
I have a problem to set up the right page permissions  (or may be I have a 
understanding problem ... ) using XWIKI 9.3

I want to set up access permissions to a certain page and to all children of 
this page. 

- A group "XWikiAdminDocumentation" was created. 
- A page "Administration" was created to be filled with documentation for 
administrators only.
- Only members of group "XWikiAdminDocumentation" should have access to page 
   (and all coming child pages of "Administration").
- At page "Administration", menu "Administer Page - Users and Groups - Rights: 
Page & Children" 
  I set up the following permissions:
--- ALL rights to groups "XWikiAdminDocumentation" and "XWikiAdminGroup".
--- NO rights to groups like "XWikiAllGroup" and "XWikiGuests".
--- Please, have a look at the attached screenshot (sorry fort he "German 
screenshot" but the screenshot should be self-explaining I hope).

- The problems are:
--- First thing: As an administrator I can't forbid the  right "Admin". Yes, I 
can disable this right. But if I open the menu 
     "Page Administration: Rights: Page & Children" a second time the former 
set right "is lost" (see screenshot).
--- Second thing: Despite oft he defined page permission rights a user of the 
group "XWikiAllGroup" kann read and edit 
     the page "Administration". Much worse, this user can also open the 
"Administer Page" menu and he can change the permissions.

I found no corresponding exceptions in the xwiki.log, therefore, from a 
technical point of view every thing seems to be okay.

Now, I have no more ideas what elso to do :(

Kind regards, Thomas

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