 
> xwiki.authentication.cookiedomains=.metrolace.ru
I seem to have found the cause. XWiki doesn't put Domain in cookie 
when domain matches exactly. I. e. when request is done for 
metrolace.ru, XWiki doesn't put domain in cookie. Squid redirector 
naturally was programmed to redirect almost everything to 

When I change this to http://www.metrolace.ru/, this www makes XWiki 
ner^Wput "Domain=.metrolace.ru" in cookies as it supposed to do.

Do you think this strategy of non-putting Domain= in exact domains makes 
sense? Those ones who have just 1 domain are not likely to edit 
cookiedomains in xwiki.cfg and those ones like me using reverse 
proxies for balancing or URL rewriting just meet yet another unwanted 

The piece of code is here:

private String getCookieDomain(HttpServletRequest request)

String servername = request.getServerName();

should be changed to

String servername = "." + request.getServerName();

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Re: [xwiki-users] Resize images and keep aspect ratio

2010-06-24 Thread Ivan Levashew
Abel Solórzano Astorga writes:

> To make my question more general, What is the best way to dynamically resize
> images on xwiki? or set a max size for the images maintaining the aspect
> ratio.

I have installed a PhotoAlbum application:


Photos are big, but they are resized on server. An URL of 
resized image look like this:


This is


in the classical naming scheme. width=150 also works.

I can't find the complete documentation on attachment parameters.



I can see Zip Explorer Plugin here, but I can't see something 
related to resizing images.

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[xwiki-users] Cookie domains

2010-06-24 Thread Ivan Levashew

I'm slowly implementing my intentions: 

The problem I have noticed is that I can't login currently. Login page 
is located on http://wiki.x.metrolace.ru/ (wiki.x is ugly, I'll fix it 
later) and the headers look like this when I'm logging in:

Set-Cookie: username="GpCybk1DvZRGHYktowzcuA__"; Version=1; 
Max-Age=1296000; Expires=Fri, 09-Jul-2010 17:54:46 GMT; Path=/; HttpOnly

I can see no domain here despite I have set 

I have also tried xwiki.authentication.cookiedomains=metrolace.ru, it 
didn't work.

As a consequence, the cookie is only valid on wiki.x.metrolace.ru, but 
not on e. g. http://photos.metrolace.ru/

I guess this is an effect of security improvement in 2.4M1:
Added support for HttpOnly flag for session cookies (XSS protection measure)

It was mentioned that it required manual headers composing, and domains 
might have been forgot when writing from scratch. Is it a bug or maybe 
I'm missing something?

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Re: [xwiki-users] XWiki/1.0 and XWiki/2.0 escaping

2010-06-13 Thread Ivan Levashew
Marius Dumitru Florea  writes:

> > http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/
> > XWikiSyntax#HEscapes ;)
> This doesn't fix your problem. What about
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/DevGuide/
> API/xwiki-core-2.3.1-javadoc.jar/com/xpn/xwiki/
> api/Util.html#escapeText%28java.lang.String%29

> ?
> >
> > Hope this helps,

Yes, it was helpful. However, I can see no XWiki/2.0 escaping.



... I have found XWiki/1.0 escaping and Radeox escaping, but no 
XWiki/2.0 escaping.

> escapeText(String)  - Method in class com.xpn.xwiki.api.Util
> Protect Text from Wiki transformation.
> escapeText(String) - Static method in class
> com.xpn.xwiki.util.Util API to protect Text from 
> Radeox transformation

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Re: [xwiki-users] Post-upgrade issue

2010-06-13 Thread Ivan Levashew
Asiri Rathnayake  writes:

> Hi Ivan,
> It looks like skin extension plugins are not loaded in your XE. You can try:
> {{velocity}}
> $xwiki.ssx
> {{/velocity}}
> And see if it outputs the plugin API object.

No, it doesn't.

> #-# List of active plugins.
> xwiki.plugins=\
> com.xpn.xwiki.monitor.api.MonitorPlugin,\
> com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.skinx.JsSkinExtensionPlugin,\
> com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.skinx.JsSkinFileExtensionPlugin,\
> com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.skinx.CssSkinExtensionPlugin,\
> com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.skinx.CssSkinFileExtensionPlugin,\
> .
There are no skinx entries.

> If you are sure that your xwiki.cfg is correct, you should see some
> exception traces when you start XE. These exceptions will complain that some
> plugins are missing or was not loaded due to errors.
> If you can try the above and post the tomcat logs for missing / errornous
> plugins, may be we can help.
Thank you very much. 

My mistake is that I have deployed 

instead of


When I was compiling 2.3, there was just 1 .war.

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Re: [xwiki-users] Post-upgrade issue

2010-06-12 Thread Ivan Levashew
Additional info:

I am playing in Sandbox now. Here are the results:


turns into




turns into




turns into


Velocity seem to be working, it looks like a parser issue. Maybe 
I should try to downgrade some JAR? Which one?

