Hello everyone,

First of all, thank you for all your localization contributions. We need
your help for some missing translations, for German and Spanish languages
for XWiki 5.4.2 version.

Some aspects about translations:

1. In the last week I verified which translations for XWiki are missing and
I've made some reports, because we can not find all the keys on l10n and in
these reports I attached some screenshots for more easily identifying the
a) For French:
b) For German:
c) For Spanish:
2. Translations for French were finished, so now we just need some
translations for Spanish and German.
3. I tested the translations on XWiki 5.4.2, so, I will recommend you (if
you can help us) to use the same version.

A few questions about the translations:

1. Do you prefer I continue making these kinds reports (with screenshots),
or do you simply want a list of l10n keys?
2. In case you prefer a list of keys for l10n, for the missing keys should
I create a mini-report with screenshots attached?

Thank you wall and I wait your feedback,
Andreea Popescu
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