
I spent the last week or so figuring out very strange behavior which I could 
not explain. I’m not sure if any sort of code would be helpful so I just 
explain what the situation is:

We have a class “caseClass” containing (among others) the following DBList:

Name = product
Pretty Name = product
Custom Display = [
#set ($propertyClass = $object.getxWikiClass().get($name))
#if ($type == 'edit')
  {{html clean=false}}
    $doc.displayEdit($propertyClass, $prefix, $object)
   #foreach($fieldKey in $object.getProperty($name).value)
DisplayType = select
Multiple Select = true
Since of box = 10
Multiselect seperators = [empty]
Join seperator = [ , ]
Sort = none
Relational Storage = true
Cache = false
Hibernate Query = [
SELECT idVarProp.value, CONCAT(codeVarProp.value, ' - ', naamVarProp.value, ' 
(', codeProdProp.value, ' - ', naamProdProp.value, ')') 
FROM BaseObject obj, StringProperty idVarProp, StringProperty codeVarProp, 
StringProperty naamVarProp, StringProperty idVarProdProp, 
BaseObject obj2, StringProperty idProdProp, StringProperty codeProdProp, 
StringProperty naamProdProp 
WHERE obj.className = 'PDCKlassen.VariantClass' AND 
obj2.className = 'PDCKlassen.ProductClass' AND 
idVarProp.id.id = obj.id AND idVarProp.id.name = 'identificatieString' AND 
codeVarProp.id.id = obj.id AND codeVarProp.id.name = 'codeVariant' AND 
naamVarProp.id.id = obj.id AND naamVarProp.id.name = 'naamVariant' AND 
idVarProdProp.id.id = obj.id AND idVarProdProp.id.name = 'product' AND 
idProdProp.id.id = obj2.id AND idProdProp.id.name = 'identificatieString' AND 
codeProdProp.id.id = obj2.id AND codeProdProp.id.name = 'productCode' AND 
naamProdProp.id.id = obj2.id AND naamProdProp.id.name = 'naam' AND 
idVarProdProp.value = idProdProp.value AND
obj.name <> 'PDCKlassen.VariantTemplate' AND obj2.name <> 
ORDER BY codeProdProp.value, codeVarProp.value
XWiki Class name = [empty]
Id Field Name = [empty]
Value Field Name = [empty]

The functional side is, that this field can contain 0 - n occurrences. 

We have a java based listener that is used to save pages with one (and only 
one) object this class on the page with a version comment: 

xwikiContext.getWiki().saveDocument(XWikiDocument, comment, true, xwikiContext)

Situation 1: The object contains zero references (i.e. is empty)

the following is happening:

Version 1.1 - This is the initial version
After generating a listener event that saves the document (version 1.1) as 
Version 1.2 - with the proper comment as passed by the save and as comment 
“first comment"
After generating another listener event that saves the same document (version 
1.2 this time) as above and as comment “second comment":
Version 1.2 - no change detected. The version comment is still “first comment”
Editing the page and pressing save button:
Version 1.3 (minor edit) of Version 2.1 (major edit)
If I go back to the first step (as described after Version 1.1), the same 
results show up.

I have checked everything up to that actual save in the XWiki class. I can see 
that the information passed to the saveDocument in the XWiki class is the 
‘right’ information.

Situation 2: The object contains one (or more) references (i.e. is not empty)

the following is happening:

Version 1.1 - This is the initial version
After generating a listener event that saves the document (version 1.1) as 
above with comment “first comment"
Version 1.2 - with the proper comment as passed by the save and as comment 
“first comment"
After generating another listener event that saves the same document (version 
1.2 this time) as above and as comment “second comment":
Version 1.3 - with the proper comment as passed by the second save and the 
comment “second comment”

Since I did not understand what is actually happening, I have dogged in the 
various aspects such as comparing object, sheets and whatnot but I could not 
detect any difference.

Until I decided to change “Relational Storage” to false. This resulted in the 
proper situation (described by Situation 2 - with an empty DBList as well as an 
non-empty DBList)

What is the effect is for the “Relational Storage” parameter?
Why is the situation as above occurring and is this the expected result or is 
this a bug or undocumented feature?

I’m sorry for the extensive explanation but it took me also a while to figure 
out what happened.



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