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[xwiki-users] Post-upgrade issue

2010-06-12 Thread Ivan Levashew
After upgrading from 2.3 to 2.4M1 there are lots of text 
strings everywhere on every page. They look like this:

$xwiki.ssfx.use('js/xwiki/widgets/jumpToPage.css', true)
$xwiki.jsfx.use('uicomponents/widgets/confirmationBox.js', true)
$xwiki.ssfx.use('uicomponents/widgets/confirmationBox.css', true)
$xwiki.jsfx.use('uicomponents/widgets/confirmedAjaxRequest.js', true)
$xwiki.jsfx.use('uicomponents/widgets/notification.js', true)
$xwiki.ssfx.use('uicomponents/widgets/notification.css', true) 


It's an easy-to-edit website that will help you work better 
together. This Wiki is made of pages sorted by spaces. You're 
currently in the Main space, looking at its home page (WebHome). 


Also, there are exceptions java.lang.NullPointerException in logs 
and lines like this:

2010-06-13 12:59:22,015 [http://metrolace.ru/bin/view/Main/] ERROR 
internal.DefaultVelocityEngine  - Left side ($tagCount.size()) of '>' 
operation has null value at velocity macro[line 54, column 24]|#]

What's going on? Did I something wrong while updating?

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Re: [xwiki-users] Searching workaround for HTML in title-field

2010-06-12 Thread Ivan Levashew
James DeLisle wrote:

> This is not a problem only with the search field. It's a security policy that
> XWiki allows it's users to run script. In syntax 1.0 you are allowed to type
> HTML (and thus script) into the document, in syntax 2.0 you can use HTML in
> the document by invoking the HTML macro.
> My opinion is that to prevent users from running script you would have to set 
> up
> an output filter such as Apache mod_filter and implement a policy which 
> blocks all
> script which is in parts of the page which are user editable.

I have a short experience with Jaxer. It is not maintained, but is 
pretty usable if starting from scratch is OK for you. Notable difference 
is that most operations are performed on structured DOM trees as opposed 
to structureless strings in e. g. PHP. The engine is serverside Mozilla, 
so the tricks like innerHTML are working, but strings are exception 
instead of a rule in the world of Jaxer.

I think, sooner or later it would be evident that next major revision of 
X-Wiki must use structured data instead of all that 
easy-to-forget-because-anyway-it-mostly-works escaping.

This makes sense because, for instance, one might want to enable users 
to post into common blog but prevent them from storing scripts. There is 
no "string noscript(string)" function. It is far beyond mere escaping. 
Even if such function existed, parsing and serializing is CPU-costly.

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Re: [xwiki-users] XWiki/1.0 and XWiki/2.0 escaping

2010-06-12 Thread Ivan Levashew
The bug itself is reported on JIRA:


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Re: [xwiki-users] Searching workaround for HTML in title-field

2010-06-12 Thread Ivan Levashew
Joel Forsberg wrote:
> Do you happen to know the JIRA ticket for this bug? (if there is one?)
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XE-24 but it is for previous search 

> The {pre} seems to dodge some of the unwanted effects, but in turn makes 
> further editing the script difficult. Next time I edit the {pre} seems to 
> have 
> disappeared, instead leaving a -tag artifact depending on circumstances.
>> CrossSiteScripting example: alert('I pwnd U')
>> => bad, bad, bad
> That is exatly what I would like to avoid, hehe. :)

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[xwiki-users] XWiki/1.0 and XWiki/2.0 escaping

2010-06-12 Thread Ivan Levashew

Yet another problem I'm encountering is lack of 
proper escaping tools. I have noticed it when I 
decided to use [ and ] in page titles. 
«My Recent Modifications» became broken because 
XWiki parsed [ and ]. Currently I have added 
{pre} and {/pre} at both ends, but it is just a 
krunch. What is the proper way? I have checked 
$escapetool and $xwiki.get*Encoded APIs. There is 
no common API to escape [, ], =, {, etc.

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[xwiki-users] Associated forum

2010-06-12 Thread Ivan Levashew
What forum would you recommend to use in combination with 
X-Wiki? Its authorization is wished to be integrated with 
X-Wiki's one, and userbase is wished to be taken from X-Wiki 
(because WebDAV won't work otherwise IIUC).

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[xwiki-users] Subdomains as spaces

2010-06-12 Thread Ivan Levashew
Does anybody had this idea before?

I'd like to establish the mapping as follows:

http://something.metrolace.ru/Page -> 

http://something.another.metrolace.ru/ ->

That is, the whole domain is a collaborative wiki with 
pretty short URLs. New domains are being created on demand 
because they are essentially good old Spaces.

I'm going to use url_rewrite in Squid (in particular, because I 
don't know why it's so difficult to get rid of /bin/) and custom 
XWikiURLFactory implementation.

Any advices? Did somebody already write custom URLFactory before?

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Re: [xwiki-users] Crete xwiki pages from a template

2010-06-12 Thread Ivan Levashew
Abel Solórzano Astorga  writes:

> So when the page is created it has the same content as the template
> page.

Something like this?


It works in 2.3, and it's largely used by structured objects (e. g. 
create new Blog record, create new Todo, etc.). Another interesting 
argument is a parent. Parent seems to be the page that is displayed 
in the navigation bar as being a parent for the page.

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Re: [xwiki-users] Yet another thread on file-based attachments

2010-06-12 Thread Ivan Levashew
I'm testing WebDAV now and getting lots of exceptions when 
copying photos from PhotoAlbum.

There are entries like this one:

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Web server isn't stable in these moments.

javaw.exe consumes about 600Mb of memory. Although I can adjust it 
to use 3Gb of memory, this seems to be a wrong way. Storing big 
attachments in a database is a wrong way. Handling them in-memory is 
a wrong way. They should be handled in another manner. Some kind of 
event-based servlet streams attachments block by block without putting 
any whole octet stream in memory (it seems that stroring attachments 
in database implies this as a consequence).

No matter what I (and you) do, wrong way will constantly show its 
wrongness and limitations.

X-Wiki is far from being perfect yet indeed it's outstanding. I don't 
regret I have spent some time to get it working. I hope, current way 
of handling attachments will be obsoleted soon.

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Re: [xwiki-users] Yet another thread on file-based attachments

2010-06-11 Thread Ivan Levashew
Caleb James DeLisle writes:

> > «Storing 10Mb octet streams 
> > in database» doesn't sound like being reliable, and indeed it caused 
> > strange problems recently.
> On the one hand it definitely over-stresses the database but on the other hand
> it is very nice to be able to do a database dump, wipe the disk, load the dump
> and be right back where you were before. Maybe a hybrid where content is 
> stored
> in the db and 'cached' on the hard disk but caches make debugging a huge pain.
> Still something has to be done about the max_packet issue.

With regards to dumping, I'd like it to be done via FTP or WebDAV means. I 
don't know whether current WebDAV implemetation is suitable for dumping. 
Anyway, dumps maid that way are going to be more portable compared to e.
g. MySQL dumps. Also, MySQL dump isn't browsable with tools like FAR 
Manager. XARs are portable and browsable.

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[xwiki-users] Yet another thread on file-based attachments

2010-06-11 Thread Ivan Levashew
I have seen another threads, but I didn't noticed any good idea. I have 
only seen JCR project in the sandbox.


I have no idea what is JCR. «JCR» sounds very different from 
«filesystem». Installing and maintaining JCR is likely to be yet another 
brainache I'd like to skip. Finally, «Translate XWQL to JCRSQL2» sounds 
very different from «simple and reliable». «Storing 10Mb octet streams 
in database» doesn't sound like being reliable, and indeed it caused 
strange problems recently.

So my humble wish is to see xwikiattachment_content table replaced with 
a mere filesystem storage. Other tables left intact. Maintaing 
«Space/Document/Attachment» structure is not a requirement (althoung it 
would be nice since I could share it in GreyLink DC++ this way).

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Re: [xwiki-users] Disappearing attachments

2010-06-11 Thread Ivan Levashew
I have increased max_packet_size in MySQL and reuploaded every photo. I 
don't see this problem anymore.

I wonder why it's possible to attach oversized photo (>1Mb), but 
impossible to delete it (when recycle bin is enabled). I have a 
hypotesis that there is a write-back cache.

This cache makes it possible to upload 3.5Mb photo, but it fails to 
write it into a permanent store because of MySQL restriction. 
Eventually, write-cached item becomes inaccessible.

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[xwiki-users] Disappearing attachments

2010-06-10 Thread Ivan Levashew

I have set up XWiki on my server. J2EE 5, GlassFish 2, MySQL. Moving 
attachments around caused big problems so I had to turn off versioning 
and recycle bin, if this matters:

#-# Role hints that differentiate implementations of the various storage 
components. To add a new implementation for one
#-# of the storages, implement the appropriate interface and declare it 
in a components.xml file (using a role-hint other
#-# than 'default') and put its hint here.
#-# The main (documents) storage.
# xwiki.store.main.hint=default
#-# The attachment storage.
# xwiki.store.attachment.hint=default
#-# The document versioning storage.
# xwiki.store.versioning.hint=default
#-# The attachment versioning storage. Use 'void' to disable attachment 
#-# The document recycle bin storage.
# xwiki.store.recyclebin.hint=default
#-# The attachment recycle bin storage.

#-# Whether the document recycle bin feature is activated or not
# xwiki.recyclebin=1
#-# Whether the attachment recycle bin feature is activated or not
#-# Whether the document versioning feature is activated or not
# xwiki.store.versioning=1
#-# Whether the attachment versioning feature is activated or not
#-# Whether the attachments should also be rolled back when a document 
is reverted.

I am testing this wiki and amongs other problems encountered the 
following one.

There is a photoalbum application instance. Here is my test album:


The problem is that attachments are disappearing after some time. Or, 
speaking preciselly, their size becomes 0 when one visits a page with 
particular photo.

This is files viewer:


This is a snapshoted version: http://www.peeep.us/f01aa5ce

Some files have version 1.2 just because I have reuploaded them when 
their size became 0 for the first time.

Some files are zero-sized. Others left intact. However, visiting 
particular photo by clicking it triggers disappearing. One can click any 
photo, and then visit "files" viewer and notice that exactly this file 
has changed its size to 0.

